Thursday, June 08, 2006

Is it really Thursday?

10.08=81 minutes, 7-8mph, 0-1 incline (with a 1 minute 4mph cool down)

This week is almost over. I don't know if that is good or bad. I'm deliberating if I should go to the PX this morning. Eric needs a few things before he goes to summer camp next week. Not really all tooooo important things. Just stuff I really thing he should have. You know mosquito repellent, a lock for his tuff box, a boonie hat. Just general stuff. Oh, and the new movies are out and I want to see if there is anything worth getting......Glory Road sounds good.

Still haven't heard from Bobby yet. I guess he IS in lockdown. So I won't be hearing from him in 2 weeks.

I ran a lot this morning. I felt good enough to do it but......Lauren woke up at the last 5 minutes which makes me tense up because she is ready for her Mama. Well, she had to wait even longer because I reeked of 10 miles of sweat. Yuck! So the shower had to be done first. Once I got to her, I was a sweet smellin' of Irish Spring.

Again, nothin' much goin' on. Life is pretty much boring. I'm having to find reason's to get the heck out of the house. Hopefully Friday will look much better.

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