This is about my life and my family's in this wonderful country called KOREA.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
A Sad Day In The Life
Saturday~7.0 miles
Sunday~none (I was rudely interrupted when a 7 month old squawker woke up 2 hours tooooo early and wouldn't go back to sleep. Early morning indeed!)
Yesterday, wasn't a busy morning. Just filled. I did my walk/jog/run. Surfed the net afterward. We went to the PX to cash a Circuit City rebate check, Matthew got a haircut (Eric wants to grow his out long...and we said he could. Can't wait to see how that turns out.), got my hair trimmed and eyebrows waxed, shopped at WalMart, went out to eat at the Chinese buffet, took a mini-nap, watched TV, did a bit of laundry, snacked here and there (bad, bad Sheree), and didn't too much for the rest of the day....pretty much.
Then the hammer dropped...we got a call from Bobby's Mom (Nana). Bobby's Uncle (Bobby's Dad's brother and only sibling) died in his sleep. At this time, we don't know what he died of. I'm told he had high blood pressure but the man never went to the we don't know if that was it. Anyway, as I was talking to Nana, Pop-pop was packing and on his way to New Mexico. I feel so bad for everyone all around. Jayla just got married last month and now her Daddy is gone. Gramps and Great-Grandma lost a son. Pop-pop lost his brother. I don't think we are going to the funeral. This week is pretty much laid out for the boys activities and Bobby is going to be starting his out-process from here so he can move to Alabama for WOC school. I'm just sad. It's got to be hard for the Miller-side of the family right now.
Today, well, nothing is planned or set in stone. I didn't get to run. Lauren woke up just as soon as I was getting my water and lay the treadmill down. I couldn't believe it. I went into her room and she was wide awake. I don't know what woke her. I fed her and laid in bed with her and was in a "lucid" kind of sleep while nursing her. You aren't awake but yet aren't completely asleep either kind of thing. I was hoping she would fall back asleep but didn't. So our day started early. I hate this kind of day where my routine is now 2 hours earlier than usual which makes my day a way....and throws the natural order of things off. As I'm writing, she is in a "Barney trance." LOL! I love that dinosaur. I don't know what is with that show but every child gets "it". The show gives me a chance to catch up here and clean the living room.
Sorry this post was so boring but....that is how my weekend has been so far. Boring.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Why I love HEB!
Friday, April 28, 2006
7 miles=3.5mph-8mph, 0-2 incline, 63 minutes
It's a little after 7:30am and Lauren is NOT awake. It has been 12 hours of sleeping bliss. But, that is not what I'm wanting to talk about. Nope, nope, nope. Today is Lauren's birthday. Or a milestone to her birthday. Today, my little "munchkin" is 7 months old. As of today, she is crawling, sitting up, and even pulling herself up to a standing position. Yep, my "munchkin" is growing up. Now, she hasn't gotten any teeth yet. Thankfully. I don't think my boobs could handle that yet. Yep, my "munchkin" is growing up.
As of this morning, I had to change my last post. I told you my week was filling up. You'll notice that Wednesday of next week, Eric has 6th grade orientation. Oh, joy. Another evening that is spent somewhere else when I'd rather be at home.....chillin'.
Glutton Affairs
10.02 MILES!=81 minutes, 6mph-8mph, 0-1 incline
Busy, busy, busy! I should call next week Hell Week. That is exactly what it is going to be. Starting tonight, Eric has a counseling appoinment. Tomorrow, both of the boys have a dental appointment. I think Saturday and Sunday....will be other words....NO PLANS! But then.......
- Monday=Boy Scouts (Eric), Ice cream party for the Wolves (Matthew)
- Tuesday=nothing that I can think of.
- Wednesday=Eric has 6th grade orientation at the middle school.
- Thursday=Choir concert (Eric)
- Friday=Field trip (Eric) and the school is having a Carnival.
- Saturday=Central Texas Air Show (Bobby wants to I'm sure we will)
- Sunday=Scarborough Faire (meeting my sis and her hubbito)
- Monday=both boys have scout physicals
UGH! And my schedule book has yet to be filled. I know more is coming. I feel it...BIG TIME! I'm tired of just thinking about next week. When will I have time to think? To rest? To take a vacation? LOL!
Just got back from the commissary. We were in a desperate need of yogurt. Geez-a-loo! Bobby and his freaking yogurt. So off I go to the commissary and I can never walk away from there with less than a $100. Well, I did but then I didn't. I wrote the check for $100 exactly for tip money. I hate going to the store because it is mainly for me. I have to have popcorn, grapefruit, and apples. If I don't, I have nothing healthy to snack on. (And I can't buy apples and grapefruit for a month or they'd go bad before I got to them.) Then it happens....the AFFAIRS. Yes, I've had many affairs. EGADS! The leprechaun and I have had a rendezvous before. He offers me the moon, the stars, and green diamonds. Then their has been the Cap'n and I. He is probably the nicest and the most tempting of all....with his peanut butter offerings. Oh, there has been the cookie man and those 3 elfin bakers. They come to me when I need them most. Those devilish fiendly men....when I have nothing to hope for or to bargain with and then they turn me to my "whorish" ways. I'm a glutton for them, I am.
Just don't tell Bobby.....he might get jealous.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
No Pain, No Gain
2 miles (I don't know why. I just didn't, yet again, have the gumption to get on the treadmill and run. I don't know if I'm burned out or just...I don't know. So we walked at the park.)
Well, I didn't run. Obviously. Instead, I took Lauren, Daisy and myself to the park and I thought I would walk a few miles. Uh-uh. First....stupid dog wouldn't walk on a leash. I got tired of dragging her 16lbs of fur behind me and decided to put her in the bottom of the stroller. It was bad enough that I had to push the stroller with a 16lb baby in the front. So here I am pushing 32lbs ++++. So, off we go. Dang weather. Yesterday wouldn't have been so bad but it was misty. So I decided not to. Didn't want my daughter to get a cold or pneumonia or something. So we go today. It's cold. Brrr! Cold front came through. So I made sure she was bundled up nice and warm. It wasn't so bad until we turned toward the north.....the wind was even colder. UGH! I made it around the park twice and said "forget this". Lauren was miserable and the dog...well, she was having the time of her lazy life lying at the bottom of the cushioned stroller. Oh, and the passerby's, they thought it was all cute....while I thought it was annoying that a perfectly good German Shepherd with 4 FEET could walk herself. Stupid dog.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Just A Few Things
Heidi still lives down deep in my heart.............
Litter Mates??
NONE! (I know, I know. I should have ran or something. But I was so tired. It was a rough night last night. I was going to go walking at the nearby park this morning after taking Daisy to the vet but Mother Nature kicked that to the curb!)
Today, I took Daisy to the vet. It was time for her two week boosters. Done. While there, the veterinarian called my puppy and my infant daughter....litter mates! LOL! Okay? I guess they are in a way. They share their toys. They even fight over the same bowl of puppy food. (Yes, Lauren knows exactly where the puppy food is and will even get mad at Daisy if Daisy wants to eat while her hands are already in the bowl. Lauren definitely has sharing issures already. LOL!)
I guess you can say that Daisy is protective of Lauren. She stands by as I feed her. She cleans her when I'm not looking. They "play" with each other. (Yes, Daisy can get a little rough but I try to keep that too a minimum. It won't be long before Lauren is the one "rough housing".) They are pretty much the same I guess they are litter mates in Daisy's eyes. The veterinarian said this was a VERY good thing. Why? Because what we have here is a puppy who will grow with Lauren....and will probably lay down her life if that ever was called for. And, in my eyes, that is the most awesome gift for a Best Friend to do.........
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Stop, Drop, and.....Cry??
Oh, and when she wakes up.....she pull herself up, cries, and I go in and there is this pitiful face that is hidden behind'd think I put her in jail.
Monday, April 24, 2006
My Dog Likes To "Potty" All The Time
10 MILES!!!=6mph-8mph, 0-1 incline, 82 minutes (I've done better times....but then 10 miles has been a long time coming.)
Daisy potty trained? Well, not wanting to curse myself, but I have to say....NO MISHAPS YESTERDAY! She has learned to cry at the back door to be let out..even if to just go lie under the deck in the shade. If I have to train anybody, it's the boys. They haven't learned her cues to be let out. She sometimes just cries out to be let out. They think she is lonely and ignore her. UMMM???? If y'all think she is lonely, why ignore her??? Duh??? Sometimes I wonder about them. But, anyway, so far, so good. I'd say she goes out every 2 hours or so.................
Sunday, April 23, 2006
She Screams For Ice Cream
64 minutes, 7mph-8mph, 0 incline=8.23 miles
Oh, we did bad yesterday. As I said in my last post, we went to Fuddruckers for lunch. Well, we went to a Chinese buffet instead of Mexican for dinner. Okay. Well, to top off the evening we went to an ice cream shop. Not just any ice cream shop but the most delectable of them all......Maggie Moos. Oh, I love that place! I had this thing called the Toffee Plunge Slide. Bobby had the Caramel Fudge Swirlpool. Oh, YUMMO! Oh, it was a bad day indeed. God knows how many calories I ate that day. But I'd do anything for that taste of heaven.
But as we were at the ice cream shop, I was paying for our purchases, Bobby decides to give Lauren a little taste. That was all she wrote. She would grunt, scream, wiggle, kick, do anything for us to give her ONE MORE BITE! And we had to give in to her tantrums for the place was packed with kids going to the PROM! (Why they chose to go to an ice cream place all decked out before the prom...I don't know. I wouldn't risk getting "messy") So we indulged the little pint sized hellion to keep order in the place. LOL! Oh, yes. Yes, my daughter has inherited my sweet tooth. And as her mother, I'm proud! LOL! It was quite funny, really. To have to indulge her in her ice cream fantasies. To see the joy wash over her face as the creamy goodness touched her lips.........
Not an off day by any means of the imagination. Let's consider this a lazy day. I get up like I usually do at 4am. I made my coffee. Let the dog out. (I let the dog out...hoo-hoohoo-hoohoo. I let the dog out...hoo-hoohoo-hoohoo!) Expressed some breast milk. Drank my coffee. know the drill. Anyway, I put the treadmill on...put the key on...set the program...then just pulled the key off. "Nah!", I say to myself. I just wasn't in the mood. Turned off the TV and went and took a "nap" on the bed. Got up an hour and a half later and started my day. By that time, Lauren was awake, fed her, Matthew got up, then Bobby, and then away we went. Figuratively and literally. First, we went to Jiffy Lube and got the oil changed in the Jeep. Then, we went to Lowe's to get a "thingamabob" for the fence that broke, some topsoil to fill in a hole under the house where a "creature" has obviously been digging, and I bought a small Aloe plant. Got home and took all of Lauren's out grown clothes out of the closet, then proceeded on working on the boys' room. Must get clutter junk down to a minimum. So we are Goodwilling their toys they don't play with. Most of that stuff was only played with once and then forgotten. It makes me sick to think about. I thought of having a yard sale but it'll take weeks before I decide to do it and that crap will still be in my house. So to Goodwill it will go.
And, then later my hubbito, who was mischievously convinced that we should go to Fuddruckers, loads us all into the truck and takes us there. Good grief! So there goes my calories limit for the weekend. And, I ate MEAT! Not just any meat. No, it was RED MEAT. A 1/3 lb of that crap. Not chicken by any means of the imagination. So we'll see how that goes in my digestive system tonight. Oh, and we were talking of going to Little Mexico for dinner. UGH! But how can I say "NO!" to Mexican food. El Yummo! But then....we might not go after all. I guess we'll see....................
Now, on to my son Eric. I've been constantly thinking of that little dweeb. I hope they are having a fun time! He forgot his hat and his meds (but then he'd forget to take those anyway) but in all I hope he's okay. No hat....burned head and face. I did send some sunscreen with him though. I hope he remembers to use it. Geez, I'm going to go "LOCO!" wondering what he's doing. LOL! I guess we'll find out tomorrow when we go and pick him up around lunch time. Everytime I hear my cellphone ring....I pray its not the Scouts calling me to say that they "LOST" him or that he's hurt. I never thought I'd be an overprotective mom....but I feel that is where I'm heading.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Never Piss-Off a Cat!
Ben~14 years old. Grey. My biggest cat that I have. Over 20lbs. Looks like a jaguar. I swear. He doesn't like dogs. Of ANY kind or age. He lived through Heidi's shinanigans for 5 years. He thinks this "ONE" is nothing. Not too hard to handle.
"So this black furball wants to take me on, huh?", he says to himself. "Well, she must be stupid. Or she must be a stupid dog. What a stupid, idiotic furball, you are."
Daisy~"Come on you old man! You're so fat. I'm the new dog on campus and I'm gonna kick some feline boo-tay!"
Ben~"Whatever, you stupid dog! Take me on. I DARE you!"
Well, let's just say....the moment got heated. Next thing you know, there's a hiss, a pop-pop-pop (pads of declawed cat paws hitting face of young pup), then the most horrific YOWL! Puppy runs into living room, out of kitchen. Cowering. Quivering. Tail between legs. Then a large, grey cat saunters into living room behind puppy. Stalking. Ears back. Tail and back hairs on end. Stalking the puppy. The puppy runs to couch. She's cornered. Cowering. Quivering. Scared s***less. The cat reaches the puppy. He stares her down. Then.........he pounces on top of her and beats the crap out of her. *I then had to pull Ben off of her so he wouldn't eat Daisy alive.*
Ben~"Take that, you stupid dog. Cat's's are fools. Remember that when you want to piss me off!"
And that my friends is the story. Don't ever, ever piss-off a cat...................
The End.
Just A Mess
Thank God for anti-locking breaks!
Friday, April 21, 2006
Spring Showers???
6mph-7.5mph, 60 minutes, 0-2 incline=7.04 miles
The worst storm this year, so far, hit last night. Scared the bejeezus out of my family and myself. It's 7pm. I'm settling down with Lauren. Time for her to go to bed. I do my nightly routine...I grab a Diet Cherry Pepsi, pop a bag of popcorn, turn on the TV to whatever is on that night that I usually watch (Will and Grace, it happened to be), then sit on my bed with Lauren and progress to breast feeding her until she dozes off. At that same time, the wind picks up. You can hear thunder in the distance and rain starts to pelt the roof. Then, lightening starts getting closer and the rain no longer sounds nice. Next thing you know.....BOOM! The wind starts to howl, the rain turns to small pellets of ice, then increases in size as the storm wages war on your house. Then...BZZZZ! The cable goes out. No TV. We have no clue if the storm goes from a Severe Thunderstorm Warning to a Tornado Warning. Dang! The boys become frantic. "What do we do? What do we do?" Bobby gets the boys away from the windows. The wind is battering them with the golfball size hail. We can literally feel the house move! It was a strange feeling. Then we all run to the shower stall in our bathroom. And wait. Then 15 minutes later, the hail is gone but the wind is still strong and the rain isn't light by any imagination. Bobby's Jeep's alarm went he goes out to check on both vehicles. Debris everywhere. Lots of leaves, branches, twigs, pieces of other people's houses...strewn all over the ground. Our house made the skin of its teeth. The vehicles made it to. No broken windows or dents that Bobby could tell at the time. Very scary indeed! What a way to end that day....................
Frustrations Galore
60 minutes, 4mph-8mph, 0-3 incline=6.65 miles
I'm just tired. Daisy and Lauren are wearing me thin. As soon as I deal with one, the other needs me for something. And every hour, on the hour, I have to take Daisy outside to do her "duty". If I'm not wiping up Lauren "yak" off the floor, it's me cleaning up pee off the carpet or mopping it off the kitchen floor. Thankfully Daisy doesn't really do a #2 in the house.....very rare. She cries if she has to go and that is my signal....but pee....well, that dog can walk and pee at the same time. LOL! Then if I'm taking a doggy toy out of Lauren's mouth...there I am taking a baby toy out of Daisy's mouth. It's constantly a hassle. I'm going nuts. It wasn't hard to deal with Heidi but then....I didn't have an infant/toddler then either. UGH! Now I need a large baby gate because Lauren is crawling into the kitchen and it's a baby dynamo in there! She can play in the water bowls, puppy food, or cat food. She has had a few bites of puppy food. Oh joy. Right now....puppy is in my room and I'm here on the computer. I don't even want to know what she is doing. If she is ruining anything....I hope it's not mine. LOL!
~~FYI-Just checked on Daisy and she has gone into our bedroom closet and is asleep. We have determined that our closet is now Daisy's "room". So now, no damage is being done at the moment. LOL!~~
I wouldn't say Bobby and I are broke but we are down to our last "nickle-and-dime" at the moment. Easter weekend, we had to buy some new "toys" and ended up upgrading our Cingular service with a Motorola Razr. Then we had to pay for Eric's Boy Scout "el crappola". I guess you could say that money is getting really tight. Just so much going on. And more money to spend.
~~Another FYI-I still have to drop off Eric's uniform and have his patches and things sewn on. UGH!~~
I need a vacation.....but can't afford one right now. But wait till Bobby gets his promotion. Heh heh, heh!!!~~as I slowly twist my maniacal mustache to severe points at the ends~~
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Gramps the Mayor

Ruidoso Downs Mayor
The sweetest, gentlest man I've ever known. Don't let that gruff exterior fool ya!
60 minutes, 6mph-8mph, 0-3 level incline=7.02 miles
Spiders. Don't like them...never will. Death to all, I say. Scary little creatures. Well, this morning, I was visited not by one but three in the shower. UGH! We have a separate shower from our bath. As I opened the shower door, there they were. Those filthy little black, eight-legged beasts were creating their nasty web for me to walk in. UGH! I, of course, screamed frighteningly. I turned on the wash them down with. They wouldn't go down the drain. Just swirled around it. Now, I'm freaking out because I'm dripping with sweat and I have to take a shower. Without touching them, I try to "push" them down the drain but they held on fast. Those nasty creatures wouldn't DIE! So I started spraying them with shower cleaner. There must be some sort of toxins in there that if swallowed by a human can harm a human can also harm or kill an arachnid. It worked! DIE you EVIL beasts..........
I win.
And a glorious shower it was................
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Knock On Wood
60 minutes, 6mph-8mph, 0-3 inclines=7 miles
Knock, knock!
Anybody home?
I'm thankful that so far none of my kids have been terribly sick that I have to go to the ER or make appointments that leave me exhausted.
Last night, now that was exhaustiing. Eric's Boy Scout meeting. My God! I compained about Cub Scouts??? What was I thinking??? It starts at 7pm and doesn't end until almost 9pm. That is past my bed time. Really! I barely make it to 8:30pm before I slowly start drifting off watching TV. But last night.....I thought it would never end. And to top off my evening, I had to pay an ungodly amount of money for his registration (not tooooooo bad), his camping fees (not tooooooo bad) and his summer camp registration (that was the bad money!) UGH! Then I had to whip out my last $10 dollars (okay, I took it out of Lauren's stash) to pay for Eric's part of the bill for food this weekend for a small camp trip. (I now owe Lauren $20.) All paid and now we are broke until next pay day.....LOL! Now all I have left to do is get Eric an appointment for a physical so he can go to that blasted summer camp thing that I've already paid for.
I get home finally and Lauren gets her second wind. That took about 30 minutes to calm her down and put her to sleep. So we didn't hit the hay until after 9:30pm, I think. I just know I'm not doing that again next week. It's Bobby's turn. And I found out on May 15th, I have to lead Matthew's den because their leader is going out of town.....(her husband is coming home on mid-tour) I'm left to do it. No problem. I like doing it. I wonder what I'll think of to do. I guess I'd better start thinking about it.
Did you know it got to 100 degrees yesterday? And today it will get just that HOT again. Oh joy. I don't mind hot weather but I like to be gradually eased into it. Not go from nice and breezy to hot and stale from one day to the next. Not right I tell ya. It's just not right.
Target Zombie
A zombie, I came!
I walk without thought.
I walk with no aim.
I go through the store
and mindlessly put pretty little girl outfits in my cart.
I have no control.
My money with, I part.
I am a zombie.
I can't help myself you see.
I am a zombie.
Target has control over me.
My daughter have no fear
For your mother will pay
Any price for one so dear.
On any given week day................
Monday, April 17, 2006
Easter Weekend and Monday
No run this past weekend or today. I know I have to pull it off tomorrow. Just, well, this past weekend was Easter. We were at Bobby's parents and ate like kings. I don't run there..but used to. Lauren doesn't go by routine there and never sleeps well. She'll wake at least 1-2 times per night there even though I put her to sleep late. And she NEVER takes naps. We try to put her down but she only takes what I call "power" naps and there is always to much commotion going on that she can't settle down to rest. So my rest is pretty much shot to "hell" too. So I'm too tired to get up and run while I'm there...or to even walk. I eat something awful I have to "detox" the rest of this week to purge the bad food out. So it's usually lots of fruit and vegetables and very likely no meat or bread. I've already swelled up from all the bad food and have to drink tons of water to purge the "water" weight too. UGH! But that is okay. Expected it from the beginning.
There wasn't really anything to overly exciting this Easter. Took Lauren to the mall to visit the Easter Bunny. That took a long time. The line wasn't too long but we had to wait for the Bunny to show was about 10 minutes late and then the photographer wasn't around and we had to wait for her. So it was almost a 30 minute wait for just that....then another 30 minutes, I guess, in line. Thankfully she didn't cry...but she did give the Easter Bunny a strange look. LOL!
Lauren is definitely crawling now. We had to buy some baby gates to keep her out of the cat litter and hallway. We might have to buy a larger gate to keep her out of the kitchen...away from cat food and dog food. Right now, she is more interested in "chasing" the cats and Daisy.
Tonight, Eric has Boy Scouts and that alone is stressing me out. We are already spending wayyyyyyy toooooooo much money. UGH! But what I have to do for my children, I will have to do. Hopefully this is the last load of money I have to shell out. I have to pay for registration, summer camp, this weekend's camp, and God knows what else.
Oh, and the high today will be.............101 F degrees. Isn't that insane? It's still legitimately Spring for God's sake.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Good Friday
70 minutes, 6mph-8mph=8.55 miles
We are already packing. Yep, yet again, we go to Bobby's parents. But it's for a holiday this time. Easter. Great. More chocolate. UGH! Another holiday that promotes the over-endulging of chocolate, in forms of bunnies, eggs, chicks, and more bunnies. Great.
Saturday, tomorrow, I would like to take Lauren to the mall and get her pictures taken with the Easter Bunny. I will have to force myself to take my daughter to the mall. Isn't that ironic? Force myself to go to the mall. It's a big, gigantic, huge, humongous, outrageously busy mall. I used to love going there when I was younger....a teenager. But now, it royally drains every ounce of carb induced molecule out of every fiber of my being. And we all know it's going to be busy with shoppers....I don't know why. It's not Christmas. But it will be. All for my daughter's first Easter picture.
I've already ran this morning. I didn't want to at all. I almost said, "Forget about it!" But NO! I have to go to the in-laws...must burn calories. I'll have 2 days off this weekend and we all know it's going to be the hard to say "NO!" to all the bad food. UGH!
Yeah, it's a Good Friday but it's going to be a Bad Saturday......................
Hair of the Dog
I have 5 cats. All colors. Okay, mainly grey but I do have an orange cat and a multi-colored cat. The mulit-is a long hair. And I must add....LONG HAIR! She sheds but not as bad or that it's so fine, it's harder to detect. But God! It drove Bobby and I crazy. Constantly vacuuming. And the barrel of the vacuum was engulfed in dog fur. But now, when I vacuum, it's leftover Heidi hair we are still picking up but not as much each time I vacuum. I must also add that everytime I tears at my heart to see less and less....less and less of Heidi.
Chew Toy??
60 minutes, 6.5mph-8mph=7.01 miles
It's been a busy morning. First, Eric had a psychiatrist appointment. We found out that he lost another 5 pounds! I'm not joking! He has lost over 30 lbs since he started Concerta. Second, I then proceeded to WalMart. I would have went to the commissary but I didn't want to deal with the crowds. They are having a mega sale of some sort and I just wasn't in the mood to deal with it. So to WalMart we go. Got a few things. Then came home fast. Lauren was getting grumpy. Thank God I didn't go to the commissary........
Get home. Take the dog out of the kennel. Take her outside to pee. No big deal. Same old, same old. Well, as I come back inside, there is Lauren on the floor chewing on a puppy "chew toy". My gosh! She keeps going to the "doggie box" and grabbing the rope type/tug toys. Evidently, she likes these! A LOT! Now she is "chewing" on the puppy's leash (formerly Heidi's). She throws a hissy fit if I try to take them from her. And the funny thing is.....Daisy prefers Lauren's "chew toys". UGH! So now the question is........Should I buy Lauren a "chew toy" of her own? LOL!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Hump day.
40 minutes, 7.5mph-8mph=5.2 miles
30 minutes, 4mph-6.5mph=2.5 miles
It's Wednesday. Hump day. Another day.
Yesterday, I bought Eric's Boy Scout stuff that I knew I should get. I hope I didn't forget anything. I'm sure there will be more things that I need to do for him. They are having a summer camp and he definitely wants to go. But it's $175 that I have to shell out of my pocket. We can afford it but it's just a lot of chump change for a week of camping. But in the end.....Eric would have soooo much fun. That is what is most important.
Bobby is taking his test today. Something he has to do before he goes to Warrant Officer Candidate School in June. I know he'll pass. He is such a worry wart. He always passes with flying colors when he takes his important tests. He studied last night and this morning. This test was at 7:30am this morning.
Lauren is still ASLEEP! It's almost 8am now and she was put down at 7:30pm last night. This is unusual for her. I think she is going through a growth spurt. Yesterday, she took lots of "mini" naps during the morning and took a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. Very unusual for her. Oooops, I hear her now. The Princess has awakened...........................
Today's agenda: Pick up Lauren's pictures from Sears and cash a nice $100 rebate check we got from Hewlett-Packard for my computer. Still waiting on the rebates for Bobby's computer and from Circuit City.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Boy Scout food?!!
7.01 miles=60 minutes, 6mph-8mph, 0-2 incline
Last night, Eric and Bobby get home just before 9pm. Eric went to his first meeting. Come to find out it was kind of like a "pack meeting". This meeting was more an awards banquet. Notice the word "banquet". What does that word mean? It means FOOD! Banquet equals buffet. And I wasn't there. Thank the Lord and Hallelujah! I was told they had cheesecake, barbeque, an assortment of everything. I, on the other hand, took Matthew to his den meeting that was at the local elementary school. No treats, no food, just water out of the water fountain. No worries. No calories. No guilt. No problem.
11 mile Monday!
11.01 miles, 7.3mph-8mph=85.30 minutes
I did it. Thankfully Lauren slept in. Hmmm...I wonder why? Maybe because we didn't get home until 9pm last night. Waaaaay past her bedtime. She didn't get up until 8am this morning. I loved that. I got to run, shower, clean, and post a bit before she woke up. It was great. Now, it left me for more time to "whoop" some puppy butt! Naughty puppy! UGH!
My polk-a-dot carpet is hilarious. The "polk-a-dots" are actually the clean areas I scrubbed from where she peed! It's embarrassing. I didn't realize how dirty my carpet was until I "clean" it. I guess I should rent a steam cleaner but I don't think it would actually clean this carpet...just make it worse. Yep, it's time to get rid of this "nasty" thing and buy some new. But we'll wait till a certain puppy is trained. Of course!
It's 2:19pm and Lauren is still asleep. I think she is making up for her late night. She went down at 10:30am. I thought this would be a power nap. Nope! Which is fine with a couple loads of laundry to wash and fold.
Polk-a-dot carpet and clean kitchen floors?

If you came to my house, you would see
Spots not from poop and pee
But from cleaning up her "stuff"
Which has left me in a huff.
The "clean" stains left are marked
Where her "gifts" were once parked
Now I KNOW how dirty my carpet is
Got to scrub the WHOLE, not just hit and miss
At the ready, in a wink
My mop it sits in the sink
To clean the pee she left behind
So much from a small dog it blows my MIND!
But now I hear how wonderful it looks
The linoleum sparkles where my family cooks
So I guess I should thank the dog
She keeps me from being a "lump-on-a-log"
Monday, April 10, 2006
Arrow of Light
It's 6:30pm. We sit down in our makeshift chairs. The birds are singing. Our neighbors, sitting next to us, are chatting in an amicable way. You hear children off in the distance laughing and shouting and just enjoying being kids the way children do. What a beautiful sound it is.
We sit listening, enjoying the food given to us by the hosts. It was an assortment of foods. There were sugar cookies in shapes of chicks and rabbits, chocolate chip cookie pizzas, tuna fish sandwiches cut into mini triangles, a variety of different chips and dips, crackers and cheese, homemade spinach and cream cheese dip (my favorite), a fruit and veggie tray, sodas of every variety (including diet), and, of course, the ever popular "pigs-in-a-blanket". We sit enjoying the day as it ends.....
An hour later......
We are asked to move our chairs to the middle of the field, out from under the trees. It's later in the evening, the sun is receding in the sky. The sky is permeated with reds, golds, pinks and pale blue combined with the dark blue of the immanent night.

The "show" begins.
My son's Webelo leader tells the tale of Akela......................and so my son's transformation begins.

Enter the den.>
The ceremony has begun................
He receives his "Arrow of Light"...... He crosses the "bridge" with help from the many Akela....... My son, Eric, the Boy Scout!
Another lazy Sunday
Eric has his Arrow of Light ceremony in about an hour. Got to get off of here and get dressed. That's it for me today.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Great! NOT!
3.45 miles, 6mph-8mph=30 minutes
Well, I overslept. Not good. So I felt rushed this morning and I didn't get to do my whole entire run. Lauren woke up a little too early and, then right after I get her out of bed, the phone rings. Bobby called to inform me that the boys needed their uniforms. Great. I'm dripping with sweat and Lauren is wailing with hunger. What do I do? Bobby has to come and get their stuff...there is just no way I can take it to them.
I've taken a quick shower, Bobby picked up their stuff, and I've fed Lauren. Now....I lock up the puppy in the kennel, put Lauren in her car seat and head out to the Cub Scout-O-Rama. It's 8am. Eric is helping the Boy Scouts and Bobby is helping the Asst. Pack Leader and Matt....he's running a-muck. It's 9am. The Webelos start our pack's booth. We are making "slime". Great. While Eric is doing that, I go to the other cubbers booths. Bobby went home and Matthew, again, is running a-muck. It's 11am. Matthew's den's turn to run the booth. Great. Well, Matthew is in his element. He loved answering questions and showing people how to make "slime". Eric's turn to run a-muck. It's noon. GREAT! I'm starving. We can leave now. Wait! Where'd Matthew go? I found Eric. Just GREAT! Matthew's run a-muck!
It's 1pm.....we went to CiCi's for lunch.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Girls' Night Out!
Lauren and me, me and Lauren. All by our lonesome. For tonight only.
Tonight, the "boys" are heading out for a lock-in at the local special events center for the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts. Matthew (the Wolf) will get to camp out with his dad and older brother with the Boy Scouts but will get to eat dinner, watch a movie with popcorn, and eat breakfast with the other cubbers. Eric (the Webelo 2) will have to work with the Boy Scouts to earn his Arrow of Light badge. So he gets to help set-up, eat dinner, make popcorn, watch the movie (possibly), and eat breakfast with the rest of the Scouts. So I don't know how much work before play he has to do. But in the end....they get to camp outside. LOL! The best part, of course.
As for Lauren and I, the same routine. But, in the end....peace and quiet. Well, as much quiet I can get from squalling puppy at night. Thankfully, my beloved fan blocks out much of the howling. Don't have to worry about cooking or as a matter of fact that it's CiCi's Pizza night. I might do good on the Saturday morning weigh-in.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Pinch me!
7.13 miles, 7mph-8mph=60 minutes
Now! Pinch me! Why? Why not? I'll just pinch you back. Ask Lauren. Why you ask? Because while breastfeeding, she has this odd habit of taking her free hand and pinching the loose skin on my arm that cradles her head. And it HURTS! After a month of this, I decided this had to stop. I have small little bruises and nail marks from that itty-bitty hand of hers. Did you realize that a centimeter piece of skin pressed between her forefinger and thumb and squeezed tightly by the knives we call her fingernails make bruises? They do. I have little records of them up and down my bicep. So how do I stop this phenomenom? I pinch her back. Now she knows how I feel.
10 miles
10.05 miles, 6mph-8mph=81 minutes
Yeah, I did it. Finally! Now it wasn't in one long run. Since the time change, my potty habits haven't. So I had to make a few pit stops and drinking coffee before a run doesn't really help much. LOL! It's done and over..........
Too busy for words.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
I know I go on and on about Heidi. I've lost plenty of pets but she is probably the hardest for me to let go of. Maybe it's because, she wasn't old and didn't die of "natural causes". Maybe it's because we had to make the decision to end her life. Maybe it's because she was so young. So many "maybe's".............this is so new to me.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
More guilt!
I walk in with Daisy in one arm while pushing Lauren's stroller with the other. I notice a bunch of people sitting. Great! It's going to be busy. I sign in and the receptionist tells me it's a 2 hour wait. I can't wait. The boys are just getting out of school. Walk-ins (they only take appointments) are between 2-6pm. The early part of the day is for surgeries and drop-offs. Sooooooo.......I make the decision to leave. I'll just come back at another time.
Here is the kicker! As I walk in to the clinic....I feel my heart beating faster. I literally started to get sick. Guilt! I look to the door that I last walked out of.....leaving Heidi. UGH! Tears form. I tell myself to stop. Don't do this! You are bringing attention to yourself! So I wipe my nose on my sleeve and try to tub the tears off my face. I can do this. I can do this. As I sign my name on the clipboard....they remember me. I can see them looking at me. Trying to figure out how they know me....the receptionists and the technicians. They remember me. Oh God! Act like it's no big deal. But it is a big deal. Oh God! Guilt. I'm sure they were thinking how I could so easily replace "that big black dog" so soon. I'm not EASILY replacing Heidi at all. I'm not replacing Heidi. Period. The receptionist gives me the LOOK. She remembers. As I give her a sheepish smile, she tells me how long the wait is. Okay. I get a false smile. I can see her thinking. Oh, what was she thinking? I then tell her that I'll just go. I can't wait that long. I need to go. I have to go. Again, I leave Heidi behind.
The perils of eating trail mix............
I might have been able to do some form of exercise but I just didn't want to. I'm such a wuss!
A poopy puppy pooper eater?
She squats, poops, and turns around for another go 'round. Is it better the second time? Now that I know puppy kisses for a while. Just sick. Sick, sick, sick...........Yuck!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Order of the Cat.......
Getting poked.........
Monday, April 03, 2006
Spring forward!
65 minutes, 7.3mph-8mph=8.26 miles (should have kept going....)
Poooo! I don't like this "time-change". Last night, we went to WalMart and when we got home it was time to go to bed! I didn't like that at all. My schedule was blown to bits. Like it isn't already with the new "baby" in the house. The boys didn't have time to take their baths. So Eric took his last night and Matt took his this morning. I didn't have time to give Lauren hers and barely had time to feed her. She didn't go to sleep until 9pm! UGH! Which would have been 8pm if we didn't "spring forward!" Stupid.
It was bad enough that I had trouble going to sleep because of the "time-change" but having the new "baby" crying most of the night didn't help either. Imagine: Puppy in small pet carrier loaded with a chewy and a small "lovey" toy, put in the shower with door closed, bathroom door closed with thick towel underneath to keep noise to minimum. Then.....a large box fan next to large queen size bed on my side of bed at maximum speed (again to keep puppy "whining" level to minimum). Obviously didn't work because I could still hear her. UGH! I'm just sound sensitive. Never used to be that way..but am now.
This morning, dreaded going to bathroom because I had to go pee and get dressed for my run. Well, I did go in there and she "went NUTS". I got dressed in a hurry (didn't get to put my NIKE's on), picked her up, got my breast pump (you know the drill), and took her outside. Yeah, I went outside with my boob hanging out so I could pump my breast while the dog used the "potty". (I'm on time management here people. Got so much time to get stuff done before I run so I can get as many miles as I can before Lauren wakes. I feel like the Rabbit in Alice in much to do with so little time.) Thankfully because of the time change it was pitch black outside! Anyway, that got done. After the "potty" break, I bring her inside and she is "off-the-walls" wanting to play. Doesn't she know that I have things I have to do? She is tearing into my socks, nipping my heels, yipping and yapping, just all out excited! She was crazy. LOL! Well, she did get Bobby out of bed. I didn't have to do that over and over again. On a good note: The time change did let me run without worrying about her waking. She had at least another 30-45 minutes before she woke that is why I could have kept going but I had to get ready for a WIC appointment. Soooo....................
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Daisy Duke!
No! This is about my new................PUPPY! We got her yesterday in Dallas!!! She is a very cute black fur ball with a white chest point and tan markings on her feet, neck and ears. Eric is the one who came up with Daisy (it wasn't on our way home that I realized that Sarah's dog is named Daisy also....LOL!)
Yesterday morning, again, I started searching classified ads in the paper and, again, NOTHING. What I could find were princes and princesses from long lines of king and queens whose owners were wanting arms and legs and first born children. That ain't happenin'. So, I started looking in the bigger cities classifieds. So I look up the Dallas Morning News online and scroll through and there were gobs and gobs of listings for German Shepherds and GS mixes. So, again, I narrow my search field to AKC. The second posting was perfect. They had 8 FEMALES for a very reasonable price.....($50 more than what Heidi was). So I call them up. The lady was shocked that I called because they had just put the ad in the paper Friday. We called Saturday. And it wasn't supposed to be in the paper till Sunday. LOL! Well, online it was already posted. LOL! What was even weirder was that she was only 15 miles from Bobby's family. LOL! We made an appointment to visit them yesterday afternoon. So we call Bobby's parents to them know we are driving up. Then an hour later...we were driving to get our newest addition.
We get there (to the owners house) and saw the "parents". The sire was a full, very large black GSD. The mama, was a very light tan w/black saddle back...but had Heidi's face. Very pretty she was. And then there they a makeshift pen. Big balls of black and tan fur. Kind of reminded me of the episode in Star Trek of the creatures that kept multiplying....those cute balls of fur. Remember? LOL! Daisy, I chose. She had a slightly longer coat....but she came up to me and looked up and then licked my ankle. Or maybe she chose me. But in the end, she came home with us.
So before going home, we stopped off at the PetsMart in Grand Prairie (I don't think I can go to the one in Killeen for awhile since that is where Heidi's vet clinic was and where she know.) We got her a purple collar, some puppy Science Diet, some training treats (Oh yes! She will be trained!) and a chew rope for now.
Now last night was torture. The crying! Not Lauren, that is for sure! I couldn't sleep with all the commotion. Thank God, I decided today would be an exercise rest day. There was no way this tired body would be able to get up and do it. We put her in our bathroom because we didn't want her to wake Lauren (wouldn't that defeat the purpose?). She was in her kennel all night. We are kennel training her which is easier to potty train at the same time. Oh, but the whining would never end! I gave up, took the box fan (I can't sleep without it!) with me into the living room, closed our bedroom door (Bobby can sleep through a tornado, I tell ya!) and slept on the couch. That was like 12:30am last night. I got about 4 hours sleep I think. I don't think I fully slept. LOL! Oh, but we knew this would happen. I just forgot how long it took for us to get Heidi to stop "whining and crying" in the kennel. It's been so long.
I need more coffee! Is there enough coffee in the world to stop a "no-sleep" headache?
Picture of Daisy will be posted later...........
Saturday, April 01, 2006
I scream for ice cream.....
60 minutes, 5mph-8mph=6.58 miles
2 minutes, 4mph=.12 miles
Did the usual routine...bathroom, breast pumping, coffee, etc........
Just so you'll know....this has nothing to do with ICE CREAM.
The last 15 minutes or so...Lauren wakes. UGH! She obviously woke up a bit early for her. So I hop off the treadmill, dripping with sweat, grab her (away from me so she doesn't get wet) and put her in the baby swing so I can finish my program. Just as I get off the treadmill, she starts to scream....the most painful ear piercing scream! OMG! She was a little P. O'd with me. She wanted her "num-num's" NOW! Well, she was going to have to wait. Again, I'm dripping with sweat. Just the thought of feeding her grossed me out. So...I took her in the shower with me (thinking this would make her a bit happy...WRONG!). So during the entire shower she screamed. I didn't even get a chance to dry off. I just threw a towel over my head, yanked my bathrobe off it's hook and put that on, and then took her into the living room to feed her. That was exhausting enough. And very uncomfortable so I eventually took her back to my bedroom and fed her in bed. Better. So this morning started off a little bit LOUD!