Thursday, June 15, 2006

Seeing Red....Blood Cells, that is

65 minutes, elliptical

Well, I did the elliptical machine this morning. I can't believe I did it. My heart at the beginning wasn't into it...but I made it through. I guess it was ALL in my head. The elliptical worked about the same as it did when I used it last. I will say afterward....I had wobbly, noodle legs. Man! An ache that I liked!

Well, sort of bad news. I got a late night call from the doc. I have high amounts of potassium in my blood. Causes....kidneys or heart. Other factors could also cause it. When they took my blood, my red blood cells could have burst and released potassium in the vile which in turn looks like massive amounts of potassium. Why would my red cells burst? Anemia could cause it. Anyway, so many factors and variables. I have to go this morning to the ER and have my blood drawn again. I think they are more concerned about my heart. He, the doctor, kept asking about pains and abnormal heart rhythms...blah, blah, blah. The only factor I have is weakness and fatigue...which is another symptom of anemia. It's all relative. But I did have lots of problems with my kidneys when I was in high school. Mom had kidney cancer a few years ago, so this could be genetic. Again, so many factors and variables. It must have been pretty bad numbers because he called me late last night after I went to bed and pretty much told me to go to the ER immediately. So you can say, I'm freaking out. But then before we hang up he tells me not to worry its not a very big concern. Hmmm? Calls me late at night and tells me to go to ER but it's not a BIG concern? Whatever. So after I take the boys to the Club....I'm on my way to the ER. So I'll probably be there all freaking day. Oh joy. I guess I should go find a few magazines to read while we wait and plenty of snacks and toys for Lauren to keep her occupado!

Tests came back "NORMAL!" My red blood cells hydrolized in the withdrawing process at the lab yesterday. Hydrolize...meaning my red blood cells collapsed. I'm obviously anemic and need an iron supplement. Can do! Anyway, when my red blood cells collapsed, the potassium stored in them obviously were released and made the test come back in error. Making it look like my potassium stores were high. Extremely high. But again, tests came back normal today and I'm FINE! Yea!!

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