Lauren has gotten her first cold...ever! My poor baby.
This morning I sat here trying to figure out how in the heck she got it. She had it before we went to Sarah's. As a matter of fact, her nose was running before we went over there. She started coughing the night before. Hmmm? We don't go over people's houses. We rarely go anywhere unless it's WalMart. I know she can get it there. But she seems to be getting hard all of a sudden. Then it "clicked"! I know where she got this nasty, miserable cold. The ER!! We had to take Eric to the ER last week for something so stupid. There were sick babies all over the place. Yep! She got it there. I'm 99.99% sure that is where she contracted this virus.
So now, as I sit here, she seems a wee bit better. I just took that nose-sucker thingy and sucked out a pound of snot! EGADS! I look at her and there is river flowing out of her nose, yet again! It's not yellow or green...still clear. That's a good sign. No infection. But I just hate seeing that face....all smeared with slimy boogers.
Hope was like that for 2 weeks! Just clear stuff and lots of it. She would occasionally cough but Im sure it was from all the drainage.
After a week of it I took her to the Dr and he gave me dimetapp and tylenol. That did nothing for her at all.
Then I tried infant tylenol+cold and that did it. Dried her up and she was a happy girl once again. And the nice th ing about it is that at that size Lauren would only need one little dropper full so you aren't trying to get a whole 1/2 tsp down her like with dimetapp.
I did wipe all of Hope's toys down with lysol once she was well so I swear it didn't come from us!
Oh, I know y'all didn't give it to her. She was coughing the night before we went to y'alls house and yesterday morning is when the runny nose was crazy. I'm afraid to see how bad it is this morning. When she sees me with the green syringe, she cowers in's the snot sucker! LOL!
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