I have a special picture of Nicky (who is going to kill me! LOL!) and her son Ben. They are from the great country of England! The land of kings and queens, where King Arthur once ruled (??), Stonehenge was created, and the Romans once ruled. Ahhh! Duran Duran are from there.....LOL!....(my inner teenager just came out...LOL!) One day my behind will get there.....someday.
She is one great Mum and is a "childminder" (has a daycare in her home). I don't know how she does it. I'd have beaten my head against the wall with so many children in my home. LOL! My own children drive me insane! LOL!
And this here is my dear friend Shahnam. So pretty is she. Once lived in London for a few months because her husband went to University there. She is my Iranian friend. Yes, she is from Iran! But the most sweetest of people I have met. She has blown away (not literally people!) my naivete of the Muslim religion. Did you know Jesus is mentioned in the Koran? They believe he existed but was not the Messiah. Or so I am told.
Christians have extremists....so does the Islam faith. If the people of Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and others could just live here for a year and we, vice versa over there, maybe we could all understand the other and get along. Can't we all just get along?? Nobody is better than the other..............NOBODY!
But back to the topic at hand. FRIENDS! They are great to have, so cherish every one!
More friends to come.................
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