Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Day in the life......................

Yes, I know it's been a looooong while since I last talked of myself or my family. Well, when you live a boring life, there isn't much to say. My life is a repetitious, monotonous, Groundhogs Day life.

It's a get up, make coffee, let the dog out, read email, go to my favorite fitness forum, drink my coffee, exericse (yoga or run a long distance), take a shower, check my email again, feed Lauren, clean Lauren, change Lauren, get the boys to school, keep Lauren from climbing everything, let the dog back in kind of morning. Every day.

Then it's a still keep Lauren from climbing, keep the living room clean, vacuum, put the dishes in the dishwasher, put a load of clothes in the washer, put a load of clothes in the dryer, fold and hang a load of clothes that are done, keep Lauren from climbing, keep the living room clean, vacuum, make my bed, let the dog back out, feed Lauren, clean Lauren, change Lauren, put Lauren down for a nap, clean Lauren's lunch mess, make my lunch, eat, check my email, go to my favorite fitness forum, watch the afternoon news, then watch All My Children, then watch One Life to Live, all while taking another load of laundry out of dryer, put another load of laundry into washer, fold and hang more clean laundry, make a snack bag for Lauren, fill Lauren's sippy cup, get Lauren out of crib, change Lauren's diaper, grab keys, put Lauren in stroller, lock house, take Lauren for a walk around neighborhood while going to pick up Matthew from school kind of afternoon.

Then it's a wait for Matthew at the front doors at school, walk Matthew home, clean the living room again, keep Lauren from climbing, check Matthew's school work, sign his schoolwork journal, help Matthew study his weekly vocabulary, turn on cartoons, watch Pokemon and Naruto (which I have to admit I'm terribly addicted to now), yell at children to do their daily chores, make dinner for kids, feed Lauren, clean Lauren, change Lauren's diaper, clean boys' dinner mess, put dishes into dish washer, keep Lauren from climbing some more, clean living room, watch a bit of Everybody Loves Raymond reruns, give Lauren a bath, tell the boys to take their showers, dry Lauren, put Lauren's pj's on her, brush her hair, make a huge bowl of air-popped popcorn (thank you Sis for the most awesome Christmas gift...which is well used), watch nighttime TV or read (depending what is on and what day of the week it is), put Lauren to bed, tell the boys to go to bed, turn off living room TV, let dog back in, I get ready for bed, turn on my bedroom TV, watch TV or read, then take glasses off, turn on alarm, turn off TV, and go to sleep kind of evening.

Oh there is the occasional trips to Walmart, Target, the commissary/PX or to the mall to break up some of the monotony. There is the occasional trips to the doctors for appointments. Or the few phone calls from Bobby, my Mom, or friends.

So there ya go.


Anonymous said...

I. AM. EXHAUSTED. ...and glad my girls are all grown up. :)

(Ok, more times than not, I wish they were still little and all at home again.)

Anonymous said...

There's something to be said for a "boring" life :-) It means you've got your priorities straight, everybody is healthy, and that you are happy...for you aren't looking to change a thing.


Lindsay said...

lol i know what you mean......hey sheree i have something i want to email you but i don't have your email address...can you send me a blank email or something so i can send it to ya?