I haven't posted here in so long. I know....don't beat me....please!
I have so many things to talk about.
First, my cat Smokey, who I have had since he was 6 weeks old, was put to rest on Friday, September 12th. I haven't posted about him because it was really hard to not think of him and not ball my eyes out. I'm more at peace now. I brought him home with me in September of 1992. Yeah, he was 16 years old. He was old but a fighter to the end. I had to put him down because he was losing weight quickly (and he was already underweight as it was) and his skin started to turn yellow underneath his grey fur. Ugh! He was my "old man", my "Smokey man", "Sir Smoke-a-lot", the "Smoke meister". He loved fresh microwaved popcorn (the buttery kind), raisins and prunes (weird, I know), and he loved to jump on my chest and knead my hair. The latter is the hardest. It's weird not having him by my side.
Second, I'm having difficulty with snide remarks about the American people from those from overseas. I'm not here to start a war. I'm here to clarify things.
I've read hundreds of things about we Americans are snobs and think we are the best. Well, that being said, I don't think we are snobs. Being the best? Aren't we? We are the best of every nation. What I mean is.....is that we are country compiled of "mutts". We aren't a pure bred race of people. We are the best of every person who has decided to come across the " great ponds" and have spread their seeds. For every "pure bred" race, their children, grandchildren, and their children will reproduce with another "mutt" from our country and creat a stronger person. We are the best from every nation. Their aren't any Japanese, Chinese, German, Africans, etc...that live here. They are Japanese-American, Chinese-American, German-American, etc. We are a blessed country to have these people of different nations that decide to crossover and spread their ancestry to us. Aren't we becoming a better country because of this?
I'm a person with no certain race. I do know I have Canadian blood, German blood, English blood, and Native American blood.
When I read or hear about how we Americans "know it all" and said with sarcasm. It hurts. It really, really hurts. We are characterized by our government. We the people, chose our President...yes. But if it doesn't work out....we out him in four years. But as a people, we shouldn't be judged because of one man or one government. Proud to be an American..yes! I'm proud to be a white girl with "muddled" blood.
This girl wants to be friends with all who are willling to except me as I am. American.
Most Americans on average are segregated to this country. Meaning? I have never left the mainland. Have never crossed the borders. We might be a rich country but not all of us are rich. Many of us are just lucky to go to a different state, if we can. So naive we might be to other cultures. But thanks to the internet...that is being remedied.
So as to my Mid-Life Anime Crisis, has led me to love the Asian culture. I've never been there but so want to before I die. I want to eat Japanese ramen and drink Sake, Korean kim chi and bimbap with Soju.
So for someone to hate Americans, you have to have been here. You have to meet our people of "mutts". Embrace our culture before you decide you hate us. We welcome those with open arms who truly want to learn about us. We want to tell you why we think we are the best. You don't have to believe it or accept it.
But to be an American you don't have to be. Nations now are becoming thinned blood. Pure breeds almost don't exist anymore. Only cultures really remain. If cultures could be taught in schoools, would separation of nations become non-existant? Could the two Koreas finally merge?
I know my topic is all over the place. I have so many thoughts that are merging and separating as I type this.
Having the best of every nation that runs through our blood, I would say that yes...Americans are the best because thanks to you (our friends, neighbors, allies, enemies, cultures), we wouldn't be the "mutts" we are today
This is about my life and my family's life...living in this wonderful country called KOREA.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Made a Friend at a Red Light
Two days ago, on my way to the trusty ol' WallyWorld, I'm driving along in my big, bad Dodge. Living in a small town, that has loads of people (loads of military families), the traffic is insane. The stop lights are timed in some places, so you pretty much are at the mercy of the city.
Anyway, I'm driving along, windows rolled down and I'm blaring Shinhwa (totally cool Korean R&B group) out my stereo. I eventually make it to one of those blasted timed red lights. So, I sit there tapping my fingers along with the beat of the song on my steering wheel.
Next thing ya know, a car stops right along beside me and the passenger of the car starts yelling and waving at me. I turn down my stereo and look out my window thinking she was telling me that I have a flat tire or something.
She starts yelling excitedly at me.

"Was that Shinhwa?"
"You know who Shinhwa are?"
.....and more stuff like that.
I tell her I know a lot of Korean, Japanese, and even Chinese/Taiwan groups and bands. Shinhwa are my favorite band out of S. Korea.
She got all happy and was telling me whe was totally shocked to see a white girl jammin' to a band that is exclusive to Korea. I laughed.
Out of that whole time at the red light, we ended exchanging email addresses. I turned up the volume of my Shinhwa CD and we both happily sang along to A Perfect Man.
Then the light turned green.
Anyway, I'm driving along, windows rolled down and I'm blaring Shinhwa (totally cool Korean R&B group) out my stereo. I eventually make it to one of those blasted timed red lights. So, I sit there tapping my fingers along with the beat of the song on my steering wheel.
Next thing ya know, a car stops right along beside me and the passenger of the car starts yelling and waving at me. I turn down my stereo and look out my window thinking she was telling me that I have a flat tire or something.
She starts yelling excitedly at me.

"Was that Shinhwa?"
"You know who Shinhwa are?"
.....and more stuff like that.
I tell her I know a lot of Korean, Japanese, and even Chinese/Taiwan groups and bands. Shinhwa are my favorite band out of S. Korea.
She got all happy and was telling me whe was totally shocked to see a white girl jammin' to a band that is exclusive to Korea. I laughed.
Out of that whole time at the red light, we ended exchanging email addresses. I turned up the volume of my Shinhwa CD and we both happily sang along to A Perfect Man.
Then the light turned green.
Rain is BACK...Beijing Closing Ceremonies!
*I know this is days late but I've been trying to catch up on Cartoon KAT-TUN so please forgive me. I also have many more movies to blog also. Hopefully, I'll get to those tomorrow...*

Okay, on to my guy! I was so upset with NBC coverage of the final concert. They give Leona Lewis and Jimmy Page, an awesome overview performance. Yeah, Leona belted out that song awesomely. But come on! Rain is more famous in China than Leona Lewis!!!!!!!!!!
So I spent 2.5 hours of my time (neglected KAT-TUN) to wait for Rain's performance. Only a 30 second glimpse pretty much. I was soooooo pissed it wasn't even funny. A few fellow bloggers and forum friends also shared the same view as I. Eeeeergh! Oh and to top it off, NBC announced him as a Chinese performer. I 'bout choked on my Diet Mountain Dew! NBC you're such dumb asses, it ain't funny.
But!!!!! What we did see was a handsome, elegant Rain. The long hair was chopped off and the old Rain was back at it. That beautifully sculpted body and magnanimous voice.....*sigh*
Rain is Back!!!!
January 2009 won't get here fast enough to see his next cinematic performance as a Ninja Assassin! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!

Okay, on to my guy! I was so upset with NBC coverage of the final concert. They give Leona Lewis and Jimmy Page, an awesome overview performance. Yeah, Leona belted out that song awesomely. But come on! Rain is more famous in China than Leona Lewis!!!!!!!!!!
So I spent 2.5 hours of my time (neglected KAT-TUN) to wait for Rain's performance. Only a 30 second glimpse pretty much. I was soooooo pissed it wasn't even funny. A few fellow bloggers and forum friends also shared the same view as I. Eeeeergh! Oh and to top it off, NBC announced him as a Chinese performer. I 'bout choked on my Diet Mountain Dew! NBC you're such dumb asses, it ain't funny.
But!!!!! What we did see was a handsome, elegant Rain. The long hair was chopped off and the old Rain was back at it. That beautifully sculpted body and magnanimous voice.....*sigh*
Rain is Back!!!!
January 2009 won't get here fast enough to see his next cinematic performance as a Ninja Assassin! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!

Monday, June 23, 2008
Gackt.....The HOTTEST Japanese Rockstar..........
..........I'M IN LOVE!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Jonas Brothers in Dallas, TX?
I need to clarify something. This really pisses me off sometimes. Grand Prairie is not, will not, can not be in Dallas because it is it's own city. Grand Prairie IS IN Dallas County and that is it. Grand Prairie is equally in the middle of Dallas and Ft. Worth. The NOKIA theater IS IN Grand Prarie! Duh!!!!!
So when I read that a band played IN Dallas.....NOT! It's Grand Prairie....my hometown! Get it straight people!
So when I read that a band played IN Dallas.....NOT! It's Grand Prairie....my hometown! Get it straight people!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Japanese + Blood Types
What does your blood type mean?
A common superstition in Japan is that blood type is an indicator of a person's personality; similar to the Western belief in the Signs of the Zodiac (the Zodiac custom is also popular in Japan).
This custom is said to have started when some doctors in Japan made a medical report stating that people with Type A Blood were generally mild-tempered and intellectual, while people with Type B Blood were just the opposite. Today in Japan, blood type is popularly used as a personality-type indicator. Even though it hasn't been proven to have any scientific basis, many Japanese people believe in these distinctions to one degree or another.
Furukawa Takeji (1891-1940) proposed the theory on the relation between blood types and temperament. During the late Taisho -- early Showa period (1920s).
There are three facts that were found especially interesting and informative.
(1) Furukawa majored in experimental education at university, and upon his employment at a women's high school, he worked in its administration office. He came to believe there that temperamental differences of applicants were responsible for the failure of predicting school performance from results of entrance examination.
(2) He thought that human temperament was so simple that a theory needed to consider only two temperament types.
(3) He was from a family of many doctors, and was familiar with blood type, which was the newest physiological discovery of the day.
Type A
Speaking broadly, it is said that people with Type A Blood are calm, composed, and very level-headed and serious. They have a firm character, and are reliable and trustworthy (and hardheaded). They think things over and make plans deliberately, and they plug away at things steadily and assiduously. They try to make themselves more like their own ideal of what they should be. A Types may look aloof or distant to others. They try to suppress their own emotions, and because they have continual practice in doing this, this makes them appear strong. But, actually, they have a fragile, nervous side, as well. They tend to be hard on people who are not of the same type, and so they consequently tend to be surrounded with people of the same temperament.
Type B
People with Type B Blood are curious about and interested in everything. That's may be good, but they also tend to have too many interests and hobbies, and they tend to get all excited about something suddenly and then later drop it again just as quickly. But they do manage to know which of their many interests or loved ones are the ones that are really important, the ones they should hold on to. B Types tend to excel in things rather than just be average. But they tend to be so involved in their own world or become so carried away with something that they neglect other things. They have the image of being bright and cheerful, full of energy and enthusiasm, but some people think that they are really quite different on the inside. And it can also be said about them that they don't really want to have much real contact with others.
Type O
Type O Blood people are said to set the mood for a group and to take on the role of creating harmony among its members. Their image is one of taking it easy, of being peaceful and carefree. They are also thought to be big-hearted and benevolent, and they tend to spend money on others generously. O Types are generally "loved by all." But, they also, surprisingly, have a stubborn and strong-willed side, as well, and tend to secretly have their own opinions on things. On the other hand, they have the flexible, adaptable side of readily accepting new things. They are easily influenced by other people or by what they see on TV. They seem to appear level-headed and trustworthy, but they often slip and make big blunders inadvertently. But that is also the point that makes O Types lovable.
Type AB
People with Type AB Blood are said to have a delicate sensitivity. They are considerate of other people's feelings and deal with them with care and caution. On the other hand, though, they are strict with themselves and those close to them. They, therefore, seem to have two personalities: one for those "outside," and another for people on the "inside." They often become sentimental, and they tend to think too deeply about things. AB Types have a lot of friends, but they need time to be alone and think things through, as well.
Blood Type A is the most common Japanese blood type. In America, Blood Type O is by far the most prevalent. In Japan, schools carry out thorough physical exams, and so the majority of Japanese people find out their own blood types from the results of these exams. Many Japanese are amazed to learn that a large number of Americans don't know their own blood types. "What's your blood type?" is a question heard much more frequently in Japan than, say, "What's your zodiac sign?" is heard in America. It is sometimes even used in casual self-introductions in informal situations.
Hence this is why you will see in many Anime and Manga listings and information and talked about blood types. This shows how blood type is considered an important enough characteristic in Japan.
I had to put this in because I couldn't figure out why every Asian actor I reviewed or looked up had their blood type posted. At the time, I was like "who gives a flying ****". Evidently the Asain culture do. So I've been doing a little research and comparing it to the Western culture of the zodiac. I'm a Leo. And I'm a total Leo through and through...even the physical traits are soooooo ME.
Well, if you take my blood type (O+) and add my Lioness traits and put them together...well, you get a perpetual bitch. LOL! I'm sure once Bobby reads this he'll be in total agreement. LOL!
But then if you add the Chinese zodiac sign of the Boar (yeah, I was born the year of the pig...stop laughing!), it evens me out and makes me an alright normal person. *whew* I was getting scared there a bit.
A common superstition in Japan is that blood type is an indicator of a person's personality; similar to the Western belief in the Signs of the Zodiac (the Zodiac custom is also popular in Japan).
This custom is said to have started when some doctors in Japan made a medical report stating that people with Type A Blood were generally mild-tempered and intellectual, while people with Type B Blood were just the opposite. Today in Japan, blood type is popularly used as a personality-type indicator. Even though it hasn't been proven to have any scientific basis, many Japanese people believe in these distinctions to one degree or another.
Furukawa Takeji (1891-1940) proposed the theory on the relation between blood types and temperament. During the late Taisho -- early Showa period (1920s).
There are three facts that were found especially interesting and informative.
(1) Furukawa majored in experimental education at university, and upon his employment at a women's high school, he worked in its administration office. He came to believe there that temperamental differences of applicants were responsible for the failure of predicting school performance from results of entrance examination.
(2) He thought that human temperament was so simple that a theory needed to consider only two temperament types.
(3) He was from a family of many doctors, and was familiar with blood type, which was the newest physiological discovery of the day.
Type A
Speaking broadly, it is said that people with Type A Blood are calm, composed, and very level-headed and serious. They have a firm character, and are reliable and trustworthy (and hardheaded). They think things over and make plans deliberately, and they plug away at things steadily and assiduously. They try to make themselves more like their own ideal of what they should be. A Types may look aloof or distant to others. They try to suppress their own emotions, and because they have continual practice in doing this, this makes them appear strong. But, actually, they have a fragile, nervous side, as well. They tend to be hard on people who are not of the same type, and so they consequently tend to be surrounded with people of the same temperament.
Type B
People with Type B Blood are curious about and interested in everything. That's may be good, but they also tend to have too many interests and hobbies, and they tend to get all excited about something suddenly and then later drop it again just as quickly. But they do manage to know which of their many interests or loved ones are the ones that are really important, the ones they should hold on to. B Types tend to excel in things rather than just be average. But they tend to be so involved in their own world or become so carried away with something that they neglect other things. They have the image of being bright and cheerful, full of energy and enthusiasm, but some people think that they are really quite different on the inside. And it can also be said about them that they don't really want to have much real contact with others.
Type O
Type O Blood people are said to set the mood for a group and to take on the role of creating harmony among its members. Their image is one of taking it easy, of being peaceful and carefree. They are also thought to be big-hearted and benevolent, and they tend to spend money on others generously. O Types are generally "loved by all." But, they also, surprisingly, have a stubborn and strong-willed side, as well, and tend to secretly have their own opinions on things. On the other hand, they have the flexible, adaptable side of readily accepting new things. They are easily influenced by other people or by what they see on TV. They seem to appear level-headed and trustworthy, but they often slip and make big blunders inadvertently. But that is also the point that makes O Types lovable.
Type AB
People with Type AB Blood are said to have a delicate sensitivity. They are considerate of other people's feelings and deal with them with care and caution. On the other hand, though, they are strict with themselves and those close to them. They, therefore, seem to have two personalities: one for those "outside," and another for people on the "inside." They often become sentimental, and they tend to think too deeply about things. AB Types have a lot of friends, but they need time to be alone and think things through, as well.
Blood Type A is the most common Japanese blood type. In America, Blood Type O is by far the most prevalent. In Japan, schools carry out thorough physical exams, and so the majority of Japanese people find out their own blood types from the results of these exams. Many Japanese are amazed to learn that a large number of Americans don't know their own blood types. "What's your blood type?" is a question heard much more frequently in Japan than, say, "What's your zodiac sign?" is heard in America. It is sometimes even used in casual self-introductions in informal situations.
Hence this is why you will see in many Anime and Manga listings and information and talked about blood types. This shows how blood type is considered an important enough characteristic in Japan.

Monday, May 12, 2008
Democrat, Republican or Texan
I'm so glad to be a Texan!! ROFLMAO!
Are you a Democrat, Republican or Texan? Here is a little test that will help you decide The answer can be found by posing the following question:
You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, an Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife, and charges at you. You are carrying a Glock cal. 40, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?
Democrat's Answer: Well, that's not enough information to answer the question !!!
Does the man look poor! Or oppressed?
Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
Could we run away?
what does my wife think?
What about the kids?
What does the law say about this situation?
Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?
Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
Should I call 9-1-1?
Why is this street so deserted?
We need to raise taxes, have paint and weed day and make this happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.
Republican's Answer: BANG!
Texans Answer: BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! Click ... (The Sounds of Reloading ...) BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! Click ...
Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy !!! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?
Son: Why did that dumb SOB bring a knife to a gun fight?
Wife: You Ain't Taking That To The Taxidermist!!!!
Are you a Democrat, Republican or Texan? Here is a little test that will help you decide The answer can be found by posing the following question:
You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, an Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises the knife, and charges at you. You are carrying a Glock cal. 40, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?
Democrat's Answer: Well, that's not enough information to answer the question !!!
Does the man look poor! Or oppressed?
Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
Could we run away?
what does my wife think?
What about the kids?
What does the law say about this situation?
Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children?
Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
Should I call 9-1-1?
Why is this street so deserted?
We need to raise taxes, have paint and weed day and make this happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.
Republican's Answer: BANG!
Texans Answer: BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! Click ... (The Sounds of Reloading ...) BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! BANG !!! Click ...
Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy !!! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?
Son: Why did that dumb SOB bring a knife to a gun fight?
Wife: You Ain't Taking That To The Taxidermist!!!!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
(Bi)Rain and Stephen Colbert Dance-Off
May 5, 2008 Episode
I'll be watching you this weekend Rain!
I'll be watching you this weekend Rain!
Stephen Colbert April 21 Recap
More Rain!!!!
I can't get enough!!
I can't get enough!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Why learning Korean is gonna be a bitch?
Okay, Bobby lent me his Korean/Engish dictionaries. Oh that is all fine and dandy. Watching Korean movies and dramas are helpful. But saying their speech patterns on my own are freakin' tongue twisters from hell. My tongue can't seem to follow. Case in point:
Japanese-moshi moshi.
Not too bad. I can deal. Now how about:
English-hello, hi
Korean-annyonghasipnigga, annyonghaseyo
Goodbye (Informal):
English-bye, see ya
Korean-annyonghi kasipsio
Japanese-ja ne
Domesticated feline:
Domesticated canine:
The Japanese language written in the romanized form (the way it's pronounced) is actually relative to the latin pronunciation. The vowels are all pronounced A-ah, E-eh, I-ee, O-oh, U-oo to the most extent. All languages have exceptions to the rule. I'm sure the vowels can be pronounced or excluded in some instances. So to me Japanese would be a far easier language to master. Korean.....OMG.....the consenants and vowels do NOT sound how they are spelled in English. For instance...."s" or "sh" make the ss sound, as in the word "same", "ae" makes the aa sound, as in the word "cat", "yo" with a majiggy above the o makes the "yur" sound as in "yearn". Just shoot me in the head with that last bit of information. There are no "f's", "v's", or "z's" in Korean sounds. Aaagh! Maybe I need a better dictionary. LOL!
Well, there is your tutorial for the day. I'm sure there will be more to come. Right now my tongue hurts from biting it so much from all the Korean tongue twisters.
Annyonghi kasipsio for now!
Japanese-moshi moshi.
Not too bad. I can deal. Now how about:
English-hello, hi
Korean-annyonghasipnigga, annyonghaseyo
Goodbye (Informal):
English-bye, see ya
Korean-annyonghi kasipsio
Japanese-ja ne
Domesticated feline:
Domesticated canine:
The Japanese language written in the romanized form (the way it's pronounced) is actually relative to the latin pronunciation. The vowels are all pronounced A-ah, E-eh, I-ee, O-oh, U-oo to the most extent. All languages have exceptions to the rule. I'm sure the vowels can be pronounced or excluded in some instances. So to me Japanese would be a far easier language to master. Korean.....OMG.....the consenants and vowels do NOT sound how they are spelled in English. For instance...."s" or "sh" make the ss sound, as in the word "same", "ae" makes the aa sound, as in the word "cat", "yo" with a majiggy above the o makes the "yur" sound as in "yearn". Just shoot me in the head with that last bit of information. There are no "f's", "v's", or "z's" in Korean sounds. Aaagh! Maybe I need a better dictionary. LOL!
Well, there is your tutorial for the day. I'm sure there will be more to come. Right now my tongue hurts from biting it so much from all the Korean tongue twisters.
Annyonghi kasipsio for now!
Monday, April 14, 2008
To be a Texan
Things I Have Learned From Living in Texas......
Possums sleep in the middle of the road with their feet in the air.
There are 5,000 types of snakes on earth and 4,998 live in Texas.
There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 live in Texas plus a couple no one's seen before.
If it grows, it sticks; if it crawls, it bites.
Onced and Twiced are words.
It is not a shopping cart; it is a Buggy.
Houses have "Winders" and "Windas", never has a window been seen.
South of I-20, People actually grow and eat okra.
"Fixinto" is one word.
There is no such thing as "lunch." There is only dinner and then there is supper.
(sweet) Iced tea is appropriate for all meals... and you start drinking it when you're two.
Backards and forards means "I know everything about you."
"DJeet? is actually a phrase meaning "Did you eat?"
You don't have to wear a watch because it doesn't matter what time it is. You work until you're done or it's too dark to see.
You don't PUSH buttons, you MASH them.
You measure distance in hours and minutes, not miles.
You've had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.
"Fixing" is a verb. Example: "I'm fixing to go to the store.
All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect or animal.
You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked.
You know what a "DAWG" is.
Yall is a word.
You carry jumper cables in your car. . .for your OWN car.
There are only four spices: salt, pepper, Tabasco and ketchup.
The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require 6 pages for local gossip and
The first day of deer season is a holiday.
100 degrees Fahrenheit "a little warm."
We have four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, still Summer and Christmas.
Going to Wal-mart is a favorite pasttime known as "goin' Wal-martin" or off to "Wally World."
A cool snap (below 70 degrees) is good pinto-bean weather.
Fried catfish is the other white meat.
We don't need no stinking driver's ed . . .if our mama says we can drive, we can drive.
Possums sleep in the middle of the road with their feet in the air.
There are 5,000 types of snakes on earth and 4,998 live in Texas.
There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 live in Texas plus a couple no one's seen before.
If it grows, it sticks; if it crawls, it bites.
Onced and Twiced are words.
It is not a shopping cart; it is a Buggy.
Houses have "Winders" and "Windas", never has a window been seen.
South of I-20, People actually grow and eat okra.
"Fixinto" is one word.
There is no such thing as "lunch." There is only dinner and then there is supper.
(sweet) Iced tea is appropriate for all meals... and you start drinking it when you're two.
Backards and forards means "I know everything about you."
"DJeet? is actually a phrase meaning "Did you eat?"
You don't have to wear a watch because it doesn't matter what time it is. You work until you're done or it's too dark to see.
You don't PUSH buttons, you MASH them.
You measure distance in hours and minutes, not miles.
You've had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.
"Fixing" is a verb. Example: "I'm fixing to go to the store.
All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect or animal.
You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked.
You know what a "DAWG" is.
Yall is a word.
You carry jumper cables in your car. . .for your OWN car.
There are only four spices: salt, pepper, Tabasco and ketchup.
The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require 6 pages for local gossip and
The first day of deer season is a holiday.
100 degrees Fahrenheit "a little warm."
We have four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, still Summer and Christmas.
Going to Wal-mart is a favorite pasttime known as "goin' Wal-martin" or off to "Wally World."
A cool snap (below 70 degrees) is good pinto-bean weather.
Fried catfish is the other white meat.
We don't need no stinking driver's ed . . .if our mama says we can drive, we can drive.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Bi (Rain)
Okay, okay. I'm converted....a little bit anyway. I'm a hard rock, heavy metal, alternative freak. But..........this guy has made me a new believer. Hehe!

I watched a Korean drama called Full House (nothing like the idiotic comedy shown here years ago). Bi (pronounced "be" and means "rain" in Korean...) is the lead male in the show. It's a comedy about a girl who loses all her money, convinces a model/actor to lend her money, but ends up signing a year marriage contract to pay him back. I guess you can say it's a romance too. Hehe. Anyway, fell in love with this show and discovered he's an R&B singer. Didn't realize he's so popular. So popular that a Mr. Diddy wants to sign him, he's sung with Usher and is good friends with Omarion. So I youtube him and low and behold that innocent face from the show Full House becomes this.........

and this.......

His music is like caramel that is warm and melts on your tongue.
I'm in love!<3
Below are a few of his music videos. My favorites...It's Raining and I Do!!

I watched a Korean drama called Full House (nothing like the idiotic comedy shown here years ago). Bi (pronounced "be" and means "rain" in Korean...) is the lead male in the show. It's a comedy about a girl who loses all her money, convinces a model/actor to lend her money, but ends up signing a year marriage contract to pay him back. I guess you can say it's a romance too. Hehe. Anyway, fell in love with this show and discovered he's an R&B singer. Didn't realize he's so popular. So popular that a Mr. Diddy wants to sign him, he's sung with Usher and is good friends with Omarion. So I youtube him and low and behold that innocent face from the show Full House becomes this.........

and this.......

His music is like caramel that is warm and melts on your tongue.
I'm in love!<3
Below are a few of his music videos. My favorites...It's Raining and I Do!!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
No, I'm talking about the planet. It's a drama that I recently discovered that at this moment has torn, halved, tormented, shredded my heart and soul. The name is actually based on the Roman god but this drama is in fact made in Taiwan. It's foreign. It can be found subbed in English but spoken in Mandarin Chinese. It is probably the best foreign drama that I have seen so far or probably ever. Hell, not just foreign, but any drama ever.

It is based off a manga...a Japanese manga of the same name. It's about a girl (Qilou) who was raped at 16 by her stepfather. From that moment on has never accepted the help or want of male companionship. Afraid of her own shadow, lived in fear of all things. Her world was lived only through art and her paintings. It's about a guy (Ling)who had his own family problems. His twin brother committed suicide and left him empty. Out of fear and loneliness became a womanizer. He used women for sexual gratification and never could find love because of it. His mother also committed suicide prior to his twin brother. And come to find out his dad, isn't his dad, but his uncle. And through it all...a psycopath who is hell bent on destroying him.
It's not just a story of those two characters but about trust, family, love, hate, fear, suicide and recovery. This story was so well acted and written. I can't stop thinking of them.
I know, I know I'm an Asian freak. I love all things that come from there. But this....this story should not be repelled because it isn't spoken in English. I've come to realize that I'm the worst kind of naive American. We Americans, though living on a continent with countries above and below us, act as if we are the only country in the middle of the ocean. Our houses made of gold and silver. Our bodies made of steel. We repel all things non-US. We say we don't but we do. Nobody realizes that other countries embrace other countries other than their own. We Americans only watch American made shows on TV unless it's specifically a channel on cable that allows us to see another culture. Yeah, yeah....we have Spanish channels out the wazzoo. I'm talking another continent people. Did you know other countries see American made television with subs? We don't have subbed television. Why? It sickens me to see that all these wonderful shows that I watch online aren't seen on main stream American television. Totally sickens me. There is so much we could learn from other countries. Heck, I learned a few basic words to get me by in Japan, China and Korea. Not alot but enough. And just by watching these shows online. But, I digress...............
MARS should be seen even if you can't stand reading subs. It's a beautiful story. Okay, okay...and let's not forget that Ling is HOT, HOT, HOT. And because these are seen online..not all the video quality is satisfactory. We have to depend on private fansubs to do these for English speakers. Three of the 21 episodes were not in sync with sound and timing. Ah well. I do what I have to do.
This will not be the only Asian show I review. I've seen so many. So many beautiful, funny stories. Not seen on American television. Ugh. So tired of reality TV. There is only so much American Idol and Dancing with the Stars I can take. The writers strike....well, I thank you! It made me bored enough to find other things...and I found awesome works better than American television could ever produce. So thank you! Expect more reviews in the future.
Recommended dramas:
The Coffee Prince-Korean......(the second forein drama I watched...excellent)
It Started with a Kiss 1&2-Taiwan/Chinese
Bad Couple-Korean
Full House-Korean
Sweet 18-Korean
Hana Kimi-Japanese
Hana Yori Dango 1&2-Japanese
Itazura Na Kiss (It Started with a Kiss...the original before the Chinese got ahold of it)-Japanese
Nodame Cantabile-Japanese (the very first drama....and next to MARS....my favorite)
Meteor Garden 1&2 (the Taiwanese version of Hana Yori Dango)-Taiwan/Chinese
My Lucky Star-Taiwan/Chinese....another AWESOME one!!
Smiling Pasta-Taiwan/Chinese...very funny and loveable.
My next on my list to see.....Sweet Sensation-Taiwan/Chinese. The actor (Vic Zhou) who played Ling is in this one. Got to see it!

It is based off a manga...a Japanese manga of the same name. It's about a girl (Qilou) who was raped at 16 by her stepfather. From that moment on has never accepted the help or want of male companionship. Afraid of her own shadow, lived in fear of all things. Her world was lived only through art and her paintings. It's about a guy (Ling)who had his own family problems. His twin brother committed suicide and left him empty. Out of fear and loneliness became a womanizer. He used women for sexual gratification and never could find love because of it. His mother also committed suicide prior to his twin brother. And come to find out his dad, isn't his dad, but his uncle. And through it all...a psycopath who is hell bent on destroying him.
It's not just a story of those two characters but about trust, family, love, hate, fear, suicide and recovery. This story was so well acted and written. I can't stop thinking of them.
I know, I know I'm an Asian freak. I love all things that come from there. But this....this story should not be repelled because it isn't spoken in English. I've come to realize that I'm the worst kind of naive American. We Americans, though living on a continent with countries above and below us, act as if we are the only country in the middle of the ocean. Our houses made of gold and silver. Our bodies made of steel. We repel all things non-US. We say we don't but we do. Nobody realizes that other countries embrace other countries other than their own. We Americans only watch American made shows on TV unless it's specifically a channel on cable that allows us to see another culture. Yeah, yeah....we have Spanish channels out the wazzoo. I'm talking another continent people. Did you know other countries see American made television with subs? We don't have subbed television. Why? It sickens me to see that all these wonderful shows that I watch online aren't seen on main stream American television. Totally sickens me. There is so much we could learn from other countries. Heck, I learned a few basic words to get me by in Japan, China and Korea. Not alot but enough. And just by watching these shows online. But, I digress...............
MARS should be seen even if you can't stand reading subs. It's a beautiful story. Okay, okay...and let's not forget that Ling is HOT, HOT, HOT. And because these are seen online..not all the video quality is satisfactory. We have to depend on private fansubs to do these for English speakers. Three of the 21 episodes were not in sync with sound and timing. Ah well. I do what I have to do.
This will not be the only Asian show I review. I've seen so many. So many beautiful, funny stories. Not seen on American television. Ugh. So tired of reality TV. There is only so much American Idol and Dancing with the Stars I can take. The writers strike....well, I thank you! It made me bored enough to find other things...and I found awesome works better than American television could ever produce. So thank you! Expect more reviews in the future.
Recommended dramas:
The Coffee Prince-Korean......(the second forein drama I watched...excellent)
It Started with a Kiss 1&2-Taiwan/Chinese
Bad Couple-Korean
Full House-Korean
Sweet 18-Korean
Hana Kimi-Japanese
Hana Yori Dango 1&2-Japanese
Itazura Na Kiss (It Started with a Kiss...the original before the Chinese got ahold of it)-Japanese
Nodame Cantabile-Japanese (the very first drama....and next to MARS....my favorite)
Meteor Garden 1&2 (the Taiwanese version of Hana Yori Dango)-Taiwan/Chinese
My Lucky Star-Taiwan/Chinese....another AWESOME one!!
Smiling Pasta-Taiwan/Chinese...very funny and loveable.
My next on my list to see.....Sweet Sensation-Taiwan/Chinese. The actor (Vic Zhou) who played Ling is in this one. Got to see it!
Friday, February 08, 2008
Spring of 1985
Oh God, I was 13 when I wrote this??
Always, Forever
Always, forever
I'll be there for you
Through all the rough times
I promise to help you through
Anytime you need me
To talk or to cry
My heart is open
I'll do my best,
I'll try
Always, forever
I'll be there for you
I'll always treasure the small things we used to do
I hope you have realized "I Love You", it's true
I never had a true friend I could say that to
Always, forever
I'll love you true friend
We will be together till the earth falls within
I promise you this
I'll be a true friend
We'll walk together to the very end.
Novermber 13, 1990
Again, I was 19 years old.
Pieces of Ashes
He lives in dreams
A smokeless cloud
Pieces of ashes
That reality burned out
I inhale deeply of him
One good, long drag
I hold it in
As his eyes redden and sag
I flick away ashes
That congest my heart
Then I put it out
As our love departs
September 26, 1990
Another one..........I was 19.
So slowly
I'm alone
Bright lights
Humming air-conditioner
I'm alone
I scratch my arm
I write
I look around
So slowly
I'm alone
June 23, 1987
I was 15. I wrote this for a boy who I "loved". Bear with the "cheesiness" of it.........
The Rain
I miss you a lot.
It seems to be
A case of love
A mistaken identity
Many things
Have happened to me
But this love I have
Is hurting me
I cry out for you
This terrible pain
A longing, a fear
I go insane
The love we have
Is without pain
But when you left
Came the rain.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
13 Years Ago
It was 13 years ago, on a cold day, in a far away land that was not Texas, Eric was born. He is no longer my little butt nuggett. He has now crossed over that invisible line that was drawn many moons ago. Not a child. Not an adult. A TEENAGER! God in Heaven, help us all! I love you Eric so very much. I know it's been a hard road fought but you have made it!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Pieces of me
Aye. I haven't written much about me lately. It's been a rough couple of months for me. I feel so....old.
The title of this blog probably fits me the most right now. Midlife crisis? Probably. Most likely. Definitely. No doubt about it.
My life has been rather boring these past few years. No real drama. I guess that would be a blessing. There have been ups-and-downs. Life wouldn't be living if there weren't. But lately, I've felt a piece of me missing. Don't get me wrong. I love my family, my husband, my kids....my life. But I feel that I'm missing something grand. Something yearning deep down in the pit of my heart...just aching to be let loose.
I know that my friends and family think I'm a crazy loon who has totally lost reality. Maybe I have. I didn't just one day say, "Sheree. I think you should start watching Japanese anime." I'm a white, 36-year-old female, middle class, married with 3 kids. How many of those do you know who sit hours at a time watching Japanese cartoons? Not many, if at all.
But lately, well.....I'm 36, damn it! Why should I have to act like one? I feel like I just graduated high school. My body says differently but my heart and brain think otherwise. "I'm 21, really." That's what my heart says. But then I get so depressed when my body contradicts my heart. I'm suffering from aches and pains from yoga and running. My body wants to slow down when my legs want to run. I want to run....fast. I want to run a marathon. I want the body of Madonna. Hell, why can't I? She's 10 years older than me and looks amazing for her age. And is terribly physically fit. I want to be that woman. Not her life. Just to be as creative and active as her.
I don't want to grow up. I rather detest that thought. I don't want to give up my kids or my husband. I actually savor that reality. But why does my body not want to agree? It pains me figuratively and literally.
So I sit at my computer. I write these thoughts down. What is that piece of me that is missing? I delve into the world of Japanese literature, anime, and television. I love it. I've come to discover that as an American, we are too naive in our way of thinking. We believe we are the best and no other country can compare. But are we? We shun other countries but say we will help them if they need help. In Japanese culture, the old are respected, nurtured, cared for, taken care of by their children and grand children. Love is an all encompassing thing. We Americans abuse it and squander it like it was a soiled paper towel ready to be thrown away. Love is a beautiful thing. How do the Japanese make love sound so beautiful? Look so beautiful? Smell so beautiful? Then I realize that one day I will go to Japan...to experience something. Take my family and to surround ourselves in sakura (cherry blossoms), ramen, ride a bullet train, and to listen and to feel the beauty that is Japan.
Is that my missing piece? To travel to this place that has gripped my heart with one hand and has tugged me ever since. Can this wonderful place bring my body and soul back together? Can joy come of it? This is my wish...one day. Even if it was for a day...just one day.
I want to run. I want to be young. I want so many things. The pain that grips the nerve of my left leg and glute makes me realize that I can't go backwards. I must move forward. You are only as young as you want to be. I won't let my body think it's time for early retirement. I want to be........as young as I want to be.
I know this is a bunch of misdirected rambling and pish-posh. No directive, no order. But that is just a piece of me...........
The title of this blog probably fits me the most right now. Midlife crisis? Probably. Most likely. Definitely. No doubt about it.
My life has been rather boring these past few years. No real drama. I guess that would be a blessing. There have been ups-and-downs. Life wouldn't be living if there weren't. But lately, I've felt a piece of me missing. Don't get me wrong. I love my family, my husband, my kids....my life. But I feel that I'm missing something grand. Something yearning deep down in the pit of my heart...just aching to be let loose.
I know that my friends and family think I'm a crazy loon who has totally lost reality. Maybe I have. I didn't just one day say, "Sheree. I think you should start watching Japanese anime." I'm a white, 36-year-old female, middle class, married with 3 kids. How many of those do you know who sit hours at a time watching Japanese cartoons? Not many, if at all.
But lately, well.....I'm 36, damn it! Why should I have to act like one? I feel like I just graduated high school. My body says differently but my heart and brain think otherwise. "I'm 21, really." That's what my heart says. But then I get so depressed when my body contradicts my heart. I'm suffering from aches and pains from yoga and running. My body wants to slow down when my legs want to run. I want to run....fast. I want to run a marathon. I want the body of Madonna. Hell, why can't I? She's 10 years older than me and looks amazing for her age. And is terribly physically fit. I want to be that woman. Not her life. Just to be as creative and active as her.
I don't want to grow up. I rather detest that thought. I don't want to give up my kids or my husband. I actually savor that reality. But why does my body not want to agree? It pains me figuratively and literally.
So I sit at my computer. I write these thoughts down. What is that piece of me that is missing? I delve into the world of Japanese literature, anime, and television. I love it. I've come to discover that as an American, we are too naive in our way of thinking. We believe we are the best and no other country can compare. But are we? We shun other countries but say we will help them if they need help. In Japanese culture, the old are respected, nurtured, cared for, taken care of by their children and grand children. Love is an all encompassing thing. We Americans abuse it and squander it like it was a soiled paper towel ready to be thrown away. Love is a beautiful thing. How do the Japanese make love sound so beautiful? Look so beautiful? Smell so beautiful? Then I realize that one day I will go to Japan...to experience something. Take my family and to surround ourselves in sakura (cherry blossoms), ramen, ride a bullet train, and to listen and to feel the beauty that is Japan.
Is that my missing piece? To travel to this place that has gripped my heart with one hand and has tugged me ever since. Can this wonderful place bring my body and soul back together? Can joy come of it? This is my wish...one day. Even if it was for a day...just one day.
I want to run. I want to be young. I want so many things. The pain that grips the nerve of my left leg and glute makes me realize that I can't go backwards. I must move forward. You are only as young as you want to be. I won't let my body think it's time for early retirement. I want to be........as young as I want to be.
I know this is a bunch of misdirected rambling and pish-posh. No directive, no order. But that is just a piece of me...........
Friday, January 25, 2008
Boys Like Girls~another good band. Another song that makes me feel good. Another song that makes me remember how it felt to be in high school, first love all over again. It makes me smile....alot.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Nodame Cantabile

Yeah, this is a first for me. I'm doing a review on a Japanese live action drama BASED on an actual anime/manga named Nodame Cantabile.
I know many of you think I'm a nut, freak, fanatic, possible loon when it's comes to the Japanese art form. LOL! I'd have to agree if it wasn't me.
This series caught my eye after watching the anime itself. For a first time female viewer of anime, this should be the one to watch! It's funny, entertaining, and heartwarming. You find yourself routing for Nodame and begging Chiaki-senpai to not give up on her. And it's wonderful because it has wonderful classical orchestra music. If you don't believe me, ask Eric. My 13 year old heard me watching it...walked over and watched it online with me. He became as hooked as I was.
If subtitles don't bother you, please watch it. It's a great experience to try new things and learn about another culture. This one anime is a sure thing. After watching the anime series, go to the live action series which follows the anime to a "T". You'll fall in love with Tamaki Hiroshi who plays the character of Chiaki Shinichi.
After watching the series, I found myself hunting movies with Tamaki Hiroshi (in Japan, the surname is first). Eric and I found WaterBoys. Loved it. That will be another review in and by itself...LOL!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Your Guardian Angel
This song is from a band called The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Everytime I hear this, I get this tight feeling in my chest and it's so terribly hard not to tear up. This is LOVE. The kind that makes you believe in all things, we all wish for, the kind we all want, and reminds of us that first kind of young love.
Monday, January 14, 2008
The End.
It was a good game till the end.
But I will say this.....the officiating was atrocious!
Romo don't give up your heart was there...the officials were idiots.
Barber you're a babe.
T.O. kicks butt.
Ware more power to you.
Witten can't get any better than he already is.....because he's the best.
The Texas girl's heart goes out to all the fellow die-hard fans like me and to the players who didn't give up......
Monday, January 07, 2008
Spelling Bee..........a pet peeve.
Okay people. If you are going to blog or post or write a book, check your spelling. I can't stand it, having to read elementary school mistakes that an adult should know better.
Now, I understand typos. I understand missing letters (from a typo). But an all out spelling error makes my teeth ache and eyes bleed. Yes, the English language can be complicated but it's not overly hard. You've been speaking it (most of us born in an English speaking nation) since you learned to say "mama", "dada", or "dog".
There is this thing called a d.i.c.t.i.o.n.a.r.y. Use it. Hell, use the spell check on your computer. If you don't have spell check...get it! Geez!
Here are a few words that I've noticed that I see lots of people using improperly or misspelled.
Sense, Since, Scents-it's not spelled scence (not a word), sence (means "temple" in slovenian), scense (not a word). Sense-Any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which humans and animals perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside the body. Since-From then till now. Scents-A distinctive, often agreeable odor. See synonyms fragrance, smell.
Their, There, They're-are the most commonly used words I've seen abused. Their-A form of the possessive case of they used as an attributive adjective, before a noun: their home; their rights as citizens; their departure for Rome.
There-In or at that place (opposed to here): She is there now; At that point in an action, speech, etc.: He stopped there for applause. They're-They are. Duh.
Mabey-no,no,no! It's maybe. Geez!
Oh, there are other words that I could name but I haven't got the time or the patience.
I don't mind slang words like "ain't". As long as they are spelled correctly. Come on. Sometimes I wonder how people graduated from school. Now I understand why the state of Texas is as hard as they are on these stupid tests. If my sons or daughter graduated from school and couldn't spell a seemingly simple word......I'd die from humiliation. Now I'm not expecting perfection for complex words that even Bill Gates couldn't spell...just simple every day to day words used often in sentences.
If you can spell onomatopoeia without using the dictionary....kudos to you!
Now, I understand typos. I understand missing letters (from a typo). But an all out spelling error makes my teeth ache and eyes bleed. Yes, the English language can be complicated but it's not overly hard. You've been speaking it (most of us born in an English speaking nation) since you learned to say "mama", "dada", or "dog".
There is this thing called a d.i.c.t.i.o.n.a.r.y. Use it. Hell, use the spell check on your computer. If you don't have spell check...get it! Geez!
Here are a few words that I've noticed that I see lots of people using improperly or misspelled.
Sense, Since, Scents-it's not spelled scence (not a word), sence (means "temple" in slovenian), scense (not a word). Sense-Any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which humans and animals perceive stimuli originating from outside or inside the body. Since-From then till now. Scents-A distinctive, often agreeable odor. See synonyms fragrance, smell.
Their, There, They're-are the most commonly used words I've seen abused. Their-A form of the possessive case of they used as an attributive adjective, before a noun: their home; their rights as citizens; their departure for Rome.
There-In or at that place (opposed to here): She is there now; At that point in an action, speech, etc.: He stopped there for applause. They're-They are. Duh.
Mabey-no,no,no! It's maybe. Geez!
Oh, there are other words that I could name but I haven't got the time or the patience.
I don't mind slang words like "ain't". As long as they are spelled correctly. Come on. Sometimes I wonder how people graduated from school. Now I understand why the state of Texas is as hard as they are on these stupid tests. If my sons or daughter graduated from school and couldn't spell a seemingly simple word......I'd die from humiliation. Now I'm not expecting perfection for complex words that even Bill Gates couldn't spell...just simple every day to day words used often in sentences.
If you can spell onomatopoeia without using the dictionary....kudos to you!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Prince of Tennis

The series is primarily set in Tokyo. Ryoma Echizen, a tennis prodigy, attends Seishun Academy (青春学園, Seishun Gakuen?), or Seigaku (青学) for short, a private school famous for its strong tennis club and talented players. Ryoma quickly defeats numerous upperclassmen shortly after entrance to secure himself a spot on the regulars team. In pursuit of their ultimate goal of winning the all-Japan junior high tennis championship, members of the team make new friends while learning and mastering increasingly complex techniques.

Ryoma is a first year student at Seishun Gakuen Academy ('Seigaku' for short), which he attends immediately after his arrival in Japan after formerly residing in the United States. Although only a first year in middle school, Ryoma had already earned notoriety through winning four consecutive titles in the American Junior Tennis tournaments – all in a little over a year. Due to his nearly invincible tennis play, Ryoma has earned the label 'prodigy' by the age of twelve. His looks and confidence make him highly popular with ladies, although he seems not to notice, having his focus exclusively on tennis.
He is an all-court tennis player with many special shots and abilities. One of Ryoma's greatest talents is his ability to learn new techniques after only seeing them performed a few times. He also has an amazing amount of stamina and does not sweat as much as the other players. Along with fellow Seigaku regular Eiji Kikumaru, Ryoma is known to have an exceptional talent for seeing moving objects. He does not go easy on himself and pushes himself more, rather than letting himself rest.
Although he is left-handed, his famous Twist Serve is only effective when delivered from the dominant hand of his opponents (i.e. he uses his right hand when serving against right handed players). He occasionally plays tennis with his right hand as either a handicap for weaker opponents or a way to test his opponent's abilities. When the need for returning at a difficult angle or distance arises, Ryoma also incorporates the use of "nitōryū", or ambidexterity.
Ryoma also demonstrates prowess in other sports, such as bowling, table tennis, and billiards. His abilities in beach volleyball, however, may be questioned.; when the Seigaku students go to the beach during the anime series, Ryoma plays well when paired with Kaidoh. However, he plays quite poorly in the OVA when paired with Tezuka, so much as to be taunted by the other Seigaku students and Rokkaku Chuu students alike by having his "Mada mada dane" returned with "Omae danna!", which translates roughly into "You do!" In the same event in the manga, Ryoma, paired with Rokkaku's Kentaro Aoi, plays decently only after activating Muga no Kyōchi.
His favorite subject is Science, though he is better at English because he was in America for three years, which his classmates admire him for.
His catchphrase in the Japanese anime is "mada mada dane," literally meaning "no, not yet" or "not good enough." In the Prince of Tennis English dub, this is translated as "You still have a ways to go." Having been brought up in the United States, Ryoma is fluent in English, and in the manga and the match with Sanada in the anime, he says "You still have lots more to work on" in English.
In the Prince of Tennis movie Futari no Samurai, Ryoma supposedly has an older brother named Ryoga Echizen, but the latter is later revealed to simply be a child that Nanjiro took in a few years ago.
Ryoma can be quite cocky and arrogant at times, but is always able to back up his statements with his tennis skills. He is usually distrustful of other tennis players, and Ryoma often provokes his opponent before a match. In the beginning of the series, Ryoma is not taken seriously by the other students at his school, especially at the Seigaku tennis club. It is only after he beats two of Seigaku's regulars (Kaoru Kaido and Sadaharu Inui) that he gains respect from fellow club members.
Ryoma is quiet by nature, but always stands up for himself and others, even if it involves confronting an upperclassman. He is unafraid almost to the point of recklessness, but rarely gets angry or out of control. Most of the time, he is serious, quiet, and not talkative. In the TeniPuri Family chibi episodes, Ryoma is the oldest son of the family and always gets into all sorts of mischief.
At the beginning of the series, all of Ryoma's tennis skills are a copy of his father's. With the help of his team captain, Kunimitsu Tezuka, Ryoma realizes his need to develop his own style of tennis if he intends to reach his goal and defeat his father. The kanji that make up Ryoma's family name, Echizen, fits well, as "越" means "to surpass" and "前" means "the above".
With each match, it becomes apparent that Ryoma not only brings his potential to the front, but that he is constantly reaching a new point in the state of self-actualization – especially so during crucial points in a match. Although he views each opponent as a stepping stone of advancement, Tezuka soon becomes the wall that Ryoma has set up for himself in order to achieve actual greatness.
Although Ryoma has a rather tunneled vision as to whom he considers a rival (Tezuka and his father), there are many that view the first year as just that. One of the more notable examples of this in the anime is Kevin Smith, the son of the tennis coach George Smith, who was defeated by Nanjiro Echizen in defense of George's pupil Rinko Takeuchi, who becomes Ryoma's mother, fifteen years ago. Kevin appears later in the series in the "friendly" match between the U.S. and Japan. Kevin became obsessed with wanting to play Ryoma because of their pasts, whereas in the beginning Ryoma regarded Kevin's threats with a rather unconcerned attitude until he saw him play against Yamabuki's Jin Akutsu in the streets. Tezuka was unimpressed with Ryoma's attitude toward the matches, and as a result, Ryoma was forced to earn his place as a reserve player.
Sakuno Ryuzaki, Ryoma's friend and coach Sumire Ryuzaki's granddaughter, has a crush on him, but because he is so aloof and she is so shy, he does not recognize her feelings for him and treats her much the same as he treats the other freshmen students. However, in the manga, Ryoma shows signs of jealousy after Sakuno befriends Shitenhōji's Kintarō Tooyama. A running-gag in the anime was Ryoma often commenting on her tennis form by telling Sakuno that her arms are too bent, her knees are to stretched and her hair is too long.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Reverie. Reflections. Pain. Sorrow. Remorse. Those words summarize this past year in a nutshell.
I did have some good times though. The family and I spent loads of money on vacation and had the time of our life. Discovered the love of the beach and how beautiful life is there. Corpus Christi beckons me back.
My kids suck me in bone dry into the world of Japanese anime. I'm so hooked that I watch a new anime almost immediately after watching another. Naruto will always have my heart and soul. My new fave is Prince of Tennis. I've discovered I can watch the RAWS (anime without subs or dubs) and understand the gist of it. Does this mean I understand Japanese? Mada mada dane (still not yet, eh.) Soon I'll be begging Bobby to ask for a transfer to the far east. Why not. I know we would love it there.
My grandma discovered she had breast cancer the last week of this past year. The doctors have stated that they think they got it all. She will be referred to a specialist this week. I lost my dear cat Ben in the same week. He was 14 years old. Smokey, my oldest of the cats, has definitely noticed him missing. He seems very lonely, I think.
This year, we hope for no more pet deaths. No more family sicknesses of the severe kind. I hope for new seasons of my favorite animes. I hope for a new home. I hope that my kids have an easier school year. I hope that this year, that all goes smoothly and is less of a stress of the last month of this past year.
I hope to have no back pain. I hope to lose my last few pounds. I hope to be financially stable. I hope for nothing to break down. I hope........well, I just hope for the best.
I did have some good times though. The family and I spent loads of money on vacation and had the time of our life. Discovered the love of the beach and how beautiful life is there. Corpus Christi beckons me back.
My kids suck me in bone dry into the world of Japanese anime. I'm so hooked that I watch a new anime almost immediately after watching another. Naruto will always have my heart and soul. My new fave is Prince of Tennis. I've discovered I can watch the RAWS (anime without subs or dubs) and understand the gist of it. Does this mean I understand Japanese? Mada mada dane (still not yet, eh.) Soon I'll be begging Bobby to ask for a transfer to the far east. Why not. I know we would love it there.
My grandma discovered she had breast cancer the last week of this past year. The doctors have stated that they think they got it all. She will be referred to a specialist this week. I lost my dear cat Ben in the same week. He was 14 years old. Smokey, my oldest of the cats, has definitely noticed him missing. He seems very lonely, I think.
This year, we hope for no more pet deaths. No more family sicknesses of the severe kind. I hope for new seasons of my favorite animes. I hope for a new home. I hope that my kids have an easier school year. I hope that this year, that all goes smoothly and is less of a stress of the last month of this past year.
I hope to have no back pain. I hope to lose my last few pounds. I hope to be financially stable. I hope for nothing to break down. I hope........well, I just hope for the best.
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