Wednesday, August 09, 2006


10.06 miles=84 minutes, 6.5-8mph, 0-1 incline

My poor baby. Last night, I found ant bites on my baby's legs and a few on her arms. UGH! Stupid ants. They must have gotten her when she took her "mini"-nap. No wonder she didn't sleep yesterday. I'd be afraid too if my bed was "biting" me. UGH! I feel so guilty.

What happened...for those who don't know already? Well, yesterday afternoon when I tried putting Lauren down for her "2nd" nap, literally.....I found a buttload of ants in her crib. Seriously! Why were they there? POPCORN! Yeah, POPCORN! Lauren and I eat it before we go to bed. It's our night time thing. She gets her bath, a clean onesie for bed (too hot for pj's), I lotion her up, clean diaper, pop some popcorn, get her sippy cup, I grab a cold Lipton tea or diet soda, turn on the TV and we both lay on my bed and share a popped bag and then off to beddy-bye she goes. I guess she leaves a few behind in her shirt or diaper or something because a few "pieces" ended up in her bed under the blankets and underneath her bed. Well, those pesky ants climbed the dust ruffle into her bed. UGH! I couldn't believe it. Eric and I spent most of her "nap" time cleaning that room. Washed everything on her bed and vacuumed and sprayed whatever crevices those ants were creeping along. Poor Lauren never got that "real" nap she needed. She was cranky most of the day. I tried lying her on my bed, but she knew. Thankfully, last night, after Eric's Boy Scout thing, no ants to be found and she had a good night sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww...poor thing! Sometimes when I go to change Austin's diaper I see pieces of bread or did they wind up there?? LOL!