Monday, January 07, 2008

Spelling Bee..........a pet peeve.

Okay people. If you are going to blog or post or write a book, check your spelling. I can't stand it, having to read elementary school mistakes that an adult should know better.

Now, I understand typos. I understand missing letters (from a typo). But an all out spelling error makes my teeth ache and eyes bleed. Yes, the English language can be complicated but it's not overly hard. You've been speaking it (most of us born in an English speaking nation) since you learned to say "mama", "dada", or "dog".

There is this thing called a d.i.c.t.i.o.n.a.r.y. Use it. Hell, use the spell check on your computer. If you don't have spell check...get it! Geez!

Here are a few words that I've noticed that I see lots of people using improperly or misspelled.

Sense, Since, Scents-it's not spelled scence (not a word), sence (means "temple" in slovenian), scense (not a word). Sense-Any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which humans and animals perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside the body. Since-From then till now. Scents-A distinctive, often agreeable odor. See synonyms fragrance, smell.

Their, There, They're-are the most commonly used words I've seen abused. Their-A form of the possessive case of they used as an attributive adjective, before a noun: their home; their rights as citizens; their departure for Rome.
There-In or at that place (opposed to here): She is there now; At that point in an action, speech, etc.: He stopped there for applause. They're-They are. Duh.

Mabey-no,no,no! It's maybe. Geez!

Oh, there are other words that I could name but I haven't got the time or the patience.

I don't mind slang words like "ain't". As long as they are spelled correctly. Come on. Sometimes I wonder how people graduated from school. Now I understand why the state of Texas is as hard as they are on these stupid tests. If my sons or daughter graduated from school and couldn't spell a seemingly simple word......I'd die from humiliation. Now I'm not expecting perfection for complex words that even Bill Gates couldn't spell...just simple every day to day words used often in sentences.

If you can spell onomatopoeia without using the dictionary....kudos to you!


Lindsay said...

I notice the "scence" a aggravates me too lol

Laura said...

Well, first, let me admit that when I read your blog I immediately read mine to make sure I wasn't the "last straw" lol! That being said, proper English is very important to me. I am guilty of many typos and often let my punctuation go wonky online, but do have similar frustrations as you. I understand that not everyone is a "word geek" like me (as a t-shirt that Nick gave me says), but there are a lot of simple errors, like you say, that pop up all too often. Sad, really.

Unknown said...

Laura, you have nothing to worry about. You are literary perfection! If you use a word incorrectly or misspell a word, it's because you are right and the word was wrong. LOL!

You are my literary sensei!