Friday, March 17, 2006

The in-laws...........

I really, really love my in-laws. They love their son bunches. My MIL is sweet and kind and never really has a bad word to say. My FIL doesn't show his emotions well. But when he does, it is like the sun peeking through the darkest of clouds.

Well, this weekend, we are staying with them. My husband's cousin is getting married today at the Ft. Worth Botanical Gardens this afternoon. Now, mind you, I don't care if we stay here. Not at all....but! FIL is trying to kill me! Yes, KILL ME.....with fatteningly sweet junk food. I'm a health nut. Or try to be. I eat lots, and lots, and lots of apples. I rarely eat meat. I'm not a vegetarian, just don't seem to prefer to eat it. But everytime we come to visit....on the counters, like a buffet at the Golden Corral, are boxes and packages of pastries. There are pies and cakes. Doughnuts! My God! Ice cream you can swim in in the freezer. Help me! I lose weight but then everytime we come to visit, I leave here with an extra 10 lbs of weight retention from eating like a starving maniac. I don't keep this junk in my house and I have no self control.

Now I must get off of here and make my coffee and choose between all the varieties of death to kill myself with. LOL!

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