Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Just A Few Good Men

10.10 miles=7-8mph, 0-1 incline, 80 minutes

SERE school? Did I hear my husband right? SERE school? I know our connection was garbled. The building we were in for the Boy Scout meeting wasn't like a WalMart or anything. SERE school? Survive. Escape. Resist. Evade. My husband has to go to that school. Great. When he told me, I could tell he wasn't too excited either. SERE school. UGH! He has to go during his second portion of classes, he says. I don't know if that means the second half of this 6 weeks or his next set of classes after these. Well, whenever, he HAS to do it. SERE school is usually for Special Forces, Rangers, and Pilots. Well, I guess it's for Warrant Officers too. But....he doesn't have to do the whole month like the rest do. He says they have to do it for 10 days. This school, has a prerequisite that has these military men sign on a dotted line that says it's okay for this school to break a few bones and pretty much torture you. My God. There are some guys that come out of this school.....different. They are prepared to be tortured, starved, beaten, and mentally manipulated. I had a friend whose husband came home from SERE school and just went "loco". This school is pretty harsh. I guess they want to find just a few good men.

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