Thursday, May 11, 2006

Lazy Daisy

10.o5 miles=80 minutes, 7-8mph, 0 incline

Oh yea! Just called the radiology department at the hospital and they are open 24 hours. I wish I had known this because we were on post yesterday to finish the boys' physicals. So, again, I will pick the boys up from school and ski-daddle on down to the hospital to get Eric's x-ray of his back to check for scoliosis or whatever that "bump" is. I don't think anything will come of it but you never know. I don't see anything. It just might be something that will fix itself. I hope.

Also today, must take "stupid puppy" to finish her vaccination schedule. Then we can board her this Saturday while we are camping. Yea! My problem is....she isn't 10 pounds anymore. She is too big to fit on the bottom of the stroller. Too big to carry. I'm sure you are asking yourselves, "Why doesn't she walk her on a leash?" Well, "stupid puppy" isn't just a figure of speech. She is stupid. LOL! She won't walk on a leash. Where as Heidi loved going walking, this one is lazy. Hence the name...Lazy Daisy. That's what I've been calling her lately. Sometimes she is Crazy Daisy too. But mainly Lazy. LOL! We are trying to leash train her but will take time. She walks around with a leash attached to her collar most of the day just so she'll get used to having it. It doesn't seem to work....but then I'm not patient. I looked into "puppy classes" at PetsMart and those are $89! UGH! But we need to get this started soon. She is definitely an alpha female. Very much set in her own ways. We are trying to curb those. Naughty puppy.

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