Saturday, October 21, 2006

The BIG Reason I want a Tummy Tuck!

I'm standing straight up and my tummy is hanging straight down. Not a good picture but you get the drift.

I'm bent over and I have about 3 inches of skin hanging from my stomach. Eric actually called me on it one day when I was bent over blow-drying my hair. "Mom! What is wrong with your stomach?" A very embarrassing situation. I couldn't believe how much was hanging off. I'm sucking my gut in and the skin tone didn't even change. It needs to be sucked, tucked and tied off!!


Sarah said...

I can understand it bothering you. Im sure mine will look the same...of course right now it is nice and filled out with But your stomach looked nice and flat last time I saw you! I truly don't think anyone would ever look at you and think you were hiding that much extra skin. And hey...better to have it loose and hangin' than filled out!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya sister...I've got the same makes me very uncomfortable with my body.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, been there...done that! It was THE single best thing I've ever done...and mine was oh so much worse than yours. *smiles*