Saturday, April 22, 2006

Just A Mess

Yep, that is what it is outside. UGH! Lauren and I went to the PX and commissary and I am driving with my chin to the ground out of sheer shock because there was chaos everywhere. Bobby found a shingle off the house, the neighbors tree lost a huge branch, across the street from them, those neighbors lost a huge branch that fell only feet from their car, you can barely see the street from all the leaves from the trees. Poor trees. And lots of things "moved" by the winds from last night. If it wasn't tied down...well, it was moved feet from where it originally was in the first place. Then as I drive through the neighborhood behind us.....well, let's just say it didn't look too bad until you notice some missing fences, broken windows, one tree uprooted, and litter blown into yards. I almost rear-ended somebody because I was too busy "gawking". Oops!

Thank God for anti-locking breaks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last night, Troy Duncan mentioned that Killeen got nickle sized hail and said some mobile homes in Killeen were blown away.