6.63 miles=0-3 incline, 5-7mph, 64 minutes
If I have to hear or read about another person griping and complaing because they have to toss their water, make-up, lotion, gel...or whatever away....I will SCREAM! We have a HIGH level terror threat going on and this "itty-bitty" inconvenience should be tolerated. Sorry...but it has to be done.
When our guys are over "there" getting shot at, eating sub-standard food, dehydrated from heat, have no comforts of home and YOU (yeah, YOU!) complain about your $1 bottle of water, $20 worth of make-up, etc.....has to be dumped before you board a plane that could get blown out of the sky?
Ok you have to fill me in. I have no idea what you are talking about but I'm curious...lol.
Do you know why you would have to toss make up? Could they hide an explosive in it you think?
Sarah~I guess you aren't watching TV. It's all over the news networks. Can't watch any of them without them talking about it.
England foiled a plot that included 10-11 planes! Not sure how many suspects were involved but each suspect would bring one ingredient that was liquid. Once the planes made it over the ocean the suspects would combine said ingredient and make an explosive! Each ingredientn alone would not cause alarm to the naked eye. But once combied..."boom!" So now England has all airports at Orange! The highest level and so the US has followed suit since the airlines that were targeted were American planes! Or airlines that were planning on heading to the US, I should say.
I told you I don't watch TV! I get all my news on cnn.com and usually check that in the evenings. So yeah...clearly I hadn't heard about it yet.
My sister is stuck in Dubai. HAHA!!! Serves her right. She can fly home next week....I bet they do a cavity search...hahahahaha!
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