Monday, April 24, 2006

My Dog Likes To "Potty" All The Time

10 MILES!!!=6mph-8mph, 0-1 incline, 82 minutes (I've done better times....but then 10 miles has been a long time coming.)

Daisy potty trained? Well, not wanting to curse myself, but I have to say....NO MISHAPS YESTERDAY! She has learned to cry at the back door to be let out..even if to just go lie under the deck in the shade. If I have to train anybody, it's the boys. They haven't learned her cues to be let out. She sometimes just cries out to be let out. They think she is lonely and ignore her. UMMM???? If y'all think she is lonely, why ignore her??? Duh??? Sometimes I wonder about them. But, anyway, so far, so good. I'd say she goes out every 2 hours or so.................

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