Wednesday, March 22, 2006

'Bout time!

This past Fall, the boys had school pictures taken. Eric brought home an order form...Matt didn't. I didn't order because they didn't bring home "proofs." Who orders without proofs? I thought the order forms were examples they sent home. So I didn't order. I patiently waited for the "proofs." They never came and I forgot about the pictures until the day the boys came home and said they didn't get pictures back. What?? So I call the school. I spoke to someone who asked me, "Didn't you get the order form?" Well, yeah, I did. How was I suppose to know I was to order my sons pictures blindly? I was so p***ed off. The lady took kindly on me, I guess, and gave me the photographers phone number and I called them up and requested pictures. Yeah, I paid an arm and leg for reprints. Well, that was in January. It's March....almost the end of March and I finally got those. I do have to say the photographers here in Texas take the time to get the pictures right in their school photos. In Tennessee, my kids looked like the hillbillies that state made them out to be. Oh, the pictures were atrocious. Why I paid for them, I don't know. I guess I didn't want to miss "that school moment". Just like why I paid an ungodly amount of money for reprints here. But, hey! My kids don't look like hillbillies. LOL!

Now I wait for their spring pictures..................those I paid for on time.

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