Thursday, January 11, 2007

My View

I consider myself a democrat. I'm not registered so I guess what I say doesn't really count. But yet, here, I can say what I want.

Tonight the Prez will speak about sending 20,000 more troops to Iraq. I don't like it because that means our guys will suffer immensely. They are overloaded. They are tired. They have no relief. The 20,000 being sent aren't to replace, ease, or relief the already thousands over there. BUT, the already said men will be safer? That I can't answer. And my husband's chances become greater and more likely to go "over there" more often than before. We don't have enough National Guard and/or new recruits. And some might say that the new recruits are too new. They aren't war hardened and are trigger happy. Not safe.

But you see, this is not why I'm writing. Yes, I worry about our guys but I'm more concerned about the facts that are being criticized, percieved, told and rumored on television. I swear if I hear "I support the troops but not the war." I will PUKE! Our soldiers are our modern day knights. Soldiers are trained for fighting and bettering their job at war. So in that aspect if the guys sat at home training with no wars....the government shuts down bases and post, they stop passing bills for better equipment, no more raises, soldier's family gets sub-standard health care (and it ain't all that now), and the guys have it harder getting promotions because their won't be enough slots open if the military shrinks because of downsizing. All because of no wars!

So in general, if you don't support the don't support the troops. In the end, our guys get the shaft while the government keeps spending money on BS and giving themselves raises.

Don't get me wrong. We shouldn't be "over there". Who the heck wants there son, daughter, wife, husband, and/or grandchildren "over there"? But in the end, wars are sometimes a necessity. We don't like them but we need them. But without them....the US wouldn't be the what they are today. And my husband wouldn't be "all that he could be." But the wars that need be fought, should be those that protect us....not an oil field or a strategic area. But I don't get to choose the war I want to fight, so I have to step back and just accept fate.

I feel like I'm going in circles here.

So, as I was trying to say..........we as a nation have to accept the war that was given to us, support it, so then you can say "I support the troops!"

And, hopefully, our guys can come peace.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I agree with you 100%. It is too a point I dont even want to talk to my mother because the war is all she wants to talk about and slam bush and slam the government and slam military actions in Iraq. And like you said...if one more time she says "I support the troops but I don't support the war"...I am going to scream. And yeah it is close to my heart. My husband and the father of my babies is in the heart of Baghdad for the second time in 3 years. He was less than a mile from that 10 hour fight the other day that was on CNN.

3rd ID just deployed for the 3rd time since the war started. My heart goes out to them. 3 year long deployments to Iraq. Hell the 2nd one is hard enough.

Maybe we have to stay in a certain mind set in order to be able to deal with the life we lead as army wives. We HAVE to feel the way we do about the war, the troops, and our husbands to survive! If we start hating all of it our lives will just be misery.

Anyway...I agree. As long as our men are over "there" then they are keeping the bad guys to busy to come over here. Maybe that is what I have to tell myself to get through this but none the less it is how I feel.