10.03 miles=6-8mph, 0 incline, 83 minutes
Okay, I must amend somethings I wrote about the snake. First, I'm no tree-hugger. I just think why kill a perfectly good animal. If you ain't gonna eat it, why kill it? Plus, I just read that these "snakes" are almost extinct. Yeah, I said extinct. This particular species, the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, are the largest known North American snake. They are harmless, if not bothered. Yes, they have enough venom to kill 6 people with one bite. Just don't bother it and it won't bother you. Yes, they grow up to 6 feet long....(and have been documented to grow larger! Eek!) I just don't believe in killing innocent animals. This particular snake just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Poor thing.
Finally, sweet relief! We have rain. With no rain in close to 2 months and heat over 100 degrees, we've been dry, dry, dry. This rain isn't downpouring, just drizzly. Perfect. Won't flood the land and keeps us nice and cool. I like this. Perfect napping weather. Just want to grab a book and relax.
Last night, was a busy, busy, busy night. I wanted to go to Eric's school's open house but it wasn't in the cards. We had Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts!!! At the same time!! UGH! So we went to cub scouts first. It was round-up. I just really had to sign up Matthew and pay for his registration and dues. I left him so he could play the activities they had set up. His leader watched him for me. Then I drove to the next town and dropped Eric off. Then went back to cub scouts. After his thing was over with, headed back to the other town and waited on Eric. This back and forth thing is going to get tiresome after I've done it a couple of times! Anyway, we had to wait on Eric for only 30 minutes. That wasn't toooooooo rough. I did find out though that Eric has to wear his uniform twice to meetings and then he gets a "board of review". Once that happens.....he gets his new rank!!!! He'll finally be a Tenderfoot. I'm so excited for him. Then it's on to a Scout First Class. He's really looking forward to that.
Lauren is walking better. I'm guessing by next month....she'll be running. Yep!
This is about my life and my family's life...living in this wonderful country called KOREA.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Just so nobody thinks that the boys and I were in any danger...this thing was hundreds of miles away. This was near Bobby's apartment building. This is what Bobby wrote in the email he sent........

"I came back from buying the Van and this thing was in the middle of the
road. I thought it was dead until it struck the rental car. Eddy called
the police and they showed up pretty quickly. They said it was the
biggest they have seen yet here. They killed it and took the rattles
off. Anyway here are the pictures. I didn't want anybody to come outside
their apartment and get bit."
road. I thought it was dead until it struck the rental car. Eddy called
the police and they showed up pretty quickly. They said it was the
biggest they have seen yet here. They killed it and took the rattles
off. Anyway here are the pictures. I didn't want anybody to come outside
their apartment and get bit."

I was disheartened to learn that it was killed. Yeah, I know it was a poisonous snake but it was a beautiful snake.....that was lost. Why kill it when they could have taken it to a zoo or dropped it off somewhere out in the wilderness. God knows....that's all that is there near Ft. Rucker is a lot of land and trees. They could have let the snake live. Bobby sent the "after" pictures.......after they killed it. It was a gruesome scene......even Matthew asked why they couldn't have just "let it go" somewhere. Yeah, Matthew takes after me........
Let the animals be FREE!!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Update on the Miller Household.
7.06 miles=5-7mph, 0-3 incline, 64 minutes
We are really trying to stay out of the financial hole that keeps being dug up around us. Literally clawing, tooth and nail, to keep from sliding farther into the pit. Anyway, I don't want to dwell on that.
Bobby is trying to cash a check that Geico cut us. He doesn't have an account in Alabama so we can't cash a check as big as this one. He could open an account but is told he has to wait till the check clears before he can burrow into it. UGH! He needs a vehicle NOW! So far from our last phone conversation, he says that Geico is telling him that he can cash the check at "their" bank. Okay. If it becomes a problem I have remembered that I can transfer money from our account to another financial institution from our online account and it's FREE! But, I can only transfer so much a day and it would have to be 2 days of transfers for him to get his money. He can then mail the check to me and I can deposit it into OUR account to replace the money I transfer to him. Sunday is his last day with the car rental provided by Geico from the other guy who was at fault.
On a sort of good note, after confusion that Eric was to get his own rental French Horn, we don't. No...the school does provide the French Horns. Lucky us! If he had to stay with the woodwinds, we would of had to get those ourselves. Certain instruments are provided by the school and the French Horns are one of those. All we had to pay for was a mouthpiece and his book. Talk about stress. We were so worried about how we were going to crunch those into our already dwindling finances. Just once Bobby gets of Rucker and we find out if we are staying here or not, money should be the last of our worries. I would think anyway. So.....that is the end of my "whoa-is-me" moment.
Lauren is getting around! Now that she has discovered that two feet are better than two feet and two arms....she is moving. She is less frightened and taking more chances with more steps. It's a beautiful sight to see. She now has 5 teeth and one on the way. It's still trying to cut through. That is making her a bit miserable during the day. Lauren must be a very small child. Yesterday, at Eric's counseling appointment, many of the ladies in the waiting room couldn't believe that she was almost 11 months. They kept saying she had to be atleast 6-7 months old. Nope. Explains why Lauren can still fit in a few of her 6-9 month clothes. They are a bit short in the pant legs but she doesn't wear pants much anyway because it is so hot here. I might have to have to bulk her up. LOL! But she is pretty....as she is.
Eric is loving school! He has made a new friend. He loves his classes. He really likes his teachers. Oh, and they are having an open house Monday. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to pull that off. Eric has Boy Scouts, Matthew has Cub Scout Round-up, and this. UGH! But if I have to, I might just let Eric miss Boy Scouts this one time.
Matthew, well...it's the same old, same old with him. He hates school. LOL! No...he hates school work. He likes to learn but not at the expense of having it ruin his Xbox/Playstation2/GameCube time at home. In other words.....to hell with homework! LOL! But in all, he is a good kid with an ornery streak. He wouldn't be my Matthew without it.
7.06 miles=5-7mph, 0-3 incline, 64 minutes
We are really trying to stay out of the financial hole that keeps being dug up around us. Literally clawing, tooth and nail, to keep from sliding farther into the pit. Anyway, I don't want to dwell on that.
Bobby is trying to cash a check that Geico cut us. He doesn't have an account in Alabama so we can't cash a check as big as this one. He could open an account but is told he has to wait till the check clears before he can burrow into it. UGH! He needs a vehicle NOW! So far from our last phone conversation, he says that Geico is telling him that he can cash the check at "their" bank. Okay. If it becomes a problem I have remembered that I can transfer money from our account to another financial institution from our online account and it's FREE! But, I can only transfer so much a day and it would have to be 2 days of transfers for him to get his money. He can then mail the check to me and I can deposit it into OUR account to replace the money I transfer to him. Sunday is his last day with the car rental provided by Geico from the other guy who was at fault.
On a sort of good note, after confusion that Eric was to get his own rental French Horn, we don't. No...the school does provide the French Horns. Lucky us! If he had to stay with the woodwinds, we would of had to get those ourselves. Certain instruments are provided by the school and the French Horns are one of those. All we had to pay for was a mouthpiece and his book. Talk about stress. We were so worried about how we were going to crunch those into our already dwindling finances. Just once Bobby gets of Rucker and we find out if we are staying here or not, money should be the last of our worries. I would think anyway. So.....that is the end of my "whoa-is-me" moment.
Lauren is getting around! Now that she has discovered that two feet are better than two feet and two arms....she is moving. She is less frightened and taking more chances with more steps. It's a beautiful sight to see. She now has 5 teeth and one on the way. It's still trying to cut through. That is making her a bit miserable during the day. Lauren must be a very small child. Yesterday, at Eric's counseling appointment, many of the ladies in the waiting room couldn't believe that she was almost 11 months. They kept saying she had to be atleast 6-7 months old. Nope. Explains why Lauren can still fit in a few of her 6-9 month clothes. They are a bit short in the pant legs but she doesn't wear pants much anyway because it is so hot here. I might have to have to bulk her up. LOL! But she is pretty....as she is.
Eric is loving school! He has made a new friend. He loves his classes. He really likes his teachers. Oh, and they are having an open house Monday. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to pull that off. Eric has Boy Scouts, Matthew has Cub Scout Round-up, and this. UGH! But if I have to, I might just let Eric miss Boy Scouts this one time.
Matthew, well...it's the same old, same old with him. He hates school. LOL! No...he hates school work. He likes to learn but not at the expense of having it ruin his Xbox/Playstation2/GameCube time at home. In other words.....to hell with homework! LOL! But in all, he is a good kid with an ornery streak. He wouldn't be my Matthew without it.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The British are Coming and the Cockroaches are Leaving..........
10.06 miles=7-7.5mph, 0 incline, 84 minutes
I got an unexpected surprise yesterday. Eric has made a new friend at school. His name is Morgan. They are becoming good friends I hear. Anyway, I found out he is English. His mom was raised in Great Britain and his dad is Scottish. LOL! How do I know this? Morgan's mom called me! She just wanted to talk to Eric's mom since Eric has been coming to their house and just wanted to know his parents. Don't blame her. I'd want to know if my kid wasn't hanging around some psycho family myself. Well, we had a very good talk. Wish it wasn't cut so short...Lauren was not in a good mood. Anyway, Mary (Morgan's mom) invited Eric to eat dinner over their house Thursday evening. Cool! I'm just so happy that Eric found a friend! A real, honest to God friend. One day when he came home from Morgan's house he says to me.."Mom! Morgan has MORE Star Wars stuff than us!" I asked what he meant by that. He says, "His mom goes on Ebay and gets stuff and his dad collected them when he was young. You have to see his room! Can we get more Star Wars?" LOL! Um....No! But I was all excited that he found someone who had the same interests as him and this boy is relatively knew too. He's only lived here a year.
I'm so grossing out right now. (First off. I just wrote two huge paragraphs and Lauren comes over and hits a couple of buttons and wiped out what I just wrote. So I'm a little upset right now!) That waterbug that I found...isn't a waterbug. It was the American cockroach. They get to 2-3 inches long! Those small ones aren't the American ones....German probably. Anyway, the boys found one the other day. I'm freaking out. UGH! Well, last night I found "droppings" in the boys' cabinet under the sink. I thought they were mice poop. Nope. They were cockroach EGGS! I can't believe this crap. I'm sick to my stomach and now I have to hall boo-tay to the Walmart to get traps and bait to kill these gigantic suckers. We've never, ever, ever, ever, ever have had roaches. EVER! Not even when we lived on post and everyone had them and we didn't. We thought it was because we had cats and they were eating them before we found them. LOL! Not this time. I have half a mind to lock Chinook and Apache up in the boys' bathroom, leave the cabinets open, and let the cats have at 'em. UGH! I finally get rid of the ants, get roaches, and I swear if we get spiders....I'm movin'. I'm an arachnophobe. I'm cringing at the thought. But then, don't spiders eat roaches? I don't know. I don't care. After doing research on these American cockroaches, I've discovered they come out in hot, humid conditions. (Ummm....that is Texas all over.) They live near sewer drains. (Ummm....the boys' bathroom is the closest room to the rear of the house where the drain is.) Great.
'Nuff of that. Ugh! Well, I just got back walking the boys to school. I really like that. It's so nice in the morning...especially today because the sun was clouded over. (Eventually those will disappear and the sun's heat will rape and pillage this area.) But anyway, I got 2.5 miles of walking in. By the time I got back, I was sweating bullets yet once again. Let's just say I'm getting my steps in today!!!
10.06 miles=7-7.5mph, 0 incline, 84 minutes
I got an unexpected surprise yesterday. Eric has made a new friend at school. His name is Morgan. They are becoming good friends I hear. Anyway, I found out he is English. His mom was raised in Great Britain and his dad is Scottish. LOL! How do I know this? Morgan's mom called me! She just wanted to talk to Eric's mom since Eric has been coming to their house and just wanted to know his parents. Don't blame her. I'd want to know if my kid wasn't hanging around some psycho family myself. Well, we had a very good talk. Wish it wasn't cut so short...Lauren was not in a good mood. Anyway, Mary (Morgan's mom) invited Eric to eat dinner over their house Thursday evening. Cool! I'm just so happy that Eric found a friend! A real, honest to God friend. One day when he came home from Morgan's house he says to me.."Mom! Morgan has MORE Star Wars stuff than us!" I asked what he meant by that. He says, "His mom goes on Ebay and gets stuff and his dad collected them when he was young. You have to see his room! Can we get more Star Wars?" LOL! Um....No! But I was all excited that he found someone who had the same interests as him and this boy is relatively knew too. He's only lived here a year.
I'm so grossing out right now. (First off. I just wrote two huge paragraphs and Lauren comes over and hits a couple of buttons and wiped out what I just wrote. So I'm a little upset right now!) That waterbug that I found...isn't a waterbug. It was the American cockroach. They get to 2-3 inches long! Those small ones aren't the American ones....German probably. Anyway, the boys found one the other day. I'm freaking out. UGH! Well, last night I found "droppings" in the boys' cabinet under the sink. I thought they were mice poop. Nope. They were cockroach EGGS! I can't believe this crap. I'm sick to my stomach and now I have to hall boo-tay to the Walmart to get traps and bait to kill these gigantic suckers. We've never, ever, ever, ever, ever have had roaches. EVER! Not even when we lived on post and everyone had them and we didn't. We thought it was because we had cats and they were eating them before we found them. LOL! Not this time. I have half a mind to lock Chinook and Apache up in the boys' bathroom, leave the cabinets open, and let the cats have at 'em. UGH! I finally get rid of the ants, get roaches, and I swear if we get spiders....I'm movin'. I'm an arachnophobe. I'm cringing at the thought. But then, don't spiders eat roaches? I don't know. I don't care. After doing research on these American cockroaches, I've discovered they come out in hot, humid conditions. (Ummm....that is Texas all over.) They live near sewer drains. (Ummm....the boys' bathroom is the closest room to the rear of the house where the drain is.) Great.
'Nuff of that. Ugh! Well, I just got back walking the boys to school. I really like that. It's so nice in the morning...especially today because the sun was clouded over. (Eventually those will disappear and the sun's heat will rape and pillage this area.) But anyway, I got 2.5 miles of walking in. By the time I got back, I was sweating bullets yet once again. Let's just say I'm getting my steps in today!!!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
In Three Days Time................
8-20=7.03 miles,0-3 incline, 6-7 mph, 66 minutes
8-21=7.05 miles, 0-5 incline, 5-7.5mph, 65 minutes
Has it actually been three days? Okay, okay. I'll catch up!
Let's see. Nothing happened yesterday. Now the day before, my oldest (Eric) decided to stay up all night and play on the computer. His punishment....in the corner ALL DAY LONG unless he was doing some chore I could think up. Life sucked that day for him. Oh, I did let him have a little time off from the corner and he had to sit in the hall and...........read. EGADS! LOL!
I'm all depressed because my fitness forum is down. Can't get on. I guess the server is down. Everytime I click on the link, it says it's trying to connect to server and nothing happens. UGH! So I'm in some serious withdrawal because of this. I'm trying to keep all records of my miles and steps. I hope I don't have a pedometer malfunction. LOL!
Oh, and Lauren is walking. Oh yes...she IS walking. Only 4-5 steps at a time. And now we can add climbing to this "ton of joy". I'd wish I had my camera. Lauren was climbing the gate we have up that seperates the living room from the kitchen. It's a wooden gate. A cheapo but does it's job. Well, she is on the "arms" that click in place and bouncing on them. I don't think the gate will make it much longer. Between her and the fat cat.....I'm going to be gateless soon.
Matthew, my beloved middle child, had already gotten in trouble at school. He's such a dork. It's only been a week and had been scolded by the teacher for his "organizational" skills. He has a project due tomorrow. Thankfully, I read his assignment folder that mentioned the said project. I'd ask Matthew about it and the response was always "I don't know." Well, I sent a note to the teacher. It comes to my attention that he was given a pamphlet to take home to give to me. Where was it? In his desk, all squished in the back. Actually, a whole bunch of paperwork was shoved back there. So he was given a stern talking too about putting his paperwork in his "take home" folder. Well, his project is done. Something quite simple but in the end was a traumatizing experience. LOL!
This morning, speaking of trauma, I was rudely awakened in the shower. Not by cold water. Not by hot water. I was blissfully washing my sweaty hair (from 7 mile run this morning) and as I was rinsing, I was "konked" on the head. Yeah, konked on the head. What hit me? Well, the stupid showerhead was cracked (where it screws on) and it flew off by the shear force of the water. So I had to go to the trusty old WallyWorld and get a new friggin' showerhead. UGH! But as I think about this, it's kind of funny. But it wasn't funny at the time.....got a boo-boo on the top of my head. Great a bump on the head to go along with the cut on my thumb. LOL! Where was Candid Camera? It would have been a good laugh...............
8-20=7.03 miles,0-3 incline, 6-7 mph, 66 minutes
8-21=7.05 miles, 0-5 incline, 5-7.5mph, 65 minutes
Has it actually been three days? Okay, okay. I'll catch up!
Let's see. Nothing happened yesterday. Now the day before, my oldest (Eric) decided to stay up all night and play on the computer. His punishment....in the corner ALL DAY LONG unless he was doing some chore I could think up. Life sucked that day for him. Oh, I did let him have a little time off from the corner and he had to sit in the hall and...........read. EGADS! LOL!
I'm all depressed because my fitness forum is down. Can't get on. I guess the server is down. Everytime I click on the link, it says it's trying to connect to server and nothing happens. UGH! So I'm in some serious withdrawal because of this. I'm trying to keep all records of my miles and steps. I hope I don't have a pedometer malfunction. LOL!
Oh, and Lauren is walking. Oh yes...she IS walking. Only 4-5 steps at a time. And now we can add climbing to this "ton of joy". I'd wish I had my camera. Lauren was climbing the gate we have up that seperates the living room from the kitchen. It's a wooden gate. A cheapo but does it's job. Well, she is on the "arms" that click in place and bouncing on them. I don't think the gate will make it much longer. Between her and the fat cat.....I'm going to be gateless soon.
Matthew, my beloved middle child, had already gotten in trouble at school. He's such a dork. It's only been a week and had been scolded by the teacher for his "organizational" skills. He has a project due tomorrow. Thankfully, I read his assignment folder that mentioned the said project. I'd ask Matthew about it and the response was always "I don't know." Well, I sent a note to the teacher. It comes to my attention that he was given a pamphlet to take home to give to me. Where was it? In his desk, all squished in the back. Actually, a whole bunch of paperwork was shoved back there. So he was given a stern talking too about putting his paperwork in his "take home" folder. Well, his project is done. Something quite simple but in the end was a traumatizing experience. LOL!
This morning, speaking of trauma, I was rudely awakened in the shower. Not by cold water. Not by hot water. I was blissfully washing my sweaty hair (from 7 mile run this morning) and as I was rinsing, I was "konked" on the head. Yeah, konked on the head. What hit me? Well, the stupid showerhead was cracked (where it screws on) and it flew off by the shear force of the water. So I had to go to the trusty old WallyWorld and get a new friggin' showerhead. UGH! But as I think about this, it's kind of funny. But it wasn't funny at the time.....got a boo-boo on the top of my head. Great a bump on the head to go along with the cut on my thumb. LOL! Where was Candid Camera? It would have been a good laugh...............
Friday, August 18, 2006
All Thumbs!
7.02 miles=6-7mph, 0-3 incline, 66 minutes
I have spent most of last night in the ER. Okay, not most of last night....we lucked out and spent only 2 hours there....SHOCKING!! Could have been there longer but I really did have an emergency last night...not a sick child this time. LOL! Why were we there? Ya really want to know? Well, last evening while making the boys quesadillas, I sliced open my right thumb. LOL! I was using my Pampered Chef mandolin. I switched the blades to the slicer (perfect name) from the shredder because I thought it would be easier to lay the sliced cheese on the cooking tortillas than sprinkle shredded cheese. LOL! So as I was going "up and down" on the mandolin....let's just say my right thumb got in the way. It was so bad, I couldn't stop the bleeding. (And I remember the Pampered Chef lady saying the blade was extra sharp....she wasn't lying!!) I got so worried because I couldn't get my blood to clot. UGH! Soooooo....I packed up the kids and we went to the ER on post. I get there and it was busy. Of course! The clinics were closed, parents just getting off of work, and after-school kids were sick with something. I was the only "true" emergency. LOL! I guess I was grossing out the others because I was seen pretty quick after the nurses evaluated me. Before I was evaluated, we sat there for a whole hour! Imagine me sitting there, my hand wrapped up in a towel covered in blood and I have it propped up above my heart. LOL! I have no clue how I drove there. LOL! Anyway, after I was seen, of course my finger stops bleeding and it doesn't look as bad as it did. How embarrassing! It was deep but the doctor said I had wrapped it up so well that the wound would heal nicely and I wouldn't need stitches. (Yesh, I wrapped it up so freaking tight that while we were there, it throbbed worse than the cut itself!) Anyway, they washed it and it was wrapped more "professionaly". Then I was informed that I would have to have a Tetanus shot. Oh joy. Throbbing pain in thumb or throbbing left arm with searing pain running through my muscle. which is worse?? Never realized how much I used my thumb until it's been sliced like a tomato! LOL!
Now I sit here with a pink thumb. They gave me pink and purple gauze tape. How pretty!!! LOL! Anyway, after I took my shower this morning (and let's just say that was a nightmare. My thumb kept getting in the way or I'd put pressure on it accidently), I had to put new dressing on it. Of course, it was wet from said shower. I took the "old" stuff off and the dang thumb was bleeding again. Not gushing but it was "drooling". UGH! I was just sure there would be a clot. I wonder if the shower water loosended the clot? Probably. So I hurriedly put a new bandage on it. Now that was a trial! I'm right handed...and it's my right thumb that was sliced. So I had to do everything left handed. Errrrrgh! It took me a good 10 minutes to figure out how to wrap the pink gauze tape around it. LOL! It's not as pretty as the nurses initial job, but it'll do.
7.02 miles=6-7mph, 0-3 incline, 66 minutes
I have spent most of last night in the ER. Okay, not most of last night....we lucked out and spent only 2 hours there....SHOCKING!! Could have been there longer but I really did have an emergency last night...not a sick child this time. LOL! Why were we there? Ya really want to know? Well, last evening while making the boys quesadillas, I sliced open my right thumb. LOL! I was using my Pampered Chef mandolin. I switched the blades to the slicer (perfect name) from the shredder because I thought it would be easier to lay the sliced cheese on the cooking tortillas than sprinkle shredded cheese. LOL! So as I was going "up and down" on the mandolin....let's just say my right thumb got in the way. It was so bad, I couldn't stop the bleeding. (And I remember the Pampered Chef lady saying the blade was extra sharp....she wasn't lying!!) I got so worried because I couldn't get my blood to clot. UGH! Soooooo....I packed up the kids and we went to the ER on post. I get there and it was busy. Of course! The clinics were closed, parents just getting off of work, and after-school kids were sick with something. I was the only "true" emergency. LOL! I guess I was grossing out the others because I was seen pretty quick after the nurses evaluated me. Before I was evaluated, we sat there for a whole hour! Imagine me sitting there, my hand wrapped up in a towel covered in blood and I have it propped up above my heart. LOL! I have no clue how I drove there. LOL! Anyway, after I was seen, of course my finger stops bleeding and it doesn't look as bad as it did. How embarrassing! It was deep but the doctor said I had wrapped it up so well that the wound would heal nicely and I wouldn't need stitches. (Yesh, I wrapped it up so freaking tight that while we were there, it throbbed worse than the cut itself!) Anyway, they washed it and it was wrapped more "professionaly". Then I was informed that I would have to have a Tetanus shot. Oh joy. Throbbing pain in thumb or throbbing left arm with searing pain running through my muscle. which is worse?? Never realized how much I used my thumb until it's been sliced like a tomato! LOL!
Now I sit here with a pink thumb. They gave me pink and purple gauze tape. How pretty!!! LOL! Anyway, after I took my shower this morning (and let's just say that was a nightmare. My thumb kept getting in the way or I'd put pressure on it accidently), I had to put new dressing on it. Of course, it was wet from said shower. I took the "old" stuff off and the dang thumb was bleeding again. Not gushing but it was "drooling". UGH! I was just sure there would be a clot. I wonder if the shower water loosended the clot? Probably. So I hurriedly put a new bandage on it. Now that was a trial! I'm right handed...and it's my right thumb that was sliced. So I had to do everything left handed. Errrrrgh! It took me a good 10 minutes to figure out how to wrap the pink gauze tape around it. LOL! It's not as pretty as the nurses initial job, but it'll do.
Life is like a box of leeches.......
10.05 miles=7-8mph, 0 incline, 83 minutes
My life's blood seems to be seriously sucked right out me. I'm drained mentally and physically.
For the longest time, Bobby and I used to comment on how everyone around us was always "bitching" about being broke or something bad happened to them or even having a bad experience somewhere. We thought we had this shield of luck rapped around us. Oh, we've had bad times but it all worked itself out. And those bad times never sucker punched us back to back to back to back to back.......and so on. Now.....our luck seems to being running out or that "shield" has cracked. So much has happened these past few months. We'd have one good moment and then 3 bad moments might follow. It just seems those bad moments are getting more drastic in the bad category. I mean "how bad is bad?" Well, come to my life and find out. Oh, we aren't being kicked out of our house. The kids aren't sick. I put the blame on the good "ole" U.S. of A. Just one low kick right after the other. How many times can I take it? I don't know. Anyone have a sports cup I can wear? I don't think my "balls" can take it anymore.
Soooooo...........I'm tired of worrying. I'm tired of thinking. I'm tired of running. I'm just plain tired.
In Medieval Times, leeches were used to "suck" out the bad blood and infection. I don't think they work anymore. I need a blood transfusion......or would that be a life transfusion!
10.05 miles=7-8mph, 0 incline, 83 minutes
My life's blood seems to be seriously sucked right out me. I'm drained mentally and physically.
For the longest time, Bobby and I used to comment on how everyone around us was always "bitching" about being broke or something bad happened to them or even having a bad experience somewhere. We thought we had this shield of luck rapped around us. Oh, we've had bad times but it all worked itself out. And those bad times never sucker punched us back to back to back to back to back.......and so on. Now.....our luck seems to being running out or that "shield" has cracked. So much has happened these past few months. We'd have one good moment and then 3 bad moments might follow. It just seems those bad moments are getting more drastic in the bad category. I mean "how bad is bad?" Well, come to my life and find out. Oh, we aren't being kicked out of our house. The kids aren't sick. I put the blame on the good "ole" U.S. of A. Just one low kick right after the other. How many times can I take it? I don't know. Anyone have a sports cup I can wear? I don't think my "balls" can take it anymore.
Soooooo...........I'm tired of worrying. I'm tired of thinking. I'm tired of running. I'm just plain tired.
In Medieval Times, leeches were used to "suck" out the bad blood and infection. I don't think they work anymore. I need a blood transfusion......or would that be a life transfusion!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
It's official: Lauren is trying to walk.....without help!
Last night, around 8pm, she pulls herself up. She sees Apache (the big, orange, lovable oaf/cat). "I must get him." She thinks to herself. She steps forward, then the next foot, and then again the next foot. Then "plops" down on her butt. THREE whole steps! Of course, she looks a little like Frankenstein minus the moaning. LOL! Arms out and dragging of feet. I did all I could not to get overly excited. If she had seen me, it would probably have never happened. And, of course, as soon as she does it, I'm on the phone to Bobby to tell him.
Now that she has done it....I'm hoping to see more. But I know I shouldn't expect it because that is when it happens. Unexpectedly.
Right now, she is crawling about. And decidedly, she has stopped to help Mom "sort" clothes.
Last night, around 8pm, she pulls herself up. She sees Apache (the big, orange, lovable oaf/cat). "I must get him." She thinks to herself. She steps forward, then the next foot, and then again the next foot. Then "plops" down on her butt. THREE whole steps! Of course, she looks a little like Frankenstein minus the moaning. LOL! Arms out and dragging of feet. I did all I could not to get overly excited. If she had seen me, it would probably have never happened. And, of course, as soon as she does it, I'm on the phone to Bobby to tell him.
Now that she has done it....I'm hoping to see more. But I know I shouldn't expect it because that is when it happens. Unexpectedly.
Right now, she is crawling about. And decidedly, she has stopped to help Mom "sort" clothes.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Matthew's First Day
Already depressed from Eric's experience, I trudgingly drive Matthew to school.
We get there and there is no place to park. So I pull up along the street and park. Matthew has a look already of "Why am I here?" He hates school. No! He doesn't hate school....he hates to do work at school. LOL!
He grabs all of his "stuff" and I grab Lauren and the camera. Decided not to take the stroller. Didn't plan on staying long.
We walk amongst the throng of people. All excited parents. Some talking to teachers. Some talking to other parents they knew. Some talking to their crying children who definitely wished they weren't there. We walk among them. The hustle and bustle. Weaving through. We get to his room. It's closed. The room is dark. The teacher is on "duty". Don't really know what that "duty" was but I figure helping the bussed children or directing the lost souls to their classrooms. While we wait, I take Matt's picture in front of the classroom door. Other kids show up...some with parents, some without. It was getting kind of crowded. Then finally Mrs. Munoz shows up. She lets us in. The kids find their desks. Matthew goes directly to his, sits down, puts his "stuff" beside it. He looks so cute. I quickly take a snapshot. Of course, that look appears...."not another one!" I give him a hug and a kiss. I wish him a good day and walk out the door. Lauren and I walk through the throngs of people again. We get lost in the crowd. And disappear.
We get there and there is no place to park. So I pull up along the street and park. Matthew has a look already of "Why am I here?" He hates school. No! He doesn't hate school....he hates to do work at school. LOL!
He grabs all of his "stuff" and I grab Lauren and the camera. Decided not to take the stroller. Didn't plan on staying long.
We walk amongst the throng of people. All excited parents. Some talking to teachers. Some talking to other parents they knew. Some talking to their crying children who definitely wished they weren't there. We walk among them. The hustle and bustle. Weaving through. We get to his room. It's closed. The room is dark. The teacher is on "duty". Don't really know what that "duty" was but I figure helping the bussed children or directing the lost souls to their classrooms. While we wait, I take Matt's picture in front of the classroom door. Other kids show up...some with parents, some without. It was getting kind of crowded. Then finally Mrs. Munoz shows up. She lets us in. The kids find their desks. Matthew goes directly to his, sits down, puts his "stuff" beside it. He looks so cute. I quickly take a snapshot. Of course, that look appears...."not another one!" I give him a hug and a kiss. I wish him a good day and walk out the door. Lauren and I walk through the throngs of people again. We get lost in the crowd. And disappear.
Eric's First Day
6.5 miles=61 minutes, 0-3 incline, 6-7mph
We dropped him off first.
We ride up. I grab the camera. We get out of the truck. Lots of kids milling about the doors...waiting to get in. I take Eric's picture in front of the school's announcements board. I get the "look". That "come on Mom!" look. I guess I was embarrassing him. I couldn't help it. I had to get a pic of my baby's first day of 6th grade. (I still can't post pics until I get that dang cord!) Then the bell rang and they were letting kids in. You see the excitement in his eyes. No more little kid stuff for him. No way! So I hug and kiss him and he was on his way.
As he walks forward, I ask him...."Do you have everything? Your lunch box?"
He replies, "Yes, Mom." As he rolls his eyes towards Heaven.
"Okay," I said. He keeps walking towards the door. I turn and head back to the truck with Matthew and Lauren waiting for me. Then I remember! I look for Eric. He hasn't went in yet. Great!
"Eric!!!!" I yell. He sees me waiving my arms frantically over my head. He again looks up towards Heaven.
"What!!!????" He yells back.
"Come here!" I yell back to him. He walks back to me with a look of disgust.
"What?" He asks.
"Do you know where to go? Which class you need to go to first to get your schedule?" I ask. "Yes." He replies. "The same place we went to on Thursday......on Meet the Teacher night. Room 208."
"Yes. That's it. I wasn't sure if you remembered." I reply.
"Mom, you are going to make me late." He states.
"I'm NOT going to make you late." I state back to him.
" Is there anything else before I walk away?" He says.
"No." I reply weakly.
"Good. Now GO A-W-A-Y!"
I feel so old. I already miss him.
6.5 miles=61 minutes, 0-3 incline, 6-7mph
We dropped him off first.
We ride up. I grab the camera. We get out of the truck. Lots of kids milling about the doors...waiting to get in. I take Eric's picture in front of the school's announcements board. I get the "look". That "come on Mom!" look. I guess I was embarrassing him. I couldn't help it. I had to get a pic of my baby's first day of 6th grade. (I still can't post pics until I get that dang cord!) Then the bell rang and they were letting kids in. You see the excitement in his eyes. No more little kid stuff for him. No way! So I hug and kiss him and he was on his way.
As he walks forward, I ask him...."Do you have everything? Your lunch box?"
He replies, "Yes, Mom." As he rolls his eyes towards Heaven.
"Okay," I said. He keeps walking towards the door. I turn and head back to the truck with Matthew and Lauren waiting for me. Then I remember! I look for Eric. He hasn't went in yet. Great!
"Eric!!!!" I yell. He sees me waiving my arms frantically over my head. He again looks up towards Heaven.
"What!!!????" He yells back.
"Come here!" I yell back to him. He walks back to me with a look of disgust.
"What?" He asks.
"Do you know where to go? Which class you need to go to first to get your schedule?" I ask. "Yes." He replies. "The same place we went to on Thursday......on Meet the Teacher night. Room 208."
"Yes. That's it. I wasn't sure if you remembered." I reply.
"Mom, you are going to make me late." He states.
"I'm NOT going to make you late." I state back to him.
" Is there anything else before I walk away?" He says.
"No." I reply weakly.
"Good. Now GO A-W-A-Y!"
I feel so old. I already miss him.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Me? Murder? Never!
I've been informed by my significant other that I talk about killing my children way toooo much! LOL! Yeah, I guess I do. Not that I WANT to literally kill my kids. I love them dearly...more than I can describe.
It's called SARCASM!
I would no way, in anyway, shape or form....harm my kids. Dang it, I carried them for 9 months (Eric a little longer...LOL!), pushed them out. Do you really think I would want to end their lives. I DON'T THINK SO! I worked to hard to have them. God and his infinite power is the only form/being/spirit that can take them from me.
It's called SARCASM!
I would no way, in anyway, shape or form....harm my kids. Dang it, I carried them for 9 months (Eric a little longer...LOL!), pushed them out. Do you really think I would want to end their lives. I DON'T THINK SO! I worked to hard to have them. God and his infinite power is the only form/being/spirit that can take them from me.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
The End of Summer Vacation
10.03 miles~0-1 incline, 82 minutes, 6-8mph
I haven't really been posting here in a while, have I? Been posting in my fitness forum more often than not now. I know I have family who reads this so I need to keep up here. I'm trying.
I have new photos of Lauren but I can't post them. We've lost the cord that hooks the computer up to the digi camera. UGH! We have nooooo clue where it went. I know I had it when we went to Six Flags. Or I think we did. We didn't lose it at Six Flags because we forgot to take the darn camera out of the truck. UGH! So where did that cord go to. I might have to go to Circuit City or Best Buy and find a new one if I can't turn this house over looking for it.
TODAY is the last day of summer vacation!!! Woo-hoo! The boys are "outta he-ya!" Oh yeah! Momma is gettin' a vacation! LOL! Okay, JK! Tomorrow, I'll be lonesome and countin' the minutes until school lets out! LOL! I know! Since it is their last day, I think I might take them to Chuck E. Cheese, their very last day of SUMMER FUN. I will admit though that I do dread all the paperwork I will have to fill out when they get home tomorrow. You know....the emergency cards, profile, and medical information. Oh joy! Which means, I have "homework". UGH!
LOL! My husband has become a myspace.com "whore". He is on constantly. AND....he has probably found all of his "sk8ter" friends and girl "groupies". Yeah, they had groupies! When he asked if he could add 2 girls to his friends list, I didn't care. I'm glad he asked and explained why. "That" was like a long time ago. He is tooooo funny! I think he found his "fountain of youth". LOL! I'm glad he has found his old "buds". This makes for a more "happier" husband.
These past few days I've taken advantage of the 39 cent McDonald's ice cream cones. Yummo! I'll admit, we'll probably have another today. LOL! Bad Sheree!
10.03 miles~0-1 incline, 82 minutes, 6-8mph
I haven't really been posting here in a while, have I? Been posting in my fitness forum more often than not now. I know I have family who reads this so I need to keep up here. I'm trying.
I have new photos of Lauren but I can't post them. We've lost the cord that hooks the computer up to the digi camera. UGH! We have nooooo clue where it went. I know I had it when we went to Six Flags. Or I think we did. We didn't lose it at Six Flags because we forgot to take the darn camera out of the truck. UGH! So where did that cord go to. I might have to go to Circuit City or Best Buy and find a new one if I can't turn this house over looking for it.
TODAY is the last day of summer vacation!!! Woo-hoo! The boys are "outta he-ya!" Oh yeah! Momma is gettin' a vacation! LOL! Okay, JK! Tomorrow, I'll be lonesome and countin' the minutes until school lets out! LOL! I know! Since it is their last day, I think I might take them to Chuck E. Cheese, their very last day of SUMMER FUN. I will admit though that I do dread all the paperwork I will have to fill out when they get home tomorrow. You know....the emergency cards, profile, and medical information. Oh joy! Which means, I have "homework". UGH!
LOL! My husband has become a myspace.com "whore". He is on constantly. AND....he has probably found all of his "sk8ter" friends and girl "groupies". Yeah, they had groupies! When he asked if he could add 2 girls to his friends list, I didn't care. I'm glad he asked and explained why. "That" was like a long time ago. He is tooooo funny! I think he found his "fountain of youth". LOL! I'm glad he has found his old "buds". This makes for a more "happier" husband.
These past few days I've taken advantage of the 39 cent McDonald's ice cream cones. Yummo! I'll admit, we'll probably have another today. LOL! Bad Sheree!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Calgon Take Me Away......PLEASE!
7.1 mies:0-3 incline, 64 minutes, 6-7 mph
Okay, other than cutting my daughter's arms, hands and fingers off, or hooking electrocution wire around DVD/book cases, or "booby-trapping" the diaper bag/purse....how the heck does one keep a 10 month-going on-11 months child from pulling everything down or off of things???
I'm tired. Bone-dog tired of constantly putting everything back to what it once was. Why don't I just wait till the end of the day until she goes to bed to clean it up? Because when she pulls it all out or off, it's spilled through out the house and there are no places to walk without stepping on something. UGH! As I type this, she has found the diaper bag, yet once again, and has pulled everything out of the pockets. She is now sucking on my coin purse bag. The check book and daily calender are open with torn edges and dog-eared cornered. UGH! Can I at least have a semi-nice place to live. The boys have over-taken the spare bathroom and hallway and their room literally spills out into the hall. Oh no! She is back to the check book....yikes!
7.1 mies:0-3 incline, 64 minutes, 6-7 mph
Okay, other than cutting my daughter's arms, hands and fingers off, or hooking electrocution wire around DVD/book cases, or "booby-trapping" the diaper bag/purse....how the heck does one keep a 10 month-going on-11 months child from pulling everything down or off of things???
I'm tired. Bone-dog tired of constantly putting everything back to what it once was. Why don't I just wait till the end of the day until she goes to bed to clean it up? Because when she pulls it all out or off, it's spilled through out the house and there are no places to walk without stepping on something. UGH! As I type this, she has found the diaper bag, yet once again, and has pulled everything out of the pockets. She is now sucking on my coin purse bag. The check book and daily calender are open with torn edges and dog-eared cornered. UGH! Can I at least have a semi-nice place to live. The boys have over-taken the spare bathroom and hallway and their room literally spills out into the hall. Oh no! She is back to the check book....yikes!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Give Me A Break!
6.63 miles=0-3 incline, 5-7mph, 64 minutes
If I have to hear or read about another person griping and complaing because they have to toss their water, make-up, lotion, gel...or whatever away....I will SCREAM! We have a HIGH level terror threat going on and this "itty-bitty" inconvenience should be tolerated. Sorry...but it has to be done.
When our guys are over "there" getting shot at, eating sub-standard food, dehydrated from heat, have no comforts of home and YOU (yeah, YOU!) complain about your $1 bottle of water, $20 worth of make-up, etc.....has to be dumped before you board a plane that could get blown out of the sky?
6.63 miles=0-3 incline, 5-7mph, 64 minutes
If I have to hear or read about another person griping and complaing because they have to toss their water, make-up, lotion, gel...or whatever away....I will SCREAM! We have a HIGH level terror threat going on and this "itty-bitty" inconvenience should be tolerated. Sorry...but it has to be done.
When our guys are over "there" getting shot at, eating sub-standard food, dehydrated from heat, have no comforts of home and YOU (yeah, YOU!) complain about your $1 bottle of water, $20 worth of make-up, etc.....has to be dumped before you board a plane that could get blown out of the sky?
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Bugs, Bugs, and More Bugs!
6.56 miles=0-3 incline,6-6.5 mph, 63minutes
I'm starting to freak out! Yes, more ants! And not just that this morning. Oh, NO! After my run, I go to the bathroom and I find a trail of ants feeding of yesterday's sweaty clothes. UGH! So I run and get the mop. I spray bleach everywhere and mop those "boogers" up. I ruined one of Lauren's shirts from my over exuberence of bleach. That just pissed me off more! So, I round up clothes and throw the infested ones in the wash. I go to the boys laundry basket and separate their clothes and guess what I find? NO! Not more ants. No, I find a big, gigantic, humongous water bug. I'd say the length of your middle finger! Eeeeeek! I start freaking out. I HATE BUGS! The creepier, the more I freak out. And this ugly thing was creepy! So I run and grab the little hand broom and sweep this thing up and into the toilet. Buh-bye! As he swirls his way into the sewage system. Can it get worse? Did I have to ask? Of course it can. I'm still working on my bathroom trying to figure out how the damn ants are getting in there. I've caulked every nook and cranny in the place. They are finding their way in there. And to top off my day, I get bit twice while sitting here typing this. Yeah, they are in the carpet....everywhere. Okay, not everyhwere....over exaggeration. Who knows they might have just "followed" me in here from the bathroom. I wouldn't doubt it...that is for sure.
6.56 miles=0-3 incline,6-6.5 mph, 63minutes
I'm starting to freak out! Yes, more ants! And not just that this morning. Oh, NO! After my run, I go to the bathroom and I find a trail of ants feeding of yesterday's sweaty clothes. UGH! So I run and get the mop. I spray bleach everywhere and mop those "boogers" up. I ruined one of Lauren's shirts from my over exuberence of bleach. That just pissed me off more! So, I round up clothes and throw the infested ones in the wash. I go to the boys laundry basket and separate their clothes and guess what I find? NO! Not more ants. No, I find a big, gigantic, humongous water bug. I'd say the length of your middle finger! Eeeeeek! I start freaking out. I HATE BUGS! The creepier, the more I freak out. And this ugly thing was creepy! So I run and grab the little hand broom and sweep this thing up and into the toilet. Buh-bye! As he swirls his way into the sewage system. Can it get worse? Did I have to ask? Of course it can. I'm still working on my bathroom trying to figure out how the damn ants are getting in there. I've caulked every nook and cranny in the place. They are finding their way in there. And to top off my day, I get bit twice while sitting here typing this. Yeah, they are in the carpet....everywhere. Okay, not everyhwere....over exaggeration. Who knows they might have just "followed" me in here from the bathroom. I wouldn't doubt it...that is for sure.
10.06 miles=84 minutes, 6.5-8mph, 0-1 incline
My poor baby. Last night, I found ant bites on my baby's legs and a few on her arms. UGH! Stupid ants. They must have gotten her when she took her "mini"-nap. No wonder she didn't sleep yesterday. I'd be afraid too if my bed was "biting" me. UGH! I feel so guilty.
What happened...for those who don't know already? Well, yesterday afternoon when I tried putting Lauren down for her "2nd" nap, literally.....I found a buttload of ants in her crib. Seriously! Why were they there? POPCORN! Yeah, POPCORN! Lauren and I eat it before we go to bed. It's our night time thing. She gets her bath, a clean onesie for bed (too hot for pj's), I lotion her up, clean diaper, pop some popcorn, get her sippy cup, I grab a cold Lipton tea or diet soda, turn on the TV and we both lay on my bed and share a popped bag and then off to beddy-bye she goes. I guess she leaves a few behind in her shirt or diaper or something because a few "pieces" ended up in her bed under the blankets and underneath her bed. Well, those pesky ants climbed the dust ruffle into her bed. UGH! I couldn't believe it. Eric and I spent most of her "nap" time cleaning that room. Washed everything on her bed and vacuumed and sprayed whatever crevices those ants were creeping along. Poor Lauren never got that "real" nap she needed. She was cranky most of the day. I tried lying her on my bed, but she knew. Thankfully, last night, after Eric's Boy Scout thing, no ants to be found and she had a good night sleep.
10.06 miles=84 minutes, 6.5-8mph, 0-1 incline
My poor baby. Last night, I found ant bites on my baby's legs and a few on her arms. UGH! Stupid ants. They must have gotten her when she took her "mini"-nap. No wonder she didn't sleep yesterday. I'd be afraid too if my bed was "biting" me. UGH! I feel so guilty.
What happened...for those who don't know already? Well, yesterday afternoon when I tried putting Lauren down for her "2nd" nap, literally.....I found a buttload of ants in her crib. Seriously! Why were they there? POPCORN! Yeah, POPCORN! Lauren and I eat it before we go to bed. It's our night time thing. She gets her bath, a clean onesie for bed (too hot for pj's), I lotion her up, clean diaper, pop some popcorn, get her sippy cup, I grab a cold Lipton tea or diet soda, turn on the TV and we both lay on my bed and share a popped bag and then off to beddy-bye she goes. I guess she leaves a few behind in her shirt or diaper or something because a few "pieces" ended up in her bed under the blankets and underneath her bed. Well, those pesky ants climbed the dust ruffle into her bed. UGH! I couldn't believe it. Eric and I spent most of her "nap" time cleaning that room. Washed everything on her bed and vacuumed and sprayed whatever crevices those ants were creeping along. Poor Lauren never got that "real" nap she needed. She was cranky most of the day. I tried lying her on my bed, but she knew. Thankfully, last night, after Eric's Boy Scout thing, no ants to be found and she had a good night sleep.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
The Making of a Dallas Cowboy Fan.
6.6 miles=63 minutes, 0-10 incline, 4-8mph
First, I must say this. I wasn't born a Cowboy fan...I was raised to be one. I can remember from the age of 3-4 seeing my first game. Yeah, I can remember. Maybe I didn't sit down and really watch it, but I remember seeing the fans in the stadium, the mixture of colors, the Stars on the helmets, the gray/white/silver/blue uniforms, the sounds.....everything. I didn't understand it. But I remember my father and his brother sitting in front of the TV, yelling at the team. Go, go, go!
Why am I reminiscing over this? I sit here and watch the 2006 Hall of Fame ceremony. Troy Aikman and Rayfield Wright were inducted today. As I sat here, listening to Mr. Wright, tears streamed down my face. He was "old school". He was the 1970's. He was a Cowboy. Yes, he was one of "them". He was an original. He was my teacher. He was what a tomboy like me, strived to be. And yet, Troy Aikman hasn't been inducted yet..but I know, memories will halo my soul forever.
As the years have passed, I have never missed a game intentionally. Living in Tennesse, you had to be a Titan or Volunteer fan or no fan at all. So no Cowboy games unless they were on ESPN or they played the Titans. So these past 10 years have been hard. But I have NEVER regressed from my fanaticism of the team. I love them. How can a female like me be that way? I don't know. But I do know that every Sunday was glorious. It was wonderful. Either at my parent's house or my grandparent's house or even my inlaw's house, the sound of the TV announcer, the roar of the fans, the smell of beer (when my family drank), the aroma of food. It was a holiday almost. It was home. It was football Sunday. So as the years have passed, I still get that feeling when I hear them announce the Cowboys. The Dallas Cowboys. America's Team. So when it's not a football season, there really isn't much to do but wait....for the next season. Or.....gloat over the Cowboys Superbowl Victory...if they made it to the Superbowl. And they made it or were sooooo close. Yeah, I'm a fan!
I cried when Tom Landry died. The end of Americas team. They died with him. They aren't the same but the glory still halos that name. They may not be America's Team anymore, but they will always and forever be MY team.
So who do I have to thank for this? My father. I don't speak of him much. We aren't close like a father and daughter should be. But on Sundays, we were as close as a father and daughter could be. Because of his love for the Cowboys, he taught me the love of what a game of Cowboy football could be like. And to this day, I can't thank him enough.
Yeah, I'm a Dallas Cowboy fan. And damn proud of it!!
How 'Bout Them Cowboys!!!!!
Yeah, damn proud!
6.6 miles=63 minutes, 0-10 incline, 4-8mph
First, I must say this. I wasn't born a Cowboy fan...I was raised to be one. I can remember from the age of 3-4 seeing my first game. Yeah, I can remember. Maybe I didn't sit down and really watch it, but I remember seeing the fans in the stadium, the mixture of colors, the Stars on the helmets, the gray/white/silver/blue uniforms, the sounds.....everything. I didn't understand it. But I remember my father and his brother sitting in front of the TV, yelling at the team. Go, go, go!
Why am I reminiscing over this? I sit here and watch the 2006 Hall of Fame ceremony. Troy Aikman and Rayfield Wright were inducted today. As I sat here, listening to Mr. Wright, tears streamed down my face. He was "old school". He was the 1970's. He was a Cowboy. Yes, he was one of "them". He was an original. He was my teacher. He was what a tomboy like me, strived to be. And yet, Troy Aikman hasn't been inducted yet..but I know, memories will halo my soul forever.
As the years have passed, I have never missed a game intentionally. Living in Tennesse, you had to be a Titan or Volunteer fan or no fan at all. So no Cowboy games unless they were on ESPN or they played the Titans. So these past 10 years have been hard. But I have NEVER regressed from my fanaticism of the team. I love them. How can a female like me be that way? I don't know. But I do know that every Sunday was glorious. It was wonderful. Either at my parent's house or my grandparent's house or even my inlaw's house, the sound of the TV announcer, the roar of the fans, the smell of beer (when my family drank), the aroma of food. It was a holiday almost. It was home. It was football Sunday. So as the years have passed, I still get that feeling when I hear them announce the Cowboys. The Dallas Cowboys. America's Team. So when it's not a football season, there really isn't much to do but wait....for the next season. Or.....gloat over the Cowboys Superbowl Victory...if they made it to the Superbowl. And they made it or were sooooo close. Yeah, I'm a fan!
I cried when Tom Landry died. The end of Americas team. They died with him. They aren't the same but the glory still halos that name. They may not be America's Team anymore, but they will always and forever be MY team.
So who do I have to thank for this? My father. I don't speak of him much. We aren't close like a father and daughter should be. But on Sundays, we were as close as a father and daughter could be. Because of his love for the Cowboys, he taught me the love of what a game of Cowboy football could be like. And to this day, I can't thank him enough.
Yeah, I'm a Dallas Cowboy fan. And damn proud of it!!
How 'Bout Them Cowboys!!!!!
Yeah, damn proud!
Friday, August 04, 2006
7.6 miles=4-8mph, 7.5mph, 0-1 incline, 64 minutes
I'm so totally bummed today. I'm not depressed of the "black" mood kind of sort. No, I'm missing my hubby terribly. Yeah, he drives me insane but that doesn't mean I don't love him terribly. It's just getting to me now. He left in November for Iraq, comes home (but isn't really home because his mind was on WOCS), and then finally leaves again for WOCS and yet won't be home again until November. Then he leaves again for Ft. Eustis to finish schooling for WOCS. I'm just sick of him being gone. And now we don't know what happens after he finishes. Iraq or Korea??? Or any other post in the continental US??? UGH! But in the most part...I just want him home. Today. Now.
Tomorrow is going to be another lonely birthday.
Happy Woe is Birthday to me.
7.6 miles=4-8mph, 7.5mph, 0-1 incline, 64 minutes
I'm so totally bummed today. I'm not depressed of the "black" mood kind of sort. No, I'm missing my hubby terribly. Yeah, he drives me insane but that doesn't mean I don't love him terribly. It's just getting to me now. He left in November for Iraq, comes home (but isn't really home because his mind was on WOCS), and then finally leaves again for WOCS and yet won't be home again until November. Then he leaves again for Ft. Eustis to finish schooling for WOCS. I'm just sick of him being gone. And now we don't know what happens after he finishes. Iraq or Korea??? Or any other post in the continental US??? UGH! But in the most part...I just want him home. Today. Now.
Tomorrow is going to be another lonely birthday.
Happy Woe is Birthday to me.
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