Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bullies Beware

7-10-06 7 miles
7-11-06 5.51 miles

My day has started off BADLY! First, one of my sons doesn't know how to wipe properly and clogs MY toilet. So when I try to flush it....there's crap (literally) EVERYWHERE. And this was like 4:30 in the morning. My God! So I spent a good amount of time drying my bathroom floors. It STANK so badly! I had to spray bleach everywhere and now it has that hospital smell. UGH! Second, after drying my floors, I take all the filthy towels and bath mat to the wash to clean. My washer decides to be a pain in the hiney and just stops. Now it has been posessed for a few weeks now but it decides to konk out today!?!?! UGH! So after my run and shower, I unplug the washer and drain it myself. Once the boys got up and I fed Lauren we started loading my truck up to go to the laundromat. LOL! Eric unloads the washer of the filthy towels and such and puts them in a trash bag since they were still wet. LOL! This is funny....after he unloads the washer, he slams the door shut and the #$%^ washer starts working!!!!!! We rushed to put the wet clothes back in so the washer can finish the job. LOL! I'm now on a second load and the washer is working fine....until it decides to be a pain again. (Oh, and I still have 2 loads in the back of the truck just in case the washer decides the be the drama queen again. Better safe than sorry and I don't want to have to keep going back and forth loading and unloading the truck...LOL!)

Oh, there is more for today. Eric's stomach is still acting up. After loading the washer, he doubles over in pain again. I'm starting to worry. I really think it is the Concerta. I did a check and sure enough ABDOMINAL CRAMPS AND WEIGHTLOSS are on the top of side affects to look for. So after the washer drama, I've spent a good part of the morning on "hold" with the appointment line to make an appointment for him to see a doctor today. He'll be seen today after lunch. Thank the Good Lord! AND...I made an appointment for Lauren tomorrow for an ear exam. I think she is getting her first ear infection. She's grumpy and keeps tugging the left ear. That is the least of my worries. Talk about a Manic Monday!!

Just thought I'd catch up since I was sooooo busy yesterday.................

I finally got my response from my old, dear friend. She can't meet me tomorrow night because she has to work. UGH. I'm hoping Sunday evening. I might be tired from the drive but I don't care. I want to see her terribly.

I was a little upset last night. Eric had a Boy Scout meeting. No big deal. Right? Well, some older Scout was bullying him. I couldn't believe. Blatantly in front of the other kids but nobody noticed. From a distance, you would think they were just talking but I could tell from Eric's face that "all" wasn't right. Then I heard this same kid (evidently he didn't know I was Eric's mom) saying derogatory things about him. At first, I wanted to "get" the kid. But I know Eric is at that age that Mom will embarrass him. So what do I do? I'm seriously considering bringing this up at the next meeting with the Scout master. I just can't let this go. Eric is seeing a counselor because he was bullied his first year "here". They bullied him because he was overweight, because he has problems expressing himself (caused by the ADD), and because he struggled with the 4th grade. Now he is feeling better about himself and this kid decided to "smash" him down. I'll be damned if that kid ruins my son's spirit. Yeah, I'm talking to the Scout master. I know Eric will be embarrassed but Boy Scouts are supposed to stick together and help each other out. Not to belittle those whose spirit is weak and needs help to become stronger. Boy Scouts are supposed to be a good thing.....NOT A BAD THING!

Another note about scouts....We just found out that Eric's next camping trip is a canoeing trip. Oh, yes...he is going. Eric has never been canoeing and this will be his last "fun" camping trip until school starts.

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