Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Made a Friend at a Red Light

Two days ago, on my way to the trusty ol' WallyWorld, I'm driving along in my big, bad Dodge. Living in a small town, that has loads of people (loads of military families), the traffic is insane. The stop lights are timed in some places, so you pretty much are at the mercy of the city.

Anyway, I'm driving along, windows rolled down and I'm blaring Shinhwa (totally cool Korean R&B group) out my stereo. I eventually make it to one of those blasted timed red lights. So, I sit there tapping my fingers along with the beat of the song on my steering wheel.

Next thing ya know, a car stops right along beside me and the passenger of the car starts yelling and waving at me. I turn down my stereo and look out my window thinking she was telling me that I have a flat tire or something.


She starts yelling excitedly at me.

"Was that Shinhwa?"
"You know who Shinhwa are?"
.....and more stuff like that.

I tell her I know a lot of Korean, Japanese, and even Chinese/Taiwan groups and bands. Shinhwa are my favorite band out of S. Korea.

She got all happy and was telling me whe was totally shocked to see a white girl jammin' to a band that is exclusive to Korea. I laughed.

Out of that whole time at the red light, we ended exchanging email addresses. I turned up the volume of my Shinhwa CD and we both happily sang along to A Perfect Man.

Then the light turned green.

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