Friday, May 19, 2006

Packing and Stuff

8 miles=7-7.7mph, 0-1 incline, 65 minutes

What a morning. Bobby got up when I did. LOL! You have to blow a horn in his ear to wake him up for PT but not today. He was anxious and excited (sort of) to see his old buddies and to say "goodbye" to another.

Water was on this morning. Thank you and "Hallelujah"! So I was able to get a couple cups of coffee and have a nice, long, warm shower. Ahhh! Yesterday, didn't happen for both.

Lots of packing happening tonight and tomorrow. Why? Well, the boys have to pack for FIELD DAY at school. Yeah...pack. That's what I said. They are having water "activities"....soooooo......they have to pack extra clothes, sunscreen, swimming trunks, and a hat. Oooooooh. Then Eric has to pack for camping this weekend. Yes, camping. Again. This time with the Boy Scouts. We don't have to go.....Yea! So that has to be done. And I took his uniform in to have a patch sewn on. So that will be ready tomorrow morning. Yea! Then....Bobby is going to start going through his "stuff" for Eric's summer camp this June. And might I add...he (being Eric) is driving me crazy over this. Got to get this done. Then.....Bobby has to start packing his "stuff" for school. June is only a few weeks away.........

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