Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Another one bites the dust..........

Well, not just me...but now my 8 year old son, Matthew, is sick. He has it worse than me though! He has been throwing up all morning long. It's starting to gross me out. I guess we officially got some stupid stomach "BUG". So I didn't run this morning and the guilt is eating me alive. I just couldn't seem to get out of bed. Lauren woke at 3am (it's going to take forever to get her back on her schedule) and after putting her back down it was about time for me to get up and get ready for my run. The alarm went off and I just couldn't get out of bed. So I set the alarm for 30 minutes later...but yet again I couldn't get up. I didn't even hear Bobby leave this morning for PT. My 11 year old son, Eric, came in around 6am to let me know he was awake. I finally drag my butt out of bed and there is Matthew in the bathroom "worshipping the porcelain god." Just not a good start for the day. I don't feel as bad as yesterday but I'm a little light headed. Hopefully tomorrow will be better........

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