Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Why Me?

So far.....
41 minutes, elliptical (plan on going to park and running a few laps since I feel I didn't get the workout I wanted on the stupid machine.) Done! I ran 4 laps at local park.

Well, my morning started off really crappy. Did the usual. Then when it was time to hop on the ellipitical, the resistance was gruesome. I couldn't figure out why the resistance was so high. I wanted the easiest resistance to warm up and then progress to a harder resistance. But no. It felt like it was stuck at 7-8 resistance. I spent the good early morning cursing and kicking the stupid thing. Took out the batteries, put them back in, cleaned the inside of the motor...did whatever I could. Then I played with the buttons until I figured it out. I had to set the resistance to 10 and then every minute go down the resistance ladder until I got to 1 and "voila!" it was back to normal. It really ticked me off because it took me a good 40 minutes of my morning to figure that out. I did get a small workout out of it but I decided to take the kids to the park and run the park's trail a few (okay, 4-5) laps to make myself feel better. LOL! So that is my plan so far this morning.

Oh, and while I was being tortured with the elliptical...Daisy decided to have a "treat". Oh, yeah. Dumbo doggy ate a brand new tube of Desitin. How does one person get that junk out of the carpet? I'm sure I have something that will do it...but like the elliptical...it will take awhile until I find the right course of action. Now poor Lauren has no cream for her hiney. Poor thing has had diarrhea because of her teeth and her booty is red raw. Now, I guess after the park today we'll head by the local WallyWorld and pick up a tube. I think I might have a coupon here somewhere. And now I know not to leave that stuff out because evidently it's tasty!

Oh! And by the way, dumbo doggy's stomach is rebelling and has left me a few "presents". Great. Something else for me to clean up.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

She ate desitin? YUCK! Ok if she wil eat desitin she will eat anything. I think if I found our Daisy (whom I call dum-dum) eating desitin I would be dry heaving....it just sounds tooooo gross. I bet your house has that lovely desitin smell now too...yummmmmm. Happy scrubbin'!