Friday, March 30, 2007

My view!

Rosie O'Donnell....I've lost total respect for you. I don't like you!

I watch The View and I get disgusted every times she opens her mouth. She speaks as though our government is the only government that does things behind its people's back. I'm tired of hearing how the Middle East governments are diplomatically not accountable for how ALMOST the entire world views them. Do they not blow each other up? Do they not terrorize tourists? Do they not treat them women like they were slugs? Do they not allow MOST women and girls the chance of education? Are the women not raped and beaten? Hello?

Back to Iran. Who's right? Were the English in Iranian waters or Iraqi waters? The Iranian say they were in Iranian water. The English say they have GPS proof that they were 2 miles outside the Iranian boundary in Iraqi waters.

I'm sorry Barbara Walters and made a mistake. You ruined The View. It's no longer The View. It's Rosie's view. Nobody elses. Yeah, she has improved your ratings...for now. But once we all get tired of her rants....then what will you do?

I'm sickened.

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