Saturday, May 20, 2006

Field Day

7.52 miles=65 minutes, 0-1 incline, 7-7.3mph

Just got back from seeing Matthew's Field Day. They lucked out. Early morning. Still cool from overnight. Sun hasn't started the warm up yet. They are loving it...except when they got wet. Poor kids were shivering with cold. But that mean 90+ degree weather will be here quick! I'm sure they are all dry by now.

I went and picked up Eric's uniform. Oh joy. Now Lauren is down for an early nap. Then we head off to the school again for Eric's field day. His will be in the sun...DIRECTLY. There are no trees for shade. School is new so the trees aren't but sapplings right now. So Lauren and I will have to rough it. Oh joy. *Just remembered...Eric's 5th Grade social is tonight! Darn it! He's going to miss it because they are leaving tonight for camp. Double darn!! He wanted to dance with a girl he has a crush on. Her name is BUNTY! Yes, a weird name...I think she is German or something.*

Nothing much left for the day afterward. CiCi's...definitely. Drop Eric off afterward...yes. Come home and wish I hadn't eaten so much pizza.....probably.

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