Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

I was introduced to this thing called an iPod. Not by commercials with images in black wearing iPods streaming from their ears in white. No. A friend informed me of this wonderful gadget that my favorite shoe company was offering. It's called NIKE+. It is wireless. You put it in your shoe (some Nike shoes even have a secret compartment under the inserts that houses said gadget), then you hook receiver to your iPod. It tracks distance, calories, speed, time, plays music to the rhythm of your running cadence. It even predicts the future. Okay not really. But hey it does everything else. So I mosied on over the our neighborhood PX. Slapped some plastic down and bought me an Apple. Got home. Logged onto to my wireless internet and went straight to I ordered the Nike+ Sport kit. And lucky me....the PX sells the shoes. I don't really need them but hey.....if the shoe fits.........................

I'm wearin' it!

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