Saturday, March 10, 2007

Sheer Genius!

Matthew. My Matthew!

The kid has a talent of letting you think he is a dumbo and then pulls Bill Gates out of his brain. What the....? Okay, he is only 9 years old and in 3rd grade. I'm not calling Harvard yet. LOL! "What gives?" You might be asking yourself. Thursday afternoon, he comes home and tells me he has a note from the teacher. I dig through his backpack and find an envelope. Not usually a good sign. I open it up slowly and take a deep breath. "What am I going to have to ground him for?" is the thought running through my head. I open up the letter and it's type written. Another not-so-good sign which means it could be coming from the counselor or principle. Ugh! I read the note.

He PASSED his TAKS (It's like the SAT for elementary and high school kids) exam in reading. Cool! So I unfold the other piece of paper and read the results. OMG! He aced the exam. ACED IT! Out of 2500 points, he got a 2487. He missed only 1 question. Only 1. OMG! And as I'm reading this and totally freaking out...Matthew pulls out another test score. Not the dreaded TAKS mind you but another very important exam. (Texas just loves to test the fiesta out of the joke!) It was the Math Curriculum Based Assessment. He got a freaking 100%!

Then after all the hugs and high fives....I have to help him untie the knot in his shoestrings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great! Congratulations, Matthew!