Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Can I Be Honest?

7.5 miles=63 minutes, 7-8 mph, 0 incline w/4mph cooldown.

Can I be honest? I know it was May Day yesterday and many a foreigner (non-green card carrier) and those who supported them walked "out" from work. Why? I don't mind you coming to America...just don't do it illegally. And why would you keep your children out of school? That doesn't stop teachers from teaching but makes your children behind in class by a day. If you want to make a point....stay out for a week. A day is just a "bump" in the road like a snow day is to school.

Can I be honest? Last night, my eyes were opened. At last night's Boy Scout meeting, we watched a film. It was jolting. It was intriguing. It was scary. It was sad. It was SUDAN. OMG! I was crying. Why does the United States ignore this suffering people? The children!! They are being stolen. They are being brain-washed. They are being tortured. They are being raped. They are being forced to kill other children or they themselves will be killed. Imagine your son, daughter, brother, sister at the age of 8......killing another with a machine gun. Imagine them carrying machetes......chopping the hands and feet off of a child of the same age. Imagine. It's sickening. It's disheartening. We spend so much time worrying about Iraq, Israel, Iran....for oil. Why aren't we worried about these children....the future of this forgotten country. These children are record of them alive or dead. Nothing. Invisible. See the Invisible Children

Off my soapbox for now......

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