Friday, April 27, 2007

Twice it's happened!

1. I was walking this morning (4 miles total around the neighborhood)......sweating bullets (not all that pretty), my nose and ears were red and raw from the cold wind, no make-up, my hair windblown all over the place, sweat spots on my running pants and t-shirt jacket.....and a guy driving by slows down and wolf whistles at me and yells at me..."You're Hot!" and then speeds off and drives away in his Mustang.

2. There are workers outside hooking up a new home, I'm outside with Lauren letting her play in the sand, and one of the workers, after they are done, walks over and asks me..."Are you married?" Totally shocked me. Of course, I told him I was married. Then he tells me "Too bad." And then he winks at me.What the....??? I have no make-up on. I have on long navy blue running pants with racing stripes down the side, and old grey ARMY t-shirt on, with black NIKE Shox. My hair is in ponytail...and it's all poofy in the sides and back (my hair is extra thick, with spiral waves and does whatever the heck it wants if I don't control it).

Is it my brand new glasses?

Yeah, that must be it.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

OOOOH! I bet you smiled to yourself huh? That REALLY uplifts you when you get comments like that!