7 miles=1-2 incline, 62 minutes, 6.5-8mph
The dang treadmill is done. Stick a fork in it....done. Out of gas....done. The dang thing broke....done. The last 4 minutes before I would have finished my run......"crunch". I've been very careful not to run toooo close to the console. I kept a pace and stayed back near the end. Close enough to the end that if I had faultered, I would have fell off. Talk about "living on the edge"....literally. Then "it" happened. The crunch. I get off and looked underneath while lifting the belt up as far as I could. I couldn't see anythig. So I stick my arm as far up inside as I could...as the belt was tight and not very much squeeze room. But I got my arm far enough in there to feel "it". The break.....a crack right down the center of the platform. RIGHT. DOWN. THE. CENTER. Great. Just great. I've been doing so well.....
Now I have to figure out some new ways of doing cardio. I love my treadmill and I have to wait until the parts arrive before it can be fixed. I have the elliptical. Oh joy. I used to love it but now since we moved "here" it hasn't been the same. The movers or someone or something messed it up. Bobby says it's in my head and that it works fine. I don't know. But now I'm just going to have to get over it and "get in the saddle" again.....
Sorry about your treadmill. I hope the parts/service men get there soon so you can get back to running. The elliptical isn't that bad...is it??
Nope..not toooooo bad. I did the elliptical this morning. What I don't like is the foot going numb. Always does. And this morning when I was done....both legs lost total carriage. Two long noodles. LOL! I used muscles that evidently the treadmill doesn't use. It was a strange sort of ache but felt good!
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