Friday, April 14, 2006

Hair of the Dog

It's interesting now that since Heidi has passed hair. I mean, yes there is hair from the cats but it's different. Heidi hair was a major pain. She shed worse than all 5 cats put together. It was ridiculous. Absolutely RIDICULOUS! Now we have Daisy. Just a puppy. Hasn't shed....yet. Nobody ever talks about dog hair. It's always about cat hair and allergies to cats. But I think dogs are worse than cats...anyday.

I have 5 cats. All colors. Okay, mainly grey but I do have an orange cat and a multi-colored cat. The mulit-is a long hair. And I must add....LONG HAIR! She sheds but not as bad or that it's so fine, it's harder to detect. But God! It drove Bobby and I crazy. Constantly vacuuming. And the barrel of the vacuum was engulfed in dog fur. But now, when I vacuum, it's leftover Heidi hair we are still picking up but not as much each time I vacuum. I must also add that everytime I tears at my heart to see less and less....less and less of Heidi.

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