Sunday, July 09, 2006

My Thoughts on Thoughts

7.05 miles=7-7.5mph, 62 minutes, 0-1 incline

Okay, realization occurs. I'm running. And I look down at the console, it says 7mph. This seemed kind of slow to me (at first). While running at the park, maybe it IS a 1 mile lap (or closer to a mile than I thought.) Maybe I was running faster than I thought and was making good time. So I'm ticking off in my head how long I'm usually at the park and how many laps I do. I would say that I was doing at least 7 miles. And I'm running at 7 or 7.5 mph. I was calculating the laps as 3/4ths of a mile. I'm betting now it was .90-1 mile. Dang, I wish I could measure that darn trail. (See.....the things I think about while running on a treadmill. LOL!)

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