Saturday, April 01, 2006

I scream for ice cream.....

60 minutes, 5mph-8mph=6.58 miles
2 minutes, 4mph=.12 miles

Did the usual routine...bathroom, breast pumping, coffee, etc........

Just so you'll know....this has nothing to do with ICE CREAM.

The last 15 minutes or so...Lauren wakes. UGH! She obviously woke up a bit early for her. So I hop off the treadmill, dripping with sweat, grab her (away from me so she doesn't get wet) and put her in the baby swing so I can finish my program. Just as I get off the treadmill, she starts to scream....the most painful ear piercing scream! OMG! She was a little P. O'd with me. She wanted her "num-num's" NOW! Well, she was going to have to wait. Again, I'm dripping with sweat. Just the thought of feeding her grossed me out. So...I took her in the shower with me (thinking this would make her a bit happy...WRONG!). So during the entire shower she screamed. I didn't even get a chance to dry off. I just threw a towel over my head, yanked my bathrobe off it's hook and put that on, and then took her into the living room to feed her. That was exhausting enough. And very uncomfortable so I eventually took her back to my bedroom and fed her in bed. Better. So this morning started off a little bit LOUD!

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