I can't believe I forgot to mention this!....DUH!!! At the WalMart photo place, the photographer asked if she could submit one of Lauren's photos in a contest. Like....heck, yeah! Um...this has happened before....with Matthew!! Anyway, she loved this one photo and said that if it wins she'll get like another "star" or something and Lauren's photo would be in most of the WalMart stores. LOL! I'm not getting hopes up...like I did with Matthew. But it was nice to hear how cute your child is...even if she wasn't at her best. LOL!
This is about my life and my family's life...living in this wonderful country called KOREA.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Photo Contest!
I can't believe I forgot to mention this!....DUH!!! At the WalMart photo place, the photographer asked if she could submit one of Lauren's photos in a contest. Like....heck, yeah! Um...this has happened before....with Matthew!! Anyway, she loved this one photo and said that if it wins she'll get like another "star" or something and Lauren's photo would be in most of the WalMart stores. LOL! I'm not getting hopes up...like I did with Matthew. But it was nice to hear how cute your child is...even if she wasn't at her best. LOL!
Lauren, 9 months!!

46 minutes, elliptical
Almost didn't exercise. Glad I did though. It's the first few minutes that are always the hardest. Who wants to work when they can sleep in? Ya know?
Well, here is the latest pic of Lauren. I do have more but this one I think is the best. She was tired by the time they got to her. My fault when I made the appointment. I should have made it earlier but I didn't. I don't know why I thought Eric's appointment would last long. We are always there for only 10 minutes max for the psyche appointment anyway. I could have made it for 10:30am. Darn it. Oh, well. These came out good but could have been better. She didn't cry in any of them. She was just "blah". Poor baby. By the time we got home...she was crashed. She is right now in ther crib, out cold.
Just been busy today. Eric's appointment, Lauren's pictures (by the way dear family.....I've ordered you some so you don't have to print out all of those that I've already sent you by email. Hint, hint!!) UGH! Just tired now. Tomorrow's plan....refill Eric's scrip and get my blood drawn! Oh, what a wonderful day. UGH!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
All In A Day's Work
66 minutes, elliptical
2 hours of lawn mowing...LOL!
66 minutes, elliptical
2 hours of lawn mowing...LOL!
Well, today it's official:
Lauren is 9 months old!!
Tomorrow I have pictures scheduled to commemorate this occasion. LOL! Yippee!
I'm so sore from mowing the lawn. I have a few knicks and scrapes from debris hitting me in the legs. Had a lot of crap (literally!) in the yard. For a puppy, Daisy sure does poop a lot. And yesterday was trash day, so a lot of that in my yard. I don't know how it makes it into my fenced yard but it does. Anyway, they use those mechanized trash trucks that uses a lever that picks up the containers and dumps the junk in the back. Well, the trash men are too lazy to get out and pick up the debris that doesn't make it in. Then, as I have said, it makes it into my yard. Which leaves me to mow and clean the yard at the same time. The boys are inside watching Lauren...so they aren't able to help...like they would be much help anyway.
Got my elliptical run this morning. I was sort of in a good mood. Don't know why. Maybe it was he new flavor of coffee that gave me a new "rush". LOL!
I just realized....it's HUMP DAY! Middle of the week. I guess that is a good thing. LOL!
Oh, and I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. Yeah, it's to check my blood screen. Since the fiasco with the potassium levels that totally freaked me out. Totally! I just hope everything is okay. I'm assuming it is because I think they would have told me about it besides the potassium. I guess anemia and thyroid or FSH levels aren't life threatening, I guess they could wait. Don't know. I guess I'll find out later. LOL!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Why Me?
So far.....
41 minutes, elliptical (plan on going to park and running a few laps since I feel I didn't get the workout I wanted on the stupid machine.) Done! I ran 4 laps at local park.
Well, my morning started off really crappy. Did the usual. Then when it was time to hop on the ellipitical, the resistance was gruesome. I couldn't figure out why the resistance was so high. I wanted the easiest resistance to warm up and then progress to a harder resistance. But no. It felt like it was stuck at 7-8 resistance. I spent the good early morning cursing and kicking the stupid thing. Took out the batteries, put them back in, cleaned the inside of the motor...did whatever I could. Then I played with the buttons until I figured it out. I had to set the resistance to 10 and then every minute go down the resistance ladder until I got to 1 and "voila!" it was back to normal. It really ticked me off because it took me a good 40 minutes of my morning to figure that out. I did get a small workout out of it but I decided to take the kids to the park and run the park's trail a few (okay, 4-5) laps to make myself feel better. LOL! So that is my plan so far this morning.
Oh, and while I was being tortured with the elliptical...Daisy decided to have a "treat". Oh, yeah. Dumbo doggy ate a brand new tube of Desitin. How does one person get that junk out of the carpet? I'm sure I have something that will do it...but like the elliptical...it will take awhile until I find the right course of action. Now poor Lauren has no cream for her hiney. Poor thing has had diarrhea because of her teeth and her booty is red raw. Now, I guess after the park today we'll head by the local WallyWorld and pick up a tube. I think I might have a coupon here somewhere. And now I know not to leave that stuff out because evidently it's tasty!
Oh! And by the way, dumbo doggy's stomach is rebelling and has left me a few "presents". Great. Something else for me to clean up.
So far.....
41 minutes, elliptical (plan on going to park and running a few laps since I feel I didn't get the workout I wanted on the stupid machine.) Done! I ran 4 laps at local park.
Well, my morning started off really crappy. Did the usual. Then when it was time to hop on the ellipitical, the resistance was gruesome. I couldn't figure out why the resistance was so high. I wanted the easiest resistance to warm up and then progress to a harder resistance. But no. It felt like it was stuck at 7-8 resistance. I spent the good early morning cursing and kicking the stupid thing. Took out the batteries, put them back in, cleaned the inside of the motor...did whatever I could. Then I played with the buttons until I figured it out. I had to set the resistance to 10 and then every minute go down the resistance ladder until I got to 1 and "voila!" it was back to normal. It really ticked me off because it took me a good 40 minutes of my morning to figure that out. I did get a small workout out of it but I decided to take the kids to the park and run the park's trail a few (okay, 4-5) laps to make myself feel better. LOL! So that is my plan so far this morning.
Oh, and while I was being tortured with the elliptical...Daisy decided to have a "treat". Oh, yeah. Dumbo doggy ate a brand new tube of Desitin. How does one person get that junk out of the carpet? I'm sure I have something that will do it...but like the elliptical...it will take awhile until I find the right course of action. Now poor Lauren has no cream for her hiney. Poor thing has had diarrhea because of her teeth and her booty is red raw. Now, I guess after the park today we'll head by the local WallyWorld and pick up a tube. I think I might have a coupon here somewhere. And now I know not to leave that stuff out because evidently it's tasty!
Oh! And by the way, dumbo doggy's stomach is rebelling and has left me a few "presents". Great. Something else for me to clean up.
Pain Inside and Out
82 minutes, elliptical
Well, I'm on "pins and needles" waiting for my friend to write me. It's been so long. I miss her so much. I feel like one of those desperate girls...you know the kind...that sit and wait by the phone hoping to hear from the boy they like. I feel the same way...waiting by the computer...hoping to hear my kitty icon "meow" to let me know that I have NEW mail. I'm so pathetic, aren't I? I just sit and wait....and hope to hear from her soon. I don't want to keep mailing her...don't want her to think I'm pathetic as I think I am. Oh, geez.
On a good and bright note: Lauren has gotten her 2nd tooth. The signs were all there...ex. diarrhea, crankiness, short naps, slobbering, and the constant chewing of the fingers and biting of the boob that feeds her. (Yeah, it hurt. The worst pain imaginable. I'm surprised I still have nipples.) But anyway, the tooth has broken through and you can feel the sharp little ridges that will inevitably hurt me like no pain imaginable.
82 minutes, elliptical
Well, I'm on "pins and needles" waiting for my friend to write me. It's been so long. I miss her so much. I feel like one of those desperate girls...you know the kind...that sit and wait by the phone hoping to hear from the boy they like. I feel the same way...waiting by the computer...hoping to hear my kitty icon "meow" to let me know that I have NEW mail. I'm so pathetic, aren't I? I just sit and wait....and hope to hear from her soon. I don't want to keep mailing her...don't want her to think I'm pathetic as I think I am. Oh, geez.
On a good and bright note: Lauren has gotten her 2nd tooth. The signs were all there...ex. diarrhea, crankiness, short naps, slobbering, and the constant chewing of the fingers and biting of the boob that feeds her. (Yeah, it hurt. The worst pain imaginable. I'm surprised I still have nipples.) But anyway, the tooth has broken through and you can feel the sharp little ridges that will inevitably hurt me like no pain imaginable.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Home Is Where The Heart Is
None. Took a rest day yesterday and today. I'm trying really hard to save my back.
It's crazy how our world works. What goes around, comes around. Well, I think it's happening for me. I guess it's time for my life to come back full circle once again. Friendships made, friendships lost. Friendships torn, friendships severed clean. Well, my friend from once long ago.....friends forever, we were. We were one of those girls you see in movies.....never separated. We always got in trouble together. We would fight and make up. Never fought to the point to lose our friendship. No.....NEVER! We did everything together. We tried hard to keep our friendship. We really did. But we grew up. My family moved away. Her family still lives in the same house. She went to college. I was still in high school. We caught up with each other time to time...but it was never the same. We just grew apart. She got married. I got married and moved even FARTHER away. Damn army. I had children.....she now has children. Things change.
Well, time has come that we have made contact...AGAIN. Thank the good LORD for the internet. My brother found her sister on MySpace.com. My brother tells our sister. Well, then our sister tells me. So....I go to and look her sister up and there she is. I was so ecstatic. It took me almost a week to finally email her and ask her about my friend. Well, she writes me back and says my friend wants to see me and talk to me too. So I give her my email address and phone number. Well, the sis makes a web site at MySpace for my friend. We've emailed each other twice already. Now, again I wait for another email from my friend. I don't even know if this paragraph made any sense to anyone but me. LOL!
I hope that we are at a time in our lives that we can become as close as we were when we were "children". Yeah, children. I so hope that is the case. I've missed my BEST FRIEND far toooo long. It's time we came "home".
I want to come "home".
None. Took a rest day yesterday and today. I'm trying really hard to save my back.
It's crazy how our world works. What goes around, comes around. Well, I think it's happening for me. I guess it's time for my life to come back full circle once again. Friendships made, friendships lost. Friendships torn, friendships severed clean. Well, my friend from once long ago.....friends forever, we were. We were one of those girls you see in movies.....never separated. We always got in trouble together. We would fight and make up. Never fought to the point to lose our friendship. No.....NEVER! We did everything together. We tried hard to keep our friendship. We really did. But we grew up. My family moved away. Her family still lives in the same house. She went to college. I was still in high school. We caught up with each other time to time...but it was never the same. We just grew apart. She got married. I got married and moved even FARTHER away. Damn army. I had children.....she now has children. Things change.
Well, time has come that we have made contact...AGAIN. Thank the good LORD for the internet. My brother found her sister on MySpace.com. My brother tells our sister. Well, then our sister tells me. So....I go to and look her sister up and there she is. I was so ecstatic. It took me almost a week to finally email her and ask her about my friend. Well, she writes me back and says my friend wants to see me and talk to me too. So I give her my email address and phone number. Well, the sis makes a web site at MySpace for my friend. We've emailed each other twice already. Now, again I wait for another email from my friend. I don't even know if this paragraph made any sense to anyone but me. LOL!
I hope that we are at a time in our lives that we can become as close as we were when we were "children". Yeah, children. I so hope that is the case. I've missed my BEST FRIEND far toooo long. It's time we came "home".
I want to come "home".
Is it just me? But aren't those Argentinian futbol (soccer, people!!!) players.......HOT???? Aye-yi-yi! Holy carne asada! Hot tamale, enchilada, menudo!!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
A Pain In My B...ack!
7 laps=5 1/2 jogged, 1/5 walked
I'm in so much pain. A lot of pain. My left side is tormenting me. If I lay on my back, I can barely lift my left leg....let alone lift my left big toe. If I'm standing, it takes everything to sit. If I'm sitting, it's like being pregnant and takes everything for me to stand. I took Motrin "horse pills" this morning and am about ready to switch over to Tylenol.
This mornings exercise didn't really make much of a difference. I will admit the pain lessoned the more I got around but once I cooled down and drove home.....getting out of the truck was sheer torture. Walking was torture. Carrying Lauren doesn't hurt. Picking her up and putting her down does. I tried the elliptical....once the left leg went down....PAIN down the left side of my back, down the left hamstring, down to my left knee. I think I have a pinched sciatic nerve. I remember those.
I don't see today being a good day.
7 laps=5 1/2 jogged, 1/5 walked
I'm in so much pain. A lot of pain. My left side is tormenting me. If I lay on my back, I can barely lift my left leg....let alone lift my left big toe. If I'm standing, it takes everything to sit. If I'm sitting, it's like being pregnant and takes everything for me to stand. I took Motrin "horse pills" this morning and am about ready to switch over to Tylenol.
This mornings exercise didn't really make much of a difference. I will admit the pain lessoned the more I got around but once I cooled down and drove home.....getting out of the truck was sheer torture. Walking was torture. Carrying Lauren doesn't hurt. Picking her up and putting her down does. I tried the elliptical....once the left leg went down....PAIN down the left side of my back, down the left hamstring, down to my left knee. I think I have a pinched sciatic nerve. I remember those.
I don't see today being a good day.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Hmm? What Else?
5 miles jog and 1 mile walk (again at the local park trail)
Nothing much happening here today.
Went by the local WallyWorld again since it's 2 seconds away from the park. Got some strawberries since they were on sale and more apples.
Hmm? What else? Bobby called again last night. He goes to the "field" on Monday. He said he would call me again tonight. Okay. Not like I have a life or anything. LOL!
Hmm? What else? I can't wait for Daisy to get "fixed". I hope that calms her down a weeeeee bit. Crazy? Yes, she is. And, I need to find out about one of her ears. Just the one ear won't stand up. It's driving me nuts. I know I have a few more months to worry about it. But I already am.
Hmm? What else? Nuttin'.
5 miles jog and 1 mile walk (again at the local park trail)
Nothing much happening here today.
Went by the local WallyWorld again since it's 2 seconds away from the park. Got some strawberries since they were on sale and more apples.
Hmm? What else? Bobby called again last night. He goes to the "field" on Monday. He said he would call me again tonight. Okay. Not like I have a life or anything. LOL!
Hmm? What else? I can't wait for Daisy to get "fixed". I hope that calms her down a weeeeee bit. Crazy? Yes, she is. And, I need to find out about one of her ears. Just the one ear won't stand up. It's driving me nuts. I know I have a few more months to worry about it. But I already am.
Hmm? What else? Nuttin'.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
It's All Relative.
A baby, on the verge of toddlerdom, who is cute and cranky and full of mischief. A puppy, on the verge of sexual maturity, who is cute and ornery and up to no-good. What is the difference?
They both are teething. While one already has her teeth, the other is trying to get a full set. They put anything in their mouths. They both like rawhide. They both eat puppy food. They both eat kitty cat "hors d'oeuvres".....(Okay, the baby hasn't yet...but that doesn't mean she wouldn't but she can't). And....they both like their food on the floor rather than in their bowls.
They both like to hibernate in the bathroom. One sleeps in there. The other plays. They both like to drink out of the toilet...(Okay, the baby hasn't yet...but she has been caught staring down into the tank wondering what it would taste like). One likes to take a bath, the other would rather have every hair pulled out one by one. But yet, they both like to drink bath water. And they both smell so good after a good bath and washed hair.
They both poop and pee in the house....(Okay, one wears a diaper and the other does "it", if we don't pay attention to her "cues").
And....they both like to play in the trash. Both have been caught on many occasions sorting through it. Both sharing the duties of who gets what. One likes the "dirty" diapers and the other likes the empty bags of popcorn.
And they both like being "chased". They both like "hide-and-seek". And they both like to play "tug-o-war". And the cherry on top.......they both like to torment the cats. They bite the cats' tails, pull out hair, sit on them, and poke them in unwanted places, and generally, just look at them the wrong way. Hmm?
Are they related?
They both are teething. While one already has her teeth, the other is trying to get a full set. They put anything in their mouths. They both like rawhide. They both eat puppy food. They both eat kitty cat "hors d'oeuvres".....(Okay, the baby hasn't yet...but that doesn't mean she wouldn't but she can't). And....they both like their food on the floor rather than in their bowls.
They both like to hibernate in the bathroom. One sleeps in there. The other plays. They both like to drink out of the toilet...(Okay, the baby hasn't yet...but she has been caught staring down into the tank wondering what it would taste like). One likes to take a bath, the other would rather have every hair pulled out one by one. But yet, they both like to drink bath water. And they both smell so good after a good bath and washed hair.
They both poop and pee in the house....(Okay, one wears a diaper and the other does "it", if we don't pay attention to her "cues").
And....they both like to play in the trash. Both have been caught on many occasions sorting through it. Both sharing the duties of who gets what. One likes the "dirty" diapers and the other likes the empty bags of popcorn.
And they both like being "chased". They both like "hide-and-seek". And they both like to play "tug-o-war". And the cherry on top.......they both like to torment the cats. They bite the cats' tails, pull out hair, sit on them, and poke them in unwanted places, and generally, just look at them the wrong way. Hmm?
Are they related?
I can't believe it....I've called almost everyone in the yellow pages and almost every single boarding facility is "booked up" for the week of July we want to leave in. Why? Why is everyone so filled up? Duh! It's summer...summer holidays that is. Vacations. Dang it! I was hoping to put her in at the veterinary clinic we go to...but NO! They are filled up until the first week of August! Yeah, because school starts the second week of August. Errrrr!
So I have my old stand-by. I haven't called them. Why haven't I called them? That is where I used to board Heidi. Just another memory I don't want to have to deal with. Especially since the lady there knows me and knew Heidi. I'd just say my name and she would be like, "You have the big, black German Shepherd, right? Heidi's her name?" That's me. So now when I have to make that call, same question and almost same answer. Different name.....same big (well, she will be.....she is still a puppy!), black German Shepherd. Different dog. .....
Yes, a different dog.
So I have my old stand-by. I haven't called them. Why haven't I called them? That is where I used to board Heidi. Just another memory I don't want to have to deal with. Especially since the lady there knows me and knew Heidi. I'd just say my name and she would be like, "You have the big, black German Shepherd, right? Heidi's her name?" That's me. So now when I have to make that call, same question and almost same answer. Different name.....same big (well, she will be.....she is still a puppy!), black German Shepherd. Different dog. .....
Yes, a different dog.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Nothin' Doin'
65 minutes, elliptical
*As I sit here, Lauren torments me while I type. Errrr!!*
Bobby called last night. Yea! He was so happy that I told him that "we" (my Mom, sister, and I) are trying to work out a way to come visit him for graduation. I could literally "hear" the smile in his voice. He was giddy with excitement. It made my day and his day too, I think. He is really looking forward to family being there. I wish his parents could go too. He tries really hard to look good in his father's eyes.
Nothing much else a happenin'. I think today's plans are to take the truck and get the oil changed. I noticed last week that it's a few hundred miles over for it's change. And we NEVER do that.
What else can we do today? Hmmm? I don't want to sit around the house. I might go to the Dollar Store. I love that place. I haven't been there in a while. It's time for a "check-in". LOL! I'm sure they've been wondering....."Where is Sheree? Has she forgotten us? Does she not love us anymore?" Yeah right.
65 minutes, elliptical
*As I sit here, Lauren torments me while I type. Errrr!!*
Bobby called last night. Yea! He was so happy that I told him that "we" (my Mom, sister, and I) are trying to work out a way to come visit him for graduation. I could literally "hear" the smile in his voice. He was giddy with excitement. It made my day and his day too, I think. He is really looking forward to family being there. I wish his parents could go too. He tries really hard to look good in his father's eyes.
Nothing much else a happenin'. I think today's plans are to take the truck and get the oil changed. I noticed last week that it's a few hundred miles over for it's change. And we NEVER do that.
What else can we do today? Hmmm? I don't want to sit around the house. I might go to the Dollar Store. I love that place. I haven't been there in a while. It's time for a "check-in". LOL! I'm sure they've been wondering....."Where is Sheree? Has she forgotten us? Does she not love us anymore?" Yeah right.
Just rambling......
Just read about the two soldiers found. UGH! Did they have to be tortured? Did they have to be beheaded? They were only soldiers. They were only young men. They were only doing what they were ordered to do.
The poor families. The poor souls. May God keep them safe.
I guess it hurt more knowing they were from Ft. Campbell. We have friends in the 502nd. Never thought I would ever say this......but it really hit close to home.
With love in my heart:
Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, TX and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, OR.
Just read about the two soldiers found. UGH! Did they have to be tortured? Did they have to be beheaded? They were only soldiers. They were only young men. They were only doing what they were ordered to do.
The poor families. The poor souls. May God keep them safe.
I guess it hurt more knowing they were from Ft. Campbell. We have friends in the 502nd. Never thought I would ever say this......but it really hit close to home.
With love in my heart:
Pfc. Kristian Menchaca, 23, of Houston, TX and Pfc. Thomas L. Tucker, 25, of Madras, OR.
5 miles=Trail at the local park, 5 laps
Man! If I had known it was going to rain this morning. Nobody mentioned rain on the evening news! I don't think they even expected that! Anyway, I took Matthew and Lauren to the park. We got there and it was a little misty. No problem! I can deal. Matthew was all depressed because when we got there, there were no children to play with. Zero. Zilch. Nada! So he played by himself. Lauren and I went down the trail. I walked at a pretty fast pace. I was passing the slower walkers. LOL! By the time I reached my starting point, the rain was coming down. Great! UGH! So I packed up Matthew and Lauren and went down to the local WallyWorld. I looked far off and noticed the clouds breaking. Maybe. Just maybe, the rain will be gone when we get out. I got a new movie, 2 cans of apple juice for Lauren, and a family size box of AA batteries! *We go through morbid amounts of those things! Where do they all go?* Well, when we finally walked out of the local WallyWorld, the rain was gone and the sun was trying so feverishly to break through the clouds. Perfect! So I packed up the kids AGAIN and we went back down to the local park. *Must finish my walk, ya know?* This time Matthew grabbed his GameBoy (still no kids) and I put Lauren back in the stroller and back at the trail we went. It was wonderful! It was still cool from the rain. The sun came out at just the right moments. I gradually progressed from a walk and went to a full jog. LOL! Imagine a woman with a baby in a stroller out-jogging the regular joggers with no strollers to push? Weeeeee! That was me! But at the 4th mile (4th lap), the stroller's wheels started vibrating terribly. UGH! I slowed down and the vibrations stopped. Evidently, the stroller wanted no more part in it. That was okay. I was still out-walking the walkers. LOL! Weeeeee!
Sunny Day
Sweepin' the clouds away
On my way to where the air is sweet
Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Sesame Street
Come and play
Everything's A-OK
Friendly neighbors there
That's where we meet
Can you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street
It's a magic carpet ride
Every door will open wide
To Happy people like you--
Happy people like
What a beautiful
Sunny Day
Sweepin' the clouds away
On my way to where the air is sweet
Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Sesame street...
How to get to Sesame Street
5 miles=Trail at the local park, 5 laps
Man! If I had known it was going to rain this morning. Nobody mentioned rain on the evening news! I don't think they even expected that! Anyway, I took Matthew and Lauren to the park. We got there and it was a little misty. No problem! I can deal. Matthew was all depressed because when we got there, there were no children to play with. Zero. Zilch. Nada! So he played by himself. Lauren and I went down the trail. I walked at a pretty fast pace. I was passing the slower walkers. LOL! By the time I reached my starting point, the rain was coming down. Great! UGH! So I packed up Matthew and Lauren and went down to the local WallyWorld. I looked far off and noticed the clouds breaking. Maybe. Just maybe, the rain will be gone when we get out. I got a new movie, 2 cans of apple juice for Lauren, and a family size box of AA batteries! *We go through morbid amounts of those things! Where do they all go?* Well, when we finally walked out of the local WallyWorld, the rain was gone and the sun was trying so feverishly to break through the clouds. Perfect! So I packed up the kids AGAIN and we went back down to the local park. *Must finish my walk, ya know?* This time Matthew grabbed his GameBoy (still no kids) and I put Lauren back in the stroller and back at the trail we went. It was wonderful! It was still cool from the rain. The sun came out at just the right moments. I gradually progressed from a walk and went to a full jog. LOL! Imagine a woman with a baby in a stroller out-jogging the regular joggers with no strollers to push? Weeeeee! That was me! But at the 4th mile (4th lap), the stroller's wheels started vibrating terribly. UGH! I slowed down and the vibrations stopped. Evidently, the stroller wanted no more part in it. That was okay. I was still out-walking the walkers. LOL! Weeeeee!
Sunny Day
Sweepin' the clouds away
On my way to where the air is sweet
Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Sesame Street
Come and play
Everything's A-OK
Friendly neighbors there
That's where we meet
Can you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street
It's a magic carpet ride
Every door will open wide
To Happy people like you--
Happy people like
What a beautiful
Sunny Day
Sweepin' the clouds away
On my way to where the air is sweet
Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Sesame street...
How to get to Sesame Street
Monday, June 19, 2006
Apache 2, Daisy 0
66 minutes, ellipitical
*Let me just say, my legs were trembling so bad. I had half a mind to just get on all fours and crawl to the bathroom to take my shower. It was a great kind of leg ache.*
Daisy, Daisy, Daisy. What am I going to do wit her? She can be so sweet but yet so dumb.
The past week, I realized that on her head is a bald spot. At first, my reaction was, "Oh, no! She has some kind of skin parasite. Great." But to my great relief, it looked like her hair was pulled out. Now my concern was...how did that happen? Well, the other night before going to bed, as I always do, I put her in her kennel. I didn't turn on the light. So I didn't see anything. Well, she gladly went into her kennel. I threw in some treats because she was being a "good girl", and zipped it up....shut. I walk out and close the door. I lie in bed....and then I hear her whimper loudly like she hurt herself. I didn't check on her...thinking to myself that she was making that noise to get me to let her out. She has made noises before just for me to do that. So...I ignore her and I went to sleep.
Well, it's morning. My alarm goes off. I go start the coffee maker. I take my vitamins. And THEN.....I walk back to my room and go to the bathroom. As I get in the door, I hear some rustling. It's Daisy ready to be let out......so I thought. I turn on the light and look into her kennel. And who do I see? It's an orange ball of fur with evil glowing green eyes staring at me. A very angry orange fur ball. I immediately let Apache out. Now how in the heck did he get in there? He is Daisy's arch nemesis. And they were both cramped together in the same kennel....for 8 hours straight. Oh my God! So, as he hurries to be free of the containment, I check Daisy. Oh, and lo and behold! What do I see? Yet another bald spot! Uh-oh! Right next to the other bald spot. And on the floor of the kennel.......the said missing hair. Discovery made. Apache has the ability of biting hair off of Daisy's head. So that sound I heard the other night, the whimper I heard......was the pain of having Apache rip a ball of it off her head. Poor Daisy. And do you think that would deter the dog from "playing" with Apache? No.
66 minutes, ellipitical
*Let me just say, my legs were trembling so bad. I had half a mind to just get on all fours and crawl to the bathroom to take my shower. It was a great kind of leg ache.*
Daisy, Daisy, Daisy. What am I going to do wit her? She can be so sweet but yet so dumb.
The past week, I realized that on her head is a bald spot. At first, my reaction was, "Oh, no! She has some kind of skin parasite. Great." But to my great relief, it looked like her hair was pulled out. Now my concern was...how did that happen? Well, the other night before going to bed, as I always do, I put her in her kennel. I didn't turn on the light. So I didn't see anything. Well, she gladly went into her kennel. I threw in some treats because she was being a "good girl", and zipped it up....shut. I walk out and close the door. I lie in bed....and then I hear her whimper loudly like she hurt herself. I didn't check on her...thinking to myself that she was making that noise to get me to let her out. She has made noises before just for me to do that. So...I ignore her and I went to sleep.
Well, it's morning. My alarm goes off. I go start the coffee maker. I take my vitamins. And THEN.....I walk back to my room and go to the bathroom. As I get in the door, I hear some rustling. It's Daisy ready to be let out......so I thought. I turn on the light and look into her kennel. And who do I see? It's an orange ball of fur with evil glowing green eyes staring at me. A very angry orange fur ball. I immediately let Apache out. Now how in the heck did he get in there? He is Daisy's arch nemesis. And they were both cramped together in the same kennel....for 8 hours straight. Oh my God! So, as he hurries to be free of the containment, I check Daisy. Oh, and lo and behold! What do I see? Yet another bald spot! Uh-oh! Right next to the other bald spot. And on the floor of the kennel.......the said missing hair. Discovery made. Apache has the ability of biting hair off of Daisy's head. So that sound I heard the other night, the whimper I heard......was the pain of having Apache rip a ball of it off her head. Poor Daisy. And do you think that would deter the dog from "playing" with Apache? No.
Friday, June 16, 2006
I Say It Now
Rest day
No "official" exercise today. Nope! No exercise. Can't. My legs are screaming "murder" from the past two days. That darn elliptical machine! LOL! As the day wore on yesterday, my legs ached more and more. It was so bad that I could barely walk. I was walking like I had been riding a horse for days and it wasn't my butt that hurt. My calves! I'm going to have to find some shoes that will help me today.
And as for today.....lawn mowing. I just realized this when I checked the Weather Channel online. We have 80% chance of rain all weekend. Great! I love rainy weather, especially since it has been so hot here lately. But! I had planned on doing that tomorrow but I can't obviously. So today it is. Eric and Matt will have to stay home with me today and watch Lauren while I mow. I'll take them to the Club later or they can stay home with me. I have one thing I have to do today and that is get some cash for Eric for his summer camp and that cot for him to sleep on while he's there.
Okay, an add on. Anyone watch Celebrity Poker? This is my new addiction. It's on the Bravo channel. I just watched it once and then every so often when I can find it. Then I found out it is on from 10am-12pm. I'm hooked. I really like that show. It's very funny....especially when they have some good comedians playing. And new shows are on on Wednesday nights. Now that they are showing LOST reruns...I can watch the new shows. It's really weird. You would never had thunk it. Me...like a poker show? LOL!
Again, no CiCi's tonight. Not that I don't have money. We do this paycheck but I figure we need to get out of that habit. I say that now......but when 5pm rolls around and I'm craving pizza. UGH! I will do this.......I say that now. LOL!
Rest day
No "official" exercise today. Nope! No exercise. Can't. My legs are screaming "murder" from the past two days. That darn elliptical machine! LOL! As the day wore on yesterday, my legs ached more and more. It was so bad that I could barely walk. I was walking like I had been riding a horse for days and it wasn't my butt that hurt. My calves! I'm going to have to find some shoes that will help me today.
And as for today.....lawn mowing. I just realized this when I checked the Weather Channel online. We have 80% chance of rain all weekend. Great! I love rainy weather, especially since it has been so hot here lately. But! I had planned on doing that tomorrow but I can't obviously. So today it is. Eric and Matt will have to stay home with me today and watch Lauren while I mow. I'll take them to the Club later or they can stay home with me. I have one thing I have to do today and that is get some cash for Eric for his summer camp and that cot for him to sleep on while he's there.
Okay, an add on. Anyone watch Celebrity Poker? This is my new addiction. It's on the Bravo channel. I just watched it once and then every so often when I can find it. Then I found out it is on from 10am-12pm. I'm hooked. I really like that show. It's very funny....especially when they have some good comedians playing. And new shows are on on Wednesday nights. Now that they are showing LOST reruns...I can watch the new shows. It's really weird. You would never had thunk it. Me...like a poker show? LOL!
Again, no CiCi's tonight. Not that I don't have money. We do this paycheck but I figure we need to get out of that habit. I say that now......but when 5pm rolls around and I'm craving pizza. UGH! I will do this.......I say that now. LOL!
by R.E.M.
album: Green (1988), In Time - The Best Of R.E.M. 1988-2003 (2003)
Stand in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven't before
Now stand in the place where you work
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't before
If you are confused check with the sun
Carry a compass to help you along
Your feet are going to be on the ground
Your head is there to move you around
Stand in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven't before
Now stand in the place where you work
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't before
Your feet are going to be on the ground
Your head is there to move you around
If wishes were trees the trees would be falling
Listen to reason, season is calling
Stand in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven't before
Now stand in the place where you work
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't before
If wishes were trees the trees would be falling
Listen to reason, reason is calling
Your feet are going to be on the ground
Your head is there to move you around
So Stand
Now face North
Think about direction, wonder why you haven't before
Now stand
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't
Stand in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven't before
Now stand in the place where you work
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't before
Stand in the place where you are
Now face North
Stand in the place where you are
Now face West
Your feet are going to be on the ground
Stand in the place where you are
Your head is there to move you around, so stand
I'm sure you are wondering why I would post the lyrics to REM's Stand. Well, the time has come.......Lauren is standing....ON HER OWN. No tables, no people, no chairs, no HELP whatsoever! She just STANDS!
by R.E.M.
album: Green (1988), In Time - The Best Of R.E.M. 1988-2003 (2003)
Stand in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven't before
Now stand in the place where you work
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't before
If you are confused check with the sun
Carry a compass to help you along
Your feet are going to be on the ground
Your head is there to move you around
Stand in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven't before
Now stand in the place where you work
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't before
Your feet are going to be on the ground
Your head is there to move you around
If wishes were trees the trees would be falling
Listen to reason, season is calling
Stand in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven't before
Now stand in the place where you work
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't before
If wishes were trees the trees would be falling
Listen to reason, reason is calling
Your feet are going to be on the ground
Your head is there to move you around
So Stand
Now face North
Think about direction, wonder why you haven't before
Now stand
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't
Stand in the place where you live
Now face North
Think about direction
Wonder why you haven't before
Now stand in the place where you work
Now face West
Think about the place where you live
Wonder why you haven't before
Stand in the place where you are
Now face North
Stand in the place where you are
Now face West
Your feet are going to be on the ground
Stand in the place where you are
Your head is there to move you around, so stand
I'm sure you are wondering why I would post the lyrics to REM's Stand. Well, the time has come.......Lauren is standing....ON HER OWN. No tables, no people, no chairs, no HELP whatsoever! She just STANDS!
BEWARE....No Stray-passing
45 minutes, elliptical
Nothing much going on today. Lauren and I already went to the commissary and spent a good amount of money on food.....but the most expensive stuff being diapers and non-food items. UGH! At least the diapers were on sale.....case lot sale today in the parking lot. So the case should last the rest of the month...I hope. I was even a good Mom and bought the boys some snacks. All I hear is...."Mom, can I have a snack." "Mom there aren't any good snacks to eat." And good snacks for them are the old stand-by.....chips, crackers, and popcorn. Sooooo......I didn't buy chips, but some Chex mix and more popcorn. Oooops! No, I didn't get them popcorn. Uh-oh! I'm going to hear the wrath of Eric. He specifically asked for the Kettle Corn flavor the other day and I told him I would get it at the commissary. Dang! Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to go to (UGH!) Walmart.
Okay, a weird thing happened this morning! A stray cat was outside the living room window and my 3 male cats were all sitting there watching it. Well, sometimes the "boys" when they smell a stray get a little "upset", that would be a mild term. Anyway, one starts growling then they all start growling and then the next thing you know they are beating each other up. Well, as this was going on...they FELL out of the window. Literally, pushed the screen out because of their fighting. Next thing ya know, they are chasing the stray cat out of our yard. I'm freaking out. They are declawed and stupid!! Well, not that stupid. They know the hand that feeds them. As I run outside to gather them up, they are still in fight mode. UGH! So I'm "shoo-ing" them up the steps in through the front door and there is Daisy waiting to "greet" them. So another fight begins but this time with the 3 male cats and 1 big puppy! I just let them all fight it out while I fixed the screen in the window. At least they got their Tae-Bo in this morning. LOL!
All most have Eric packed and ready to go! I'm still deliberating on buying a sleeping cot for him to sleep on. His troop leader highly recommends it....but he doesn't HAVE to have it. Still thinking about it. I might just go and get it. I'm sure he'll want to use it again. They'll be camping a lot. So it's not like it wouldn't get used.
45 minutes, elliptical
Nothing much going on today. Lauren and I already went to the commissary and spent a good amount of money on food.....but the most expensive stuff being diapers and non-food items. UGH! At least the diapers were on sale.....case lot sale today in the parking lot. So the case should last the rest of the month...I hope. I was even a good Mom and bought the boys some snacks. All I hear is...."Mom, can I have a snack." "Mom there aren't any good snacks to eat." And good snacks for them are the old stand-by.....chips, crackers, and popcorn. Sooooo......I didn't buy chips, but some Chex mix and more popcorn. Oooops! No, I didn't get them popcorn. Uh-oh! I'm going to hear the wrath of Eric. He specifically asked for the Kettle Corn flavor the other day and I told him I would get it at the commissary. Dang! Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to go to (UGH!) Walmart.
Okay, a weird thing happened this morning! A stray cat was outside the living room window and my 3 male cats were all sitting there watching it. Well, sometimes the "boys" when they smell a stray get a little "upset", that would be a mild term. Anyway, one starts growling then they all start growling and then the next thing you know they are beating each other up. Well, as this was going on...they FELL out of the window. Literally, pushed the screen out because of their fighting. Next thing ya know, they are chasing the stray cat out of our yard. I'm freaking out. They are declawed and stupid!! Well, not that stupid. They know the hand that feeds them. As I run outside to gather them up, they are still in fight mode. UGH! So I'm "shoo-ing" them up the steps in through the front door and there is Daisy waiting to "greet" them. So another fight begins but this time with the 3 male cats and 1 big puppy! I just let them all fight it out while I fixed the screen in the window. At least they got their Tae-Bo in this morning. LOL!
All most have Eric packed and ready to go! I'm still deliberating on buying a sleeping cot for him to sleep on. His troop leader highly recommends it....but he doesn't HAVE to have it. Still thinking about it. I might just go and get it. I'm sure he'll want to use it again. They'll be camping a lot. So it's not like it wouldn't get used.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Seeing Red....Blood Cells, that is
65 minutes, elliptical
Well, I did the elliptical machine this morning. I can't believe I did it. My heart at the beginning wasn't into it...but I made it through. I guess it was ALL in my head. The elliptical worked about the same as it did when I used it last. I will say afterward....I had wobbly, noodle legs. Man! An ache that I liked!
Well, sort of bad news. I got a late night call from the doc. I have high amounts of potassium in my blood. Causes....kidneys or heart. Other factors could also cause it. When they took my blood, my red blood cells could have burst and released potassium in the vile which in turn looks like massive amounts of potassium. Why would my red cells burst? Anemia could cause it. Anyway, so many factors and variables. I have to go this morning to the ER and have my blood drawn again. I think they are more concerned about my heart. He, the doctor, kept asking about pains and abnormal heart rhythms...blah, blah, blah. The only factor I have is weakness and fatigue...which is another symptom of anemia. It's all relative. But I did have lots of problems with my kidneys when I was in high school. AND....my Mom had kidney cancer a few years ago, so this could be genetic. Again, so many factors and variables. It must have been pretty bad numbers because he called me late last night after I went to bed and pretty much told me to go to the ER immediately. So you can say, I'm freaking out. But then before we hang up he tells me not to worry its not a very big concern. Hmmm? Calls me late at night and tells me to go to ER but it's not a BIG concern? Whatever. So after I take the boys to the Club....I'm on my way to the ER. So I'll probably be there all freaking day. Oh joy. I guess I should go find a few magazines to read while we wait and plenty of snacks and toys for Lauren to keep her occupado!
Tests came back "NORMAL!" My red blood cells hydrolized in the withdrawing process at the lab yesterday. Hydrolize...meaning my red blood cells collapsed. I'm obviously anemic and need an iron supplement. Can do! Anyway, when my red blood cells collapsed, the potassium stored in them obviously were released and made the test come back in error. Making it look like my potassium stores were high. Extremely high. But again, tests came back normal today and I'm FINE! Yea!!
65 minutes, elliptical
Well, I did the elliptical machine this morning. I can't believe I did it. My heart at the beginning wasn't into it...but I made it through. I guess it was ALL in my head. The elliptical worked about the same as it did when I used it last. I will say afterward....I had wobbly, noodle legs. Man! An ache that I liked!
Well, sort of bad news. I got a late night call from the doc. I have high amounts of potassium in my blood. Causes....kidneys or heart. Other factors could also cause it. When they took my blood, my red blood cells could have burst and released potassium in the vile which in turn looks like massive amounts of potassium. Why would my red cells burst? Anemia could cause it. Anyway, so many factors and variables. I have to go this morning to the ER and have my blood drawn again. I think they are more concerned about my heart. He, the doctor, kept asking about pains and abnormal heart rhythms...blah, blah, blah. The only factor I have is weakness and fatigue...which is another symptom of anemia. It's all relative. But I did have lots of problems with my kidneys when I was in high school. AND....my Mom had kidney cancer a few years ago, so this could be genetic. Again, so many factors and variables. It must have been pretty bad numbers because he called me late last night after I went to bed and pretty much told me to go to the ER immediately. So you can say, I'm freaking out. But then before we hang up he tells me not to worry its not a very big concern. Hmmm? Calls me late at night and tells me to go to ER but it's not a BIG concern? Whatever. So after I take the boys to the Club....I'm on my way to the ER. So I'll probably be there all freaking day. Oh joy. I guess I should go find a few magazines to read while we wait and plenty of snacks and toys for Lauren to keep her occupado!
Tests came back "NORMAL!" My red blood cells hydrolized in the withdrawing process at the lab yesterday. Hydrolize...meaning my red blood cells collapsed. I'm obviously anemic and need an iron supplement. Can do! Anyway, when my red blood cells collapsed, the potassium stored in them obviously were released and made the test come back in error. Making it look like my potassium stores were high. Extremely high. But again, tests came back normal today and I'm FINE! Yea!!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
The Life of One Treadmill
7 miles=1-2 incline, 62 minutes, 6.5-8mph
The dang treadmill is done. Stick a fork in it....done. Out of gas....done. The dang thing broke....done. The last 4 minutes before I would have finished my run......"crunch". I've been very careful not to run toooo close to the console. I kept a pace and stayed back near the end. Close enough to the end that if I had faultered, I would have fell off. Talk about "living on the edge"....literally. Then "it" happened. The crunch. I get off and looked underneath while lifting the belt up as far as I could. I couldn't see anythig. So I stick my arm as far up inside as I could...as the belt was tight and not very much squeeze room. But I got my arm far enough in there to feel "it". The break.....a crack right down the center of the platform. RIGHT. DOWN. THE. CENTER. Great. Just great. I've been doing so well.....
Now I have to figure out some new ways of doing cardio. I love my treadmill and I have to wait until the parts arrive before it can be fixed. I have the elliptical. Oh joy. I used to love it but now since we moved "here" it hasn't been the same. The movers or someone or something messed it up. Bobby says it's in my head and that it works fine. I don't know. But now I'm just going to have to get over it and "get in the saddle" again.....
7 miles=1-2 incline, 62 minutes, 6.5-8mph
The dang treadmill is done. Stick a fork in it....done. Out of gas....done. The dang thing broke....done. The last 4 minutes before I would have finished my run......"crunch". I've been very careful not to run toooo close to the console. I kept a pace and stayed back near the end. Close enough to the end that if I had faultered, I would have fell off. Talk about "living on the edge"....literally. Then "it" happened. The crunch. I get off and looked underneath while lifting the belt up as far as I could. I couldn't see anythig. So I stick my arm as far up inside as I could...as the belt was tight and not very much squeeze room. But I got my arm far enough in there to feel "it". The break.....a crack right down the center of the platform. RIGHT. DOWN. THE. CENTER. Great. Just great. I've been doing so well.....
Now I have to figure out some new ways of doing cardio. I love my treadmill and I have to wait until the parts arrive before it can be fixed. I have the elliptical. Oh joy. I used to love it but now since we moved "here" it hasn't been the same. The movers or someone or something messed it up. Bobby says it's in my head and that it works fine. I don't know. But now I'm just going to have to get over it and "get in the saddle" again.....
Monday, June 12, 2006
Same Old Story
10.3 miles=0-1 inline, 7.3-8mph, 80 minutes
An awesome running time! But then.....my treadmill is much bouncier as of late, so my bones and muscles don't hurt as much. UGH!
I spoke to Bobby last night. He didn't say much. We spoke maybe 2 minutes...if that. He never wants to talk. UGH! Why call? He told me this was his last call for awhile until they get call privileges back. Okay.
The other day I forgot to mention that he said that he would like "someone" there when he graduates. He graduates July 12th....then he's a W-1. This is a big graduation. There is no way we can go there. I'm sure you've all heard me mention how broke we are. So what do I do? And....I can't take the kids. Lauren especially. That is a 14 hour drive. It wouldn't work. We could fly....but haven't I mentioned that we are broke? So......that leaves other family members to travel and be there for his graduation. I hope, maybe, Bobby's parents could go. This all so up in the air. And I feel awful that we can't go. There is just no way. And this is such a BIG deal!
Yesterday, I took the boys to see the movie CARS. It was good...really good. But not GREAT! I really liked Over The Hedge better. If you aren't a NASCAR freak like we are, you wouldn't get some of the cute similarities and jokes of the racing world. But in general, it was sweet and funny.
Only A Shelf Full of DVDs
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Dang it! Just called NordicTrac. Don't they know what they are up against here? I'm gonna be calling them 24/7, every hour on the hour until......somebody gets out here and fixes my God send. Okay, I'm running still. But not at my best. It's annoying that if I step tooooo close or go tooooo fast the damn thing makes that gawd awful "sound". And Lord forbid, if I get tooooo close I feel like I'm going to fall "in".
So, I called. I get a very nice lady. She was kind and all...blah, blah, blah. As we are talking, she feels my pain. "I'm so sorry." "We'll get them there as soon as we can." "Don't you worry." Again with the....blah, blah, blah. Then she gives me the kick in the shin....."The so-in-so parts will arrive in TWO WEEKS. The platform is out of stock and won't get there in a month." A MONTH! They must be joking! Absolutely joking. I have to deal with the "monster" for a freaking month. Okay. It's not a "monster". It's just unnerving. I guess I can deal with it for a month. And, I have to wait for the service people to call so we can set up the appointment for them to come out and fix the darn thing. THANK GOD FOR EXTENDED WARRANTIES!!
So, I called. I get a very nice lady. She was kind and all...blah, blah, blah. As we are talking, she feels my pain. "I'm so sorry." "We'll get them there as soon as we can." "Don't you worry." Again with the....blah, blah, blah. Then she gives me the kick in the shin....."The so-in-so parts will arrive in TWO WEEKS. The platform is out of stock and won't get there in a month." A MONTH! They must be joking! Absolutely joking. I have to deal with the "monster" for a freaking month. Okay. It's not a "monster". It's just unnerving. I guess I can deal with it for a month. And, I have to wait for the service people to call so we can set up the appointment for them to come out and fix the darn thing. THANK GOD FOR EXTENDED WARRANTIES!!
Friday, June 09, 2006
No CiCi's??
6 miles=4-7mph, 0-10 incline, 64 minutes
Lot of walking this morning combined with running. It's really hard working out on the treadmill because it's being a pain.
Sick with worry and stress. Bobby called yesterday. Doesn't tell me much. Just says they are doing a lot of "details". Then he has to inform me that he can't come home after his first course because he and his roommate in the barracks have decided to look for a place to live and will need that time to find something. So they've decided to stay roommates and get an apartment together. That is fine but I don't know how much housing is in the area and we just can't AFFORD a rent payment plus utilities and food. UGH! And if Bobby thinks he can go out to eat all the time while the boys and I live off of tuna fish sandwiches.....as the great Metal band Judas Priest says, "You've got another thing comin'". So I guess I'd better start pushing it into his head that he has to cut costs as much as he can like we have to. My biggest fear.....this will turn into another Korea. UGH!
I realized yesterday afternoon that our TSP was still set up for Bobby in Iraq. Which means.....all that extra money we were getting, I was putting into it. TSP=government version of a 401K, sort of. So I went to the website and changed it. I hate doing that but I had to put only just a little. At least it's still adding to...just not as much. Those extra bucks are needed. That helps a wee bit. And Bobby said they did their travel vouchers. I wonder when we get paid for that? That will atleast pay for his gas and the hotel he stayed in once he got there. So I don't really have to worry about that. Now I know what it is like to "rob Peter to pay Paul". We've never had to worry about money....well, I guess, there is always a first time.
I'm waiting for the next payday to get the oil changed in the truck and get Daisy her last shots. I really hate to do that. This summer is starting to really "el sucko".
So today, it's Friday, no CiCi's Pizza tonight. Matthew has already started revolting. I know. I want to go to. But we only have a few dollars in our account. Actually, we do have more, but that bill hasn't dropped yet. I think Monday it goes in. Oh yippee. Sarcasm? Definitely.
6 miles=4-7mph, 0-10 incline, 64 minutes
Lot of walking this morning combined with running. It's really hard working out on the treadmill because it's being a pain.
Sick with worry and stress. Bobby called yesterday. Doesn't tell me much. Just says they are doing a lot of "details". Then he has to inform me that he can't come home after his first course because he and his roommate in the barracks have decided to look for a place to live and will need that time to find something. So they've decided to stay roommates and get an apartment together. That is fine but I don't know how much housing is in the area and we just can't AFFORD a rent payment plus utilities and food. UGH! And if Bobby thinks he can go out to eat all the time while the boys and I live off of tuna fish sandwiches.....as the great Metal band Judas Priest says, "You've got another thing comin'". So I guess I'd better start pushing it into his head that he has to cut costs as much as he can like we have to. My biggest fear.....this will turn into another Korea. UGH!
I realized yesterday afternoon that our TSP was still set up for Bobby in Iraq. Which means.....all that extra money we were getting, I was putting into it. TSP=government version of a 401K, sort of. So I went to the website and changed it. I hate doing that but I had to put only just a little. At least it's still adding to...just not as much. Those extra bucks are needed. That helps a wee bit. And Bobby said they did their travel vouchers. I wonder when we get paid for that? That will atleast pay for his gas and the hotel he stayed in once he got there. So I don't really have to worry about that. Now I know what it is like to "rob Peter to pay Paul". We've never had to worry about money....well, I guess, there is always a first time.
I'm waiting for the next payday to get the oil changed in the truck and get Daisy her last shots. I really hate to do that. This summer is starting to really "el sucko".
So today, it's Friday, no CiCi's Pizza tonight. Matthew has already started revolting. I know. I want to go to. But we only have a few dollars in our account. Actually, we do have more, but that bill hasn't dropped yet. I think Monday it goes in. Oh yippee. Sarcasm? Definitely.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Is it really Thursday?
10.08=81 minutes, 7-8mph, 0-1 incline (with a 1 minute 4mph cool down)
This week is almost over. I don't know if that is good or bad. I'm deliberating if I should go to the PX this morning. Eric needs a few things before he goes to summer camp next week. Not really all tooooo important things. Just stuff I really thing he should have. You know mosquito repellent, a lock for his tuff box, a boonie hat. Just general stuff. Oh, and the new movies are out and I want to see if there is anything worth getting......Glory Road sounds good.
Still haven't heard from Bobby yet. I guess he IS in lockdown. So I won't be hearing from him in 2 weeks.
I ran a lot this morning. I felt good enough to do it but......Lauren woke up at the last 5 minutes which makes me tense up because she is ready for her Mama. Well, she had to wait even longer because I reeked of 10 miles of sweat. Yuck! So the shower had to be done first. Once I got to her, I was a sweet smellin' of Irish Spring.
Again, nothin' much goin' on. Life is pretty much boring. I'm having to find reason's to get the heck out of the house. Hopefully Friday will look much better.
10.08=81 minutes, 7-8mph, 0-1 incline (with a 1 minute 4mph cool down)
This week is almost over. I don't know if that is good or bad. I'm deliberating if I should go to the PX this morning. Eric needs a few things before he goes to summer camp next week. Not really all tooooo important things. Just stuff I really thing he should have. You know mosquito repellent, a lock for his tuff box, a boonie hat. Just general stuff. Oh, and the new movies are out and I want to see if there is anything worth getting......Glory Road sounds good.
Still haven't heard from Bobby yet. I guess he IS in lockdown. So I won't be hearing from him in 2 weeks.
I ran a lot this morning. I felt good enough to do it but......Lauren woke up at the last 5 minutes which makes me tense up because she is ready for her Mama. Well, she had to wait even longer because I reeked of 10 miles of sweat. Yuck! So the shower had to be done first. Once I got to her, I was a sweet smellin' of Irish Spring.
Again, nothin' much goin' on. Life is pretty much boring. I'm having to find reason's to get the heck out of the house. Hopefully Friday will look much better.
Boring Hump Day
5.79 miles=30 minutes (7-7.5mph, 1 incline), 30 minutes (4-4.5mph, 4-10 incline)
Quiet. Yes! Yesterday the boys ended up staying home with me. Eric had his counseling appointment and we all decided they could stay home. And, of course, they drove me nuts! "Mom! I'm bored." "Mom! Can I play XBox?" "Mom! There isn't anything to do." "Mom! Can I watch TV?" UGH! Every half hour it seemed. I know it was hot outside...but I'm sure they could have found something to do out there or maybe harass their friends' parents...instead of me. But they are gone. Ahh! Sweet relief. LOL!
I haven't heard from Bobby since Monday. Soooo....I guess he is finally in lockdown?? I don't know. I guess if and when I hear from him, I'll let you know.
Geez, really nothing to talk about. I have nothing planned for the next few days. Trying to keep from going out in the heat, going to the store, and spending money all the blasted time. There is always something the boys or I need. Okay, I'll stop talking about that. I know y'all are sick of me writing all the time.
The end.
5.79 miles=30 minutes (7-7.5mph, 1 incline), 30 minutes (4-4.5mph, 4-10 incline)
Quiet. Yes! Yesterday the boys ended up staying home with me. Eric had his counseling appointment and we all decided they could stay home. And, of course, they drove me nuts! "Mom! I'm bored." "Mom! Can I play XBox?" "Mom! There isn't anything to do." "Mom! Can I watch TV?" UGH! Every half hour it seemed. I know it was hot outside...but I'm sure they could have found something to do out there or maybe harass their friends' parents...instead of me. But they are gone. Ahh! Sweet relief. LOL!
I haven't heard from Bobby since Monday. Soooo....I guess he is finally in lockdown?? I don't know. I guess if and when I hear from him, I'll let you know.
Geez, really nothing to talk about. I have nothing planned for the next few days. Trying to keep from going out in the heat, going to the store, and spending money all the blasted time. There is always something the boys or I need. Okay, I'll stop talking about that. I know y'all are sick of me writing all the time.
The end.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Just A Few Good Men
10.10 miles=7-8mph, 0-1 incline, 80 minutes
SERE school? Did I hear my husband right? SERE school? I know our connection was garbled. The building we were in for the Boy Scout meeting wasn't like a WalMart or anything. SERE school? Survive. Escape. Resist. Evade. My husband has to go to that school. Great. When he told me, I could tell he wasn't too excited either. SERE school. UGH! He has to go during his second portion of classes, he says. I don't know if that means the second half of this 6 weeks or his next set of classes after these. Well, whenever, he HAS to do it. SERE school is usually for Special Forces, Rangers, and Pilots. Well, I guess it's for Warrant Officers too. But....he doesn't have to do the whole month like the rest do. He says they have to do it for 10 days. This school, has a prerequisite that has these military men sign on a dotted line that says it's okay for this school to break a few bones and pretty much torture you. My God. There are some guys that come out of this school.....different. They are prepared to be tortured, starved, beaten, and mentally manipulated. I had a friend whose husband came home from SERE school and just went "loco". This school is pretty harsh. I guess they want to find just a few good men.
10.10 miles=7-8mph, 0-1 incline, 80 minutes
SERE school? Did I hear my husband right? SERE school? I know our connection was garbled. The building we were in for the Boy Scout meeting wasn't like a WalMart or anything. SERE school? Survive. Escape. Resist. Evade. My husband has to go to that school. Great. When he told me, I could tell he wasn't too excited either. SERE school. UGH! He has to go during his second portion of classes, he says. I don't know if that means the second half of this 6 weeks or his next set of classes after these. Well, whenever, he HAS to do it. SERE school is usually for Special Forces, Rangers, and Pilots. Well, I guess it's for Warrant Officers too. But....he doesn't have to do the whole month like the rest do. He says they have to do it for 10 days. This school, has a prerequisite that has these military men sign on a dotted line that says it's okay for this school to break a few bones and pretty much torture you. My God. There are some guys that come out of this school.....different. They are prepared to be tortured, starved, beaten, and mentally manipulated. I had a friend whose husband came home from SERE school and just went "loco". This school is pretty harsh. I guess they want to find just a few good men.
Read "Between the Lines"
Okay. I park. I get out. I open back door to get Lauren. As I do this, a lady (and I used that term lightly) and her son have just gotten to their car that is parked next to my truck. As I'm unbuckling Lauren out of her car seat, I hear her say something. It wasn't nice. We are at the Boys and Girls Club. Language should not be used there that young children can hear. What did she say? Well, something that would have made me go and confront her but I had an 8 month old in my arms. I don't take kindly to people who are rude.....to me! She said something to the fact that I parked tooooo close to her car that she couldn't get into it. First of all, I automatically looked down at the parking lines. I was parked PERFECTLY in between the lines. Not too much to the left nor the right. PERFECTLY. So I walk to "her" side of my truck and her car was parked toooo far to the left and her tires were slightly "hugging" the yellow line. Hmph! And too top it all off, she was not all that either. "All that" being she was on the...ummm...not so skinny side. Get my drift?? Nothing against big people...I was one of them myself, ya know? So she starts talking "jive" about how some people are inconsiderate and HOG the parking spaces. LOL! What? Me? Hogging the parking space? You jest!!! I can't help it that my truck is HUGE. But......I. WAS. PARKED. PERFECTLY. IN. THE. MIDDLE. OF. THE. PARKING. SPACE!!! And I told her too. With baby on left hip, I might add. Some people!!! Maybe she was having a bad day. Naughty language she used. But don't EVER talk bad about my baby.....ummm, truck, I mean.
Monday, June 05, 2006
The Great Houdini Does It Again
Rest Day.
Well, I could kill the puppy. Such a naughty puppy, she is. What did she do THIS time? Well, let me just say that we don't have any clean towels what-so-ever!!!! She spent most of my day knocking over the water feeder. That thing holds about 5 gallons of water. Imagine 5 gallons of water all over your kitchen floor. UGH! We clean it up. We refill the jug. Then we learn to discover that there is a small hole at the top. That small hole lets in air which in turn makes the bowl keep filling up. So the bowl overflows until the jug is empty! MY GOD! So I have a ton of towels outside right now drying in the sun. I could put them in the dryer but I have loads of laundry I have to do first. So today, while at the PX, I bought a brand new water feeder. I have to. I have 5 cats too. I can't spend my day filling the water bowl. That's nuts!
While at the PX, Bobby calls. UGH! I have a freaking cell phone. Why doesn't anybody call me on it? Mom doesn't either. I have a cell phone so you can reach me if I'm not at home. Comprende???? I didn't buy this pretty pink cell phone to "ooh" and "aah" over. So anyway, why did Bobby call? I have no clue. He didn't leave a message on the answering machine either.
Oh, yeah! I forgot to mention. When I got home from the PX, I found Daisy in the living room.......but still in the kennel!!!!!!! How in the he.....ck!?? Yeah, STILL. IN. THE. KENNEL!!! I busted a gut laughing. She really does have a talent for magic tricks. This kennel is collapsible...so I think she rolls it like a hamster wheel out of the bathroom. At least she was still in the kennel. Stupid puppy!
Rest Day.
Well, I could kill the puppy. Such a naughty puppy, she is. What did she do THIS time? Well, let me just say that we don't have any clean towels what-so-ever!!!! She spent most of my day knocking over the water feeder. That thing holds about 5 gallons of water. Imagine 5 gallons of water all over your kitchen floor. UGH! We clean it up. We refill the jug. Then we learn to discover that there is a small hole at the top. That small hole lets in air which in turn makes the bowl keep filling up. So the bowl overflows until the jug is empty! MY GOD! So I have a ton of towels outside right now drying in the sun. I could put them in the dryer but I have loads of laundry I have to do first. So today, while at the PX, I bought a brand new water feeder. I have to. I have 5 cats too. I can't spend my day filling the water bowl. That's nuts!
While at the PX, Bobby calls. UGH! I have a freaking cell phone. Why doesn't anybody call me on it? Mom doesn't either. I have a cell phone so you can reach me if I'm not at home. Comprende???? I didn't buy this pretty pink cell phone to "ooh" and "aah" over. So anyway, why did Bobby call? I have no clue. He didn't leave a message on the answering machine either.
Oh, yeah! I forgot to mention. When I got home from the PX, I found Daisy in the living room.......but still in the kennel!!!!!!! How in the he.....ck!?? Yeah, STILL. IN. THE. KENNEL!!! I busted a gut laughing. She really does have a talent for magic tricks. This kennel is collapsible...so I think she rolls it like a hamster wheel out of the bathroom. At least she was still in the kennel. Stupid puppy!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
No Variety.
6 miles=4-7mph, 0-10 incline, 64 minutes
Well, Bobby is now officially at Ft. Rucker. Today, he signs in. He got there sometime around 5:30pm yesterday, I guess. He called me at 5:45pm. UGH! No turning back now. In 4-6 weeks, he will be a Warrant Officer of the US Army. So he'll no longer be called "sarge", now you can call him "sir" or "mister". And once he graduates, he will no longer be affiliated with just the CH-47 Chinook helicopter but all rotar wings. Well, that is what he tells me anyway. And that saddens him, I think.
Yesterday, I was so disappointed with the Toys-R-Us here. Geez, I really dislike it...A LOT! I'm trying to find some cute tub non-slip decals for Lauren....and the boys....but mainly for Lauren. Anyway, I've gone everywhere and finally decided I would have to go to Toys-R-Us. They had nada, nothing, zero, zilch. What is this store for? Well, I shouldn't really blame the whole chain in general. It's just THIS store. It's the old fashioned, rinky-dink kind. Not the superstores that most towns have. No this ding-dong town can't upgrade. I'm even waiting on a Target Superstore. Oh, that would be heaven. But back to what I was saying.....this Toys-R-Us stinks! No variety. I wasted my "cherished" gas to go there to find nothing. At least WalMart had something. Not what I wanted but SOMETHING. UGH! I really don't want to have to order online. I really don't. But I might have to.
6 miles=4-7mph, 0-10 incline, 64 minutes
Well, Bobby is now officially at Ft. Rucker. Today, he signs in. He got there sometime around 5:30pm yesterday, I guess. He called me at 5:45pm. UGH! No turning back now. In 4-6 weeks, he will be a Warrant Officer of the US Army. So he'll no longer be called "sarge", now you can call him "sir" or "mister". And once he graduates, he will no longer be affiliated with just the CH-47 Chinook helicopter but all rotar wings. Well, that is what he tells me anyway. And that saddens him, I think.
Yesterday, I was so disappointed with the Toys-R-Us here. Geez, I really dislike it...A LOT! I'm trying to find some cute tub non-slip decals for Lauren....and the boys....but mainly for Lauren. Anyway, I've gone everywhere and finally decided I would have to go to Toys-R-Us. They had nada, nothing, zero, zilch. What is this store for? Well, I shouldn't really blame the whole chain in general. It's just THIS store. It's the old fashioned, rinky-dink kind. Not the superstores that most towns have. No this ding-dong town can't upgrade. I'm even waiting on a Target Superstore. Oh, that would be heaven. But back to what I was saying.....this Toys-R-Us stinks! No variety. I wasted my "cherished" gas to go there to find nothing. At least WalMart had something. Not what I wanted but SOMETHING. UGH! I really don't want to have to order online. I really don't. But I might have to.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Bobby Has Left The Building
8.16 miles=70 minutes, 0-3 incline, 6-8mph
I ran this morning. I can't believe I did because all I wanted to do was just lie on the couch and feel sorry for myself. Where is the Blue Bell when I need it? And why was I feeling so pitiful? Bobby left this morning for WOCS. It just felt weird. I guess you could tell he was apprehensive and every feeling he has rubs off on me. So if he's scared or excited or whatever....I start to feel the same way. Lord forbid he comes home angry...because I get meaner. I think that is the LEO in me.
Anyway, I'm also worried about him driving so far all by himself too. He's never been to either places by personal vehicle. Yes, he has been to Ft. Rucker, AL and to Ft. Polk, LA. I don't know if he's been to MS but I'm sure he has.
Not much happening today. I wanted to take the boys to the park today but we have to go to the commissary to get WIC and a few groceries. Nothing outrageous since it's just us for now. And I do want to save some money. That is first priority.
8.16 miles=70 minutes, 0-3 incline, 6-8mph
I ran this morning. I can't believe I did because all I wanted to do was just lie on the couch and feel sorry for myself. Where is the Blue Bell when I need it? And why was I feeling so pitiful? Bobby left this morning for WOCS. It just felt weird. I guess you could tell he was apprehensive and every feeling he has rubs off on me. So if he's scared or excited or whatever....I start to feel the same way. Lord forbid he comes home angry...because I get meaner. I think that is the LEO in me.
Anyway, I'm also worried about him driving so far all by himself too. He's never been to either places by personal vehicle. Yes, he has been to Ft. Rucker, AL and to Ft. Polk, LA. I don't know if he's been to MS but I'm sure he has.
Not much happening today. I wanted to take the boys to the park today but we have to go to the commissary to get WIC and a few groceries. Nothing outrageous since it's just us for now. And I do want to save some money. That is first priority.
Friday, June 02, 2006
A Cat's Life
6 miles=4-7mph, 0-10 incline, 64 minutes
Too sore. That is all they were...my hamstrings. Too sore. I couldn't even jog. So....I started at a brisk walk and that seemed like forever before I felt them loosen up. I was able to gradually speed up. Near the end of the program, I was able to run at a slower speed. Still, though, I wasn't able to run faster.
Bobby is HOME. He never left this morning. He decided last night that he wanted to wait until tomorrow morning to leave. So....I have him home for one more day.
This morning, after taking the boys to the Club, I took Daisy with me to PetsMart. I hate going there...especially without my Heidi...but I had to get cat food. If I didn't get it, I would have had a kitty-cat rebellion. Those darn "things" would be in our faces morning, noon and night for food. They were down to their last kibble. And Ben was already starting the recruitment this morning for that said rebellion. Stupid, FAT cat. I think Chinook was in line for enlistment. Sometimes I wish I was a cat....eat, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, eat, sleep, sleep, poop, sleep, sleep, sleep, pee, sleep, eat, and sleep some more. What a life!!
6 miles=4-7mph, 0-10 incline, 64 minutes
Too sore. That is all they were...my hamstrings. Too sore. I couldn't even jog. So....I started at a brisk walk and that seemed like forever before I felt them loosen up. I was able to gradually speed up. Near the end of the program, I was able to run at a slower speed. Still, though, I wasn't able to run faster.
Bobby is HOME. He never left this morning. He decided last night that he wanted to wait until tomorrow morning to leave. So....I have him home for one more day.
This morning, after taking the boys to the Club, I took Daisy with me to PetsMart. I hate going there...especially without my Heidi...but I had to get cat food. If I didn't get it, I would have had a kitty-cat rebellion. Those darn "things" would be in our faces morning, noon and night for food. They were down to their last kibble. And Ben was already starting the recruitment this morning for that said rebellion. Stupid, FAT cat. I think Chinook was in line for enlistment. Sometimes I wish I was a cat....eat, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, eat, sleep, sleep, poop, sleep, sleep, sleep, pee, sleep, eat, and sleep some more. What a life!!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Our 13th Wedding Anniversary
10.30 miles=80:30 minutes, 7-8 mph, 0-1 incline + 4mph cool down
It's our Wedding Anniversary. I'm thinking of uploading a wedding picture but then I'd have to scan it and well, I hate doing that. So maybe I will, maybe I won't. LOL! Nothing planned that I know of today. A trip to WalMart? Maybe. Other than that.....just sitting around. I guess watching Bobby pack too. He leaves early tomorrow morning. He hasn't said exactly what time though. I think 3am is perfect since it's a 13-15 hour drive by what all the online maps are saying. It's different having him here....I mean he's never here for any special occasions, it seems. Don't celebrate many anniversaries or my birthday or his sometimes since he's always away. We don't even think he'll be here for Lauren's first birthday. UGH! So he's here for the big 13. And it's like any other day. Can't even celebrate it because we don't want to use the money we have. Yeah, today is payday and the money is already gone. I have it set up online to leave the bank on particular days to pay our bills. The first of the month is always the hardest. UGH! Who knew that it would be hard this year? So, we have to crunch numbers and tighten belts. And, him going to AL isn't all that....until he passes the school and his rank moves from E-6 to W-0 (or is it W-1...I can't remember). Then we start seeing a difference but then....when he leaves for Ft. Eustis....there goes the raise. Buh-bye! We have to pay for his living arrangement. Another freaking bill.......Geez, that is all I do but complain about bills. I hate that. I know....GET A JOB! I would like to. But I'm a "new" Mom again and I don't like the idea of putting Lauren in daycare....YET! I missed a lot of Matthew's stuff and don't want to do that again. (Long story....don't want to go there.) So how did I go from our Anniversary to here? UGH! Supposed to be a happy day.........I'm trying to remember that.
10.30 miles=80:30 minutes, 7-8 mph, 0-1 incline + 4mph cool down
It's our Wedding Anniversary. I'm thinking of uploading a wedding picture but then I'd have to scan it and well, I hate doing that. So maybe I will, maybe I won't. LOL! Nothing planned that I know of today. A trip to WalMart? Maybe. Other than that.....just sitting around. I guess watching Bobby pack too. He leaves early tomorrow morning. He hasn't said exactly what time though. I think 3am is perfect since it's a 13-15 hour drive by what all the online maps are saying. It's different having him here....I mean he's never here for any special occasions, it seems. Don't celebrate many anniversaries or my birthday or his sometimes since he's always away. We don't even think he'll be here for Lauren's first birthday. UGH! So he's here for the big 13. And it's like any other day. Can't even celebrate it because we don't want to use the money we have. Yeah, today is payday and the money is already gone. I have it set up online to leave the bank on particular days to pay our bills. The first of the month is always the hardest. UGH! Who knew that it would be hard this year? So, we have to crunch numbers and tighten belts. And, him going to AL isn't all that....until he passes the school and his rank moves from E-6 to W-0 (or is it W-1...I can't remember). Then we start seeing a difference but then....when he leaves for Ft. Eustis....there goes the raise. Buh-bye! We have to pay for his living arrangement. Another freaking bill.......Geez, that is all I do but complain about bills. I hate that. I know....GET A JOB! I would like to. But I'm a "new" Mom again and I don't like the idea of putting Lauren in daycare....YET! I missed a lot of Matthew's stuff and don't want to do that again. (Long story....don't want to go there.) So how did I go from our Anniversary to here? UGH! Supposed to be a happy day.........I'm trying to remember that.
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