Friday, June 02, 2006

A Cat's Life

6 miles=4-7mph, 0-10 incline, 64 minutes

Too sore. That is all they hamstrings. Too sore. I couldn't even jog. So....I started at a brisk walk and that seemed like forever before I felt them loosen up. I was able to gradually speed up. Near the end of the program, I was able to run at a slower speed. Still, though, I wasn't able to run faster.

Bobby is HOME. He never left this morning. He decided last night that he wanted to wait until tomorrow morning to leave. So....I have him home for one more day.

This morning, after taking the boys to the Club, I took Daisy with me to PetsMart. I hate going there...especially without my Heidi...but I had to get cat food. If I didn't get it, I would have had a kitty-cat rebellion. Those darn "things" would be in our faces morning, noon and night for food. They were down to their last kibble. And Ben was already starting the recruitment this morning for that said rebellion. Stupid, FAT cat. I think Chinook was in line for enlistment. Sometimes I wish I was a, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, eat, sleep, sleep, poop, sleep, sleep, sleep, pee, sleep, eat, and sleep some more. What a life!!

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