Friday, May 12, 2006

Damn Those Cookies

7.5 miles=7-8mph, 60 minutes, 0-1 incline

Man! I must kill the husband. Yep, kill him. What did he do to warrant this? Well, let's just say he brought home some FREE Girl Scout cookies from work. Four boxes!!! Two boxes of Tagalongs and two boxes of those deliciously evil Thin Mints. Yeah, I ate a whole freaking box of the Tagalongs. Tagalongs contain peanut butter. Ummm.....I have a freakish addiction to PB. Can't get enough. When I was pregnant with Lauren...ummm...I'd eat a whole jar of the stuff in one sitting. It was terrible. I would dread the day I had to get WIC and on that list was an 18 oz. jar of PB. And, as soon as I got home, I would hide the blasted jar away hoping the phrase "out of sight, out of mind" would work. But it never did. I could sniff it out of the cupboards, where I hid it, a mile away. So, just imagine how I felt when he brought home those damned Girl Scout cookies. They taunted me most of the evening. Oh, I gave the boys each a box of Thin Mints. Once I gave those to them...I was safe. But then those two boxes of Tagalongs still just sat there......coaxing me. Laughing at me. I ate just one...then two....then the whole freaking box. Yeah, I have no self-control when it comes to those things. So you see why Bobby must die..........

And, why is it that the first year Girl Scouts are called Brownies? They aren't cute, chocolatey pieces of moist cake. Are they named this just so we can be deviled into the world of sugary creations down the road?? Get us ready for the push of crazy named cookies?? What am I in for when my Lauren comes home from kindergarten one day and says, "Mommy, I want to be a Brownie?" A Girl Scout!! Then that leads me down the road to selling those addictive, yet yummy, yet hideously sugared cookies that are stupidly named. And we all know I support my children 100% and always buy something to support their cause. UGH! How in the hell am I going to go about buying those evil things and not EAT them?? I know I have about 5 years down the road before Lauren can become one of those creatures. But now, every year when I see one of those leprechaun green uniforms in front of WalMart or any superstore of that nature, I'll be dreading that day when it comes when once I used to look forward to it. UGH! Damn those cookies!

Geez, and I still have those frozen ones to eat.....................


Anonymous said...

Dang I know it, when they were selling them Travis would bring home boxes and more boxes of cookies..........and I'm talking cardboard boxes full of small cookie boxes............we still have a bunch!

Don't they realize how hard it is for us?! How can you say NO to a girl scout cookie??!!

Sarah said...

Throw em' away! Put them in the trash and pour dish soap over them...hey that worked for Miranda and that chocolate cake (sex and the city)! If I can't control portion size I throw it away and put something nasty on top of it like a dirty diaper! LOL! Or better yet down the cleaning it off from there. ;)

Unknown said...

Sarah, the cookies are already gone! The boys each had their own box of Thin Mints and they took the rest of what they didn't eat last night with them to school or they ate for breakfast. And the other box of Tagalongs (that I didn't eat by myself) was shared between myself, Eric and Bobby. Matthew didn't like them. Lucky him.

Sarah said...

Well know I can't say anything because I planned to give the cookies I ordered away to a neighbor and save just a few for Jeremy. Then I opened them! Those suckers are huge and the look soooooooooooooo good!