10.06 miles=7-7.5mph, 0 incline, 84 minutes
I got an unexpected surprise yesterday. Eric has made a new friend at school. His name is Morgan. They are becoming good friends I hear. Anyway, I found out he is English. His mom was raised in Great Britain and his dad is Scottish. LOL! How do I know this? Morgan's mom called me! She just wanted to talk to Eric's mom since Eric has been coming to their house and just wanted to know his parents. Don't blame her. I'd want to know if my kid wasn't hanging around some psycho family myself. Well, we had a very good talk. Wish it wasn't cut so short...Lauren was not in a good mood. Anyway, Mary (Morgan's mom) invited Eric to eat dinner over their house Thursday evening. Cool! I'm just so happy that Eric found a friend! A real, honest to God friend. One day when he came home from Morgan's house he says to me.."Mom! Morgan has MORE Star Wars stuff than us!" I asked what he meant by that. He says, "His mom goes on Ebay and gets stuff and his dad collected them when he was young. You have to see his room! Can we get more Star Wars?" LOL! Um....No! But I was all excited that he found someone who had the same interests as him and this boy is relatively knew too. He's only lived here a year.
I'm so grossing out right now. (First off. I just wrote two huge paragraphs and Lauren comes over and hits a couple of buttons and wiped out what I just wrote. So I'm a little upset right now!) That waterbug that I found...isn't a waterbug. It was the American cockroach. They get to 2-3 inches long! Those small ones aren't the American ones....German probably. Anyway, the boys found one the other day. I'm freaking out. UGH! Well, last night I found "droppings" in the boys' cabinet under the sink. I thought they were mice poop. Nope. They were cockroach EGGS! I can't believe this crap. I'm sick to my stomach and now I have to hall boo-tay to the Walmart to get traps and bait to kill these gigantic suckers. We've never, ever, ever, ever, ever have had roaches. EVER! Not even when we lived on post and everyone had them and we didn't. We thought it was because we had cats and they were eating them before we found them. LOL! Not this time. I have half a mind to lock Chinook and Apache up in the boys' bathroom, leave the cabinets open, and let the cats have at 'em. UGH! I finally get rid of the ants, get roaches, and I swear if we get spiders....I'm movin'. I'm an arachnophobe. I'm cringing at the thought. But then, don't spiders eat roaches? I don't know. I don't care. After doing research on these American cockroaches, I've discovered they come out in hot, humid conditions. (Ummm....that is Texas all over.) They live near sewer drains. (Ummm....the boys' bathroom is the closest room to the rear of the house where the drain is.) Great.
'Nuff of that. Ugh! Well, I just got back walking the boys to school. I really like that. It's so nice in the morning...especially today because the sun was clouded over. (Eventually those will disappear and the sun's heat will rape and pillage this area.) But anyway, I got 2.5 miles of walking in. By the time I got back, I was sweating bullets yet once again. Let's just say I'm getting my steps in today!!!
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