Saturday, May 20, 2006

I Want My MTV!!

8.05 miles~65 minutes, 7-8mph, 0-1 incline

Okay. I started thinking about this when I was watching VH-1. Remember when MTV was music videos, all day, all the time, 24 hours, 7 days a week!!!?? Remember when VH-1 was the dorking station that showed stupid videos of dorks or "old people's" music!!!!???

I'm flipping channels. Do that a lot now that my usual line-up during the day was changed. I flip it to MTV. Some stupid reality show. As usual. Then I change it to VH-1 and they are showing music videos!! And my favorite.....hard rock, heavy metal. Evidently it's Heavy Metal May this month and they are emphasizing this. Even better! So I'm watching Sebastian Bach (the most gorgeous dude in Rock and Roll history host a top 40 best Metal videos....yeah!) and I start thinking about the day when MTV was this cool. Then it hit me. Smack in the face. MTV=Music Television! Why aren't they showing videos? What happened?? It's reality TV, all day, all the time, 24 hours, 7 days a freaking week!! Okay, yeah, VH-1 does show some reality TV but not all the time. I watch video's on there. It's mainly during the day when most people are at work! But they do show them.

So what is the deal MTV? Why have you sold out?

I WANT MY MTV!!!!!!! or is it.......I WANT MY VH-1!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Then to top it off there reality shows are for 12 year old air heads. They actually have a show about sweet 16 parties for spoiled rotten rich kids. And not to forget my personal favorite "Tiara Girls" who are pageant girls....30 minutes of watching girls starve themsevles and fight over the best dress....that's good entertainment right there. I never saw MTV until I was about 16 years old so I never saw it when it was all music so I have always been dissapointed in it.