Thursday, June 22, 2006


I can't believe it....I've called almost everyone in the yellow pages and almost every single boarding facility is "booked up" for the week of July we want to leave in. Why? Why is everyone so filled up? Duh! It's summer...summer holidays that is. Vacations. Dang it! I was hoping to put her in at the veterinary clinic we go to...but NO! They are filled up until the first week of August! Yeah, because school starts the second week of August. Errrrr!

So I have my old stand-by. I haven't called them. Why haven't I called them? That is where I used to board Heidi. Just another memory I don't want to have to deal with. Especially since the lady there knows me and knew Heidi. I'd just say my name and she would be like, "You have the big, black German Shepherd, right? Heidi's her name?" That's me. So now when I have to make that call, same question and almost same answer. Different name.....same big (well, she will be.....she is still a puppy!), black German Shepherd. Different dog. .....

Yes, a different dog.


Sarah said...

Have you tried the place on Rancier? Or is that the old stand by? It's # 634-BATH. We use them for our Daisy and she is always happy as a lark when we pick her up so I guess they take good care of her. If I need them on short notice they are always the only place who can take her.

Unknown said...

Yep, that's my old stand-by.

Sarah said...

Oh, just FYI the first and 2nd week of August most of 1st Cavalry is on block leave prior to the deployment so there will be a LOT of people going out of town and needing to board a dog. So you may want to book the old stand by soon! Come to think of it I may need to book the old stand by soon because we are going to San Antonio for a few days.