Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Another day in the life......

Have you ever wondered what a celebrity does every day? What's their schedule? What brand toothepaste do they use? Do they cook their own meals? What do they eat? Does Martha Stewart once in awhile eat McDonald's? Do they poop like us? (I know they do, it's just hard to conceive an image of Angelina Jolie on the "throne", ya know?) I guess my main concern is.....once they become famous, do they do things for real? Or is everything they do pampered? Many say their lives haven't changed. Really? The only celebrity who seems FOR REAL is Rosie O'Donnell. Hmm? This is just some of the things I think about...................

A day in my life................

Every morning, around 4am, my day starts. The alarm goes off, I get up, stumble to the bathroom, relieve myself, weigh myself, congratulate or curse myself (depending on what the scale god says), walk to the kitchen, scoop out coffee into the maker, fill the water resevoir, turn on the coffeemaker, walk to the back of the house, let Heidi (my beautiful German Shepherd dog) out to potty, walk back to the kitchen counter, take my vitamins, walk back to my room, get out my running clothes, get those on, brush my hair and put it into a ponytail, then fumble around in the dark (husband is usually still in bed and takes about a couple of "Bobby get up!" before I start poking him out of bed) for my NIKE Shox and then put those on. I then walk back into the kitchen, get out my revered coffee cup and put (always) 2 sweet-n-lows, 2 tsp of coffeemate creamer, and then my coffee and then stir. Then I grab the breastpump and adequate size bottle (depending on how big my boobs got overnight) and start the process of milking myself. I then take my revered coffee and walk into the living room where my beloved laptop sits on the living room table and open it. I then start my morning ritual of checking my online bank, the Forum, the many blogs of other friends, check the news, and then email. Then I wonder back to my blog and update....as I am now. And all this with one hand since the other is holding the pump to one of my oversized, overfilled breasts. After doing all this, I talk myself into starting my run for the morning. Will it be a "short" run or "long" run? It all depends on the sleep span of my daughter. Will she wake up at 6:30am, 7am, or 7:30am? That I won't know until I hear her morning babble..........

Lauren woke EARLY! 5:15am in fact. So I had to feed her and hoped she would go back down. But she had none of that. So I put new batteries in her swing, put her in, then got myself ready for my 10.05 mile run. Yes, it was slightly over 10 miles...in 80 minutes exactly, with one pit stop to the bathroom. But back to her....I can't believe she got up that early. These weekend jaunts to Bobby's parent's house screwed with her sleep schedule. She is now down for a morning nap since she got up so early.

Matthew is feeling much better. He actually scarfed down 2 bowls of Peanut Butter Toast Crunch. He was starving....kid kept nothing down yesterday.

Eric had not a good day yesterday either...at school that is. He came home upset because some girl in his home room class told him that he wasn't chosen for choir. What??? I paid for his choir t-shirt and his registration to be in it. Oh, he was in choir!! Called the school to find out what was going on. Evidently, the little snit thought she knew everything and told Eric wrong information. There are two choir groups and Eric is in the second group. He was CHOSEN! So he missed his first choir rehearsal but will definitely be there on Wednesday afternoon.

Today's agenda: take back HEB baby food to store (found out it was recalled for shards of glass in it....), get new movies (today is new movie Tuesday), and must buy more apples (an apple a day keeps the doc away....well, I atleast eat 4-6 a day....I should live forever! LOL!)

Hmm? I didn't go to HEB...yet! Tomorrow....maybe. I did go to WalMart. I got my apples, the new movies, and those Eggo waffles shaped like Legos. So I guess they would be called Lego Eggos. Anyway, we drove by the post office and mailed some stupid rebates for the new computers we bought as soon as Bobby got home. I mailed my sister's birthday card (she turns 31). And, of course, Lauren falls asleep but it was a quick cat napand hopefully in the next hour she'll take her second nap. So, as of now, she plays in her

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