Thursday, March 30, 2006


I'm going to lose my freaking mind! They are everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE! We have indoor ant spray and I'm going to have to go and buy more. I can't stand it. They are mainly in my living room around the windows which leads them to my loveseat sofa and in our kitchen/dining room windows.

Now imagine, sitting on the loveseat, you have your laptop on your lap and you are typing away. Then all at once, you feel something crawling on your neck. You slap yourself and find an ant. Then again, you feel "something" on your leg. Smack! Another ant! Again, on the arm, on the back, on the neck, on the leg...over and over. Now this isn't all at once but at different times. I'm going crazy. I look around the windows....there aren't any trails. I look on the walls, around the baseboards, and on the carpet. Where are they coming from? I don't know but I'm too the point that we might "fog" the house. I can't stand it anymore. I'll just put the cats in Heidi's old crate outside while we do this.

Ants be GONE, I say! Be gone from my house, you evil pests. BE GONE!!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

We have them here too. Thank God we just call housing maintenance and they come spray for them. This morning I swear they were building a mound in my bathroom. I had dropped a dolop of B&BW lotion on the floor and the ants were devouring it. They are also in my dishwasher! Well not anymore unless they can live through hot water and the "pots and pans" cycle! Muahahahahahahahah! >:)