10.30 miles=80:30 minutes, 7-8 mph, 0-1 incline + 4mph cool down
It's our Wedding Anniversary. I'm thinking of uploading a wedding picture but then I'd have to scan it and well, I hate doing that. So maybe I will, maybe I won't. LOL! Nothing planned that I know of today. A trip to WalMart? Maybe. Other than that.....just sitting around. I guess watching Bobby pack too. He leaves early tomorrow morning. He hasn't said exactly what time though. I think 3am is perfect since it's a 13-15 hour drive by what all the online maps are saying. It's different having him here....I mean he's never here for any special occasions, it seems. Don't celebrate many anniversaries or my birthday or his sometimes since he's always away. We don't even think he'll be here for Lauren's first birthday. UGH! So he's here for the big 13. And it's like any other day. Can't even celebrate it because we don't want to use the money we have. Yeah, today is payday and the money is already gone. I have it set up online to leave the bank on particular days to pay our bills. The first of the month is always the hardest. UGH! Who knew that it would be hard this year? So, we have to crunch numbers and tighten belts. And, him going to AL isn't all that....until he passes the school and his rank moves from E-6 to W-0 (or is it W-1...I can't remember). Then we start seeing a difference but then....when he leaves for Ft. Eustis....there goes the raise. Buh-bye! We have to pay for his living arrangement. Another freaking bill.......Geez, that is all I do but complain about bills. I hate that. I know....GET A JOB! I would like to. But I'm a "new" Mom again and I don't like the idea of putting Lauren in daycare....YET! I missed a lot of Matthew's stuff and don't want to do that again. (Long story....don't want to go there.) So how did I go from our Anniversary to here? UGH! Supposed to be a happy day.........I'm trying to remember that.
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